本书以中国当代启蒙知识界自改革开放发来围绕“民主”、“民族”和“民生”这三个基本问题所经历的三次大裂变为脉络和走向,介绍了二十世纪九十年代“新左派”和“新自由主义”两大阵营的思想交锋。内容基本概括了九十年代中国知识界在交锋中分化的整合的趋势。文章对国内读者所关注的当前国际热点问题作出了新颖的回答,并广泛地涉及对中国革命、毛泽东时代以及对中西方历史的基本评价。尤其有趣的是,从“老左派”的淡出到“新左 -
Liberty Defined
Dr. Ron Paul's newest book, LIBERTY DEFINED, returns to the format and scope of his no 1 New York Times bestseller The Revolution. Rather than delve so deeply into one issue (as End The Fed did) or simply update the topics discussed in The Revolution, this is a brand new, comprehensive, A-Z guide to his position (unwavering support of personal liberty and small government) on 50 of the most important issues of our times, both foreign and domestic. His devoted followers will be able to use it as a guide book for 2012 and beyond, for all their political and educational efforts. With entries ranging in length from a few pages to over ten, LIBERTY DEFINED is very accessible, easy to digest and clear cut in its ideology. -
自由市场大幅度地改进了世界各地民众的生活境遇,然而,那么多的知识分子又那么鄙视、厌恶甚至憎恨自由市场。为什么?哈耶克、诺齐克、弗里德曼、斯蒂格勒、布坎南等当代最杰出的政治哲学家和经济学家一齐来会诊这种奇怪的心理症状。 -
大多数美国人认为,美联储是一个不可或缺的机构,但美国共和党众议员罗恩•保罗却给出了相反的结论。在本书中,保罗与两任美联储主席格林斯潘和伯南克之间展开了针锋相对的对话,他以自己的亲身经历揭示了美国金融界与政界之间千丝万缕的联系,对近50年的世界经济局势和美国经济政策给予了详细的分析,并发出最强烈的呼吁:必须终结美联储。 -
Road to Serfdom
In The Road to Serfdom and The Intellectuals and Socialism, Hayek explained the enduring appeal of socialist ideas. Socialism satisfies peoples desire to impose order on the world through central direction rather than allowing an order to develop through individuals autonomous choices. Socialism has particular appeal to intellectuals -- the teachers, journalists and other commentators who pass comment on public policy without any special expertise on economic matters, whom Hayek termed the second-hand dealers in ideas. Once the logic of planning has become accepted throughout society, the only solution to the inevitable failure of socialism will be the imposition of a more comprehensive plan. Hence, planning leads to a process by which individual freedom is incrementally eroded -- the road to serfdom. The two papers, together with the forewords and introduction, are still so relevant today as we seek a freer world, whilst surrounded by an intellectual establishment, both in the UK and EU, that is largely hostile to freedom and capitalism. -