
(英)托马斯·阿罗姆[Thomas Al


历史 铜板画 清朝 城市 画册 老照片 大清帝国城市印象 考古



一、北京 北京圆明园正大光明殿 Hall of Audience, Palace of Yuen Min Yuen, Peking 午门大阅 The Emperor "Teaou-Kwang" reviewing his Guards, Palace of Peking 煌煌灯笼(北京的灯笼店) Show Room of a Lantern Merchant, at Peking 北京皇宫的花园(没有见过图) gardens of the imperial palace peking 乾隆皇帝接见小当斯东(没有见到英文标题) 发现长城 The great wall of china 怀柔远人(承德小布达拉宫) The poo ta la ,or great temple near zhehol tartary 西直门外 Western Gate, Peking 嫁妆游行 Marriage Procession at the Blue-Cloud Creek 八抬大轿 A Mandarin Paying a Visit of Ceremony 通州观象灵台 Pavilion of the Star of Hope, Tong Chow 北京北海琼影 Gardens of the Imperial Palace, Peking 二、天津 长城尽头 Termination of the great wall of china 算命先生(英文看不清楚) 中国的华灯节(没有看到英文标题) 潮白河附近的军营 Militang station near the city of chokian 鞭怠罪人(用竹杖和皮鞭打犯人) Punishment of the bastinado 大戏台子 Theatre at Tien Sin 江湖郎中(边唱边推销药品) An Itinerant Doctor at Tien-Sing 放飞风筝(九月初九) Kite-Flying at Hae-Kwan, on the Ninth Day of Ninth Month 京剧表演 Scene from the Spectacle of "The Sun and Moon 三、运河城市 杂耍群众(临清州) Raree show at lin-sin-chao 黄运交汇(黄河与运河交汇) Entrance to hoang-ho or yellow river 扬州江口 The pass of yang show 金坛纤夫 The kilns at king tan 通州流民 Cat Merchants and Tea Dealers at Tong-Chow 民工食摊 Rice Sellers at the Military Station of Tong-Chang-Foo 临清州塔 Playing at Shuttlecock with the Feet 大船行梁(运河上大船通过水闸) Junks Passing an Inclined Plane on the Imperial Canal 四、南方商镇 瓜岛水车(鄱阳湖赣江口上的瓜岛) Melon Islands, and Irrigating Wheel 大庾山口 Landing place at the yuk shan 五马头煤矿 the ou ma or five horses heads 韶州广岩寺 temple of the bonzes in the luang yen rock 英德煤矿 coal mines at ying tih 肇庆七星岩 tseih sing yeu or seven star mountains 肇庆鼎湖的瀑布 Cataract of Tin-Hoo, or the Tripod Lake 肇庆府(羚羊峡) The Hea Hills, Chaow-King-Foo 天柱山瀑布 the cataract of shin-tan 武当山胜景 the woo tang mountains 鸦片烟鬼们 China Opium Smokers 五、镇江 剃头挑子 An Itinerant Barber 镇江银岛(焦山) Yin-Shan, or Silver Island, on the Yang-Tse-Keang 洋画金山 mouth of the river chin keang 焦山行宫 tmperial palace at tseaou shan 鱼鹰捕鱼 chinese boatman economizing time labour poo kow 中秋拜月 Sacufae of the chung tswe tsee or harvest moon 镇江西门激战 west gate of ching keang foo keang 六、南京 迎春赛会 Ceremony of "Meeting the Spring 南京秦淮古桥 The Bridge of Nanking 女眷玩牌 ladys of a madarian’s family at cards 官员府第 aparlment in a madarian’s house near nanking 荒芜故都(南京的城市) the city of nanking 西门秦淮 Nanking from the porcelain tower 琉璃宝塔(大报恩寺塔) the porcelain tower nanking 太平昭关(安徽含山县西北) the tae ping show kuan 官宦之家(两江总督伊里布的住宅) Pavilion and Gardens of a Mandarin Near Peking 七、江南小镇 乍浦的古桥 Ancient Bridge, Chapoo 祭祖祀亲(清明做佛事祭奠祖先) Propitiatory cfferings for departed relative 乍浦战役(天尊庙之战) Loss house shapoo, death of death of lot tomlinson 激战之末(停止进攻乍浦) Close of the attack on shapoo the suburbs on fire 宫廷秘闻 Jugglers Exhibiting in the Court of a Mandarin's Palace 制茶手艺 The Culture and Preparation of Tea 闺房之内 Boudoir and Bed-Chamber of a Lady of Rank 染丝作坊 Dyeing and Winding Silk 刘氏庄园(湖州南浔小榴庄) Silk Farms at Hoo-Chen 石门旧镇 the shin mun or rock gates 缫丝女子 Destroying the chrysalides and reeling the cocoons 八、广州 广州船工斗鸡 Canton Barge-Men, Fighting Quail 广州外国商馆 The European Factories, Canton 广州的帽庄 Cap-Vendor's Shop, Canton 行商府邸(广州) House of Conseequa, a Chinese Merchant, Saburbs of Canton 园林水榭(广州城东有喷泉的庭院住宅) The Fountain-Court in Conseequa's House, Canton 商人府邸(广州附近一所中国商人的住宅) House of a Chinese Merchant, near Canton 广州的一条街 A Street in Canton 河南风景(广州附近运河南岸的风光) Scene on the Honan Canal, Near Canton 琵琶州塔(广州附近) Pagoda and Village, on the Canal near Canton 大黄瘔塔 The Tai-Wang-Kow, or Yellow Padoda Fort, Canton River 龙舟大赛(五月初五端午节) Festival of the Dragon-Boat, 5th Day of 5th Moon 大雄宝殿(海憧寺的大雄宝殿) Great temple at honan caton 佛教庙宇(广州西关华林寺的佛像) Temple of budaha canton 虎门战役 h.m thips mogene and andromache pa sing the batterios of the bocca tigris 西樵山边 Se tseaou shan or the western seared hills 海憧古寺 Landing place and entrance to the temple of honan 黄埔岛畔 Wham poa from dane’s island 大角战役 Attack and capture of chuen-pee near canton 九、杭州 雷峰塔影 lake see hoo and temple the thondering wind from the vale of tombs 宫廷秘闻 Jugglers Exhibiting in the Court of a Mandarin's Palace 富春江图 the foochun hill in the province of che keang 重农主义(种植水稻) Transplanting Rice 囚犯游街(处罚犯人用木枷在定海) Punishment of the Tcha or Canque, Ting-hai 官府宴请 Dinner Party at a Mandarin's House 十、宁波 镇海孔庙 First Entrance Gate to the Temple of Confucuis, Ching-hai 东海妈租 Altai piece in the yuan stzoo stzee temple of confucius chinghai 舟山定海的山谷 vale of thinghai chusan 定海郊外 Lcene in the suburbs of ting hai 定海恐怖要塞 The fortress of terror ting hai 攻占舟山的定海 Caplure of ting hai chusan 英军在舟山的营地 British encampment on srgao than chusan 天生贸易 city of ning po from the river 万顷棉田 cotton planlands at ning po 甬江预言 estuary of the ta-hea or ning-po river 普陀山佛寺 The Grand Temple at Poo-Too, Chusan Islands 十一、苏州 苏州虎丘试剑 The proof sword rock hoo-kew-shan 西山的寒泉 Han tseuen province of kiang nan 收受聘礼 Arrival of Marriage Presents at the Bridal Residence 江南农桑 Feeding Silkworms and Sorting the Cocoons 太湖风情(太湖东庭山) The tung ting shan 太湖边道观 The polo temple tai hou 天堂行宫(虎丘山上的宫殿) The tmperial travelling palace at the hoo kew shan 十二、厦门 厦门城门牌楼 Entrance into the City of Amoy 曾厝坡下 city of amoy from the tombs 厦门看鼓浪屿 amoy from ko-long-soo 茶叶交易 landing tea junks at tseen tang 晋江入口 Entrance to chin chew river fokin 厦门古墓群落 Ancient Tombs near Amoy 玩掷骰子游戏在厦门附近 dice piayers near amoy 厦门外港 Amoy from the cala anchciage ? 十三、澳门 澳门南湾风景 The Pria Grande, Macao 澳门妈阁广场 Facade of the Great Temple at Macao 寄人篱下(澳门) Macao, from the Forts of Heang-Shan 澳门妈阁庙 Chapel in the Great Temple, Macao 澳门贾梅士洞 The grotto of camoens macao 十四、香港 港岛远眺(九龙) hong kong from kow loon 竹水管道 bamboo aqueduet at hongkong 维多利亚港 harbour of hong kong 维多利亚炮台 fort victoria kow-loon


