Algebraic and Analytic Geometry
This textbook, for an undergraduate course in modern algebraic geometry, recognizes that the typical undergraduate curriculum contains a great deal of analysis and, by contrast, little algebra. Because of this imbalance, it seems most natural to present algebraic geometry by highlighting the way it connects algebra and analysis; the average student will probably be more familiar and more comfortable with the analytic component. The book therefore focuses on Serre's GAGA theorem, which perhaps best encapsulates the link between algebra and analysis. GAGA provides the unifying theme of the book: we develop enough of the modern machinery of algebraic geometry to be able to give an essentially complete proof, at a level accessible to undergraduates throughout. The book is based on a course which the author has taught, twice, at the Australian National University. -
《哥德巴赫猜想(第2版)》系统介绍有关著名数学难题——哥德巴赫猜想的研究成果,特别是我国数学家的重大贡献,同时介绍研究这一问题的一些重要方法。 -
Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)
几何讲义 第二学期 线性代数和微分几何
Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century
This book contains several contributions on the most outstanding events in the development of twentieth century mathematics, representing a wide variety of specialities in which Russian and Soviet mathematicians played a considerable role. The articles are written in an informal style, from mathematical philosophy to the description of the development of ideas, personal memories and give a unique account of personal meetings with famous representatives of twentieth century mathematics who exerted great influence in its development.This book will be of great interest to mathematicians, who will enjoy seeing their own specialities described with some historical perspective. Historians will read it with the same motive, and perhaps also to select topics for future investigation. -
《和算选粹》从日本江户时代(1603-1867年)留传下来的数万种和算典籍中精选出具有代表性的十几种著述,进行翻译、注释和解说。共涉及和算家七位,数学内容主要包括代数学、无穷小算法、代数化几何、不定分析与组合分析等知识领域,基本能反映和代表日本和算家创造性的数学成就与特色。 《和算选粹》前言部分完整地概述了和算的发展历史、与中国数学的关系、和算的主要成就与特色、和算书籍现存情况等。在每篇数学文献前都有简单的背景介绍,包括作者的生平与数学业绩、所选文献的数学内容、流传与影响。 《和算选粹》主要读者对象是数学史工作者及相关专业大学师生。 《和算选粹》为我们认识中国数学传统提供了一个新的视角,将和算及其与中算关系的研究纳入丝路基金项目,也具有重要的学术价值。