Lost Connections

Johann Hari


心理学 心理


Bloomsbury Circus


What really causes depression and anxiety - and how can we really solve them? Award-winning journalist Johann Hari suffered from depression since he was a child and started taking anti-depressants when he was a teenager. He was told that his problems were caused by a chemical imbalance in his brain. As an adult, trained in the social sciences, he began to investigate whether this was true – and he learned that almost everything we have been told about depression and anxiety is wrong.

Across the world, Hari found social scientists who were uncovering evidence that depression and anxiety are not caused by a chemical imbalance in our brains. In fact, they are largely caused by key problems with the way we live today. Hari´s journey took him from a mind-blowing series of experiments in Baltimore to an Amish community in Indiana, to an uprising in Berlin. Once he had uncovered nine real causes of depression and anxiety, they led him to scientists who are discovering seven very different solutions – ones that work.




  • [已注销]的评论
    我操终于读完了 大概是Johann Hari这种人能写出来的最好的书了。。。which doesn't mean it's a good read:)
  • 私~川流的评论
  • 岁月如梭的评论
  • 跟我走_Shanru的评论
    Read the summary
  • 奥德赛的评论
  • 拾荒野的评论
    3.7 对于抑郁本身有一些新的启示,其实是那些习以为常的因素,但作者的大量文献综述和举证让人更深一点理解抑郁。但文学性不足,有些重复啰嗦。
  • 晴天scanner的评论
    十月底看完,抑郁症是生理/心理/环境三因素的产物,就算基因遗传,也是被压力环境trigger后才激活,想起之前看一个TED演讲,我们为什么一定要在小房间里叙述自己最痛苦的经历?化学物质失衡是生活失序后的产物,不是真正需要攻克的难题,当灭火的时候,我们要扑灭火源,而不是把烟吹走。PS 制药业的利润也太惊人
  • 阅读者格蕾丝的评论
  • Lucia的评论
    Recommended by charlie. The best book i’ve read in a long while. Introduced me to the idea of universal wage. Checking that part out next.
  • 听子湖的评论
    “We blame a collective problem on the individual.”