Norman Rockwell
For the majority of his decades-long career, Norman Rockwell relied on a camera to help him render the iconic scenarios born in his imagination. Photograph by photograph, he painstakingly assembled the specific features he sought for his envisioned illustration, projecting whole or partial pictures of amateur models, objects and settings onto drafting paper, and from there, onto canvas. Many of Rockwell's most famous works - including those reproduced for LIFE and the Saturday Evening Post - began behind the lens. Uncanny in their approximation to his final paintings and unknown outside a small circle of Rockwell specialists, his study photographs are among the most evocative ever taken by a painter and undoubtedly cast his brushwork in a new light. -
《Waver_h's华丽世界:Photoshop+Illustrator新锐思维与设计实录》:插画达人Waver_h(胡一威)倾力构建华丽世界!极具商业价值的新锐插画全案例过程解析!效率软件技法与实践理论结合无私披露! -
Studio portrait
写真家・森本美絵は2001年1月から約半年間に渡り、個展「I DON’T MIND、IF YOU FORGET ME.」に向けて制作に取り組む奈良美智を撮影をしてきました。 アートが生まれる瞬間とその空間を巧みにポートレイトし、国内外で絶大な人気と高い評価を受ける現代美術作家の、これまで明かされることのなかった創作の軌跡を写真を通して収録。 同時に解説として奈良氏の制作記録を付した画期的なアート・ドキュメンタリー写真集です。 -
《空蝉与诗》是Eno.的首部青春现代风画集。由Eno.亲自参与设计。 收录了其2006至2009年的精选作品,以及2010至2011年的最新作品。 其中有她为天宫雁小说《恋慕耐受不良》、顾漫《何以笙箫默》等绘制的插画,以及根据天宫雁作品《青鸟纪》改编的彩色短篇绘本漫画。还有《浮光》封面等耽美插图。 Eno.用自己的画笔,捕捉下这些若隐若现的身影,谱成一首首没有文字却蕴含着色彩的诗篇。 空蝉,蝉蜕变之后留下的空壳,蝉稍纵即逝的短暂一生。而Eno.的色彩为这空壳注入了灵魂。 -
Color and Light
James Gurney, New York Times best-selling author and artist of the Dinotopia series, follows Imaginative Realism with his second art-instruction book, Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter. A researched study on two of art's most fundamental themes, Color and Light bridges the gap between abstract theory and practical knowledge. Beginning with a survey of underappreciated masters who perfected the use of color and light, the book examines how light reveals form, the properties of color and pigments, and the wide variety of atmospheric effects. Gurney cuts though the confusing and contradictory dogma about color, testing it in the light of science and observation. A glossary, pigment index, and bibliography complete what will ultimately become an indispensible tool for any artist. This book is the second in a series based on his blog, gurneyjourney.com. His first in the series, Imaginative Realism, was widely acclaimed in the fantastical art world, and was ranked the #1 Bestseller on the Amazon list for art instruction. "James Gurney's new book, Color and Light, cleverly bridges the gap between artistic observation and scientific explanation. Not only does he eloquently describe all the effects of color and light an artist might encounter, but he thrills us with his striking paintings in the process." --Armand Cabrera, Artist