An Illustrated Life
An artist's journal is packed with sketches and captions; some rough, some polished. The margins sometimes spill over with hurriedly scrawled shopping lists and phone numbers. The cover may be travel-worn and the pages warped from watercolors. Open the book, and raw creativity seeps from each color and line. The intimacy and freedom on its pages are almost like being inside the artist's mind: You get a direct window into risks, lessons, mistakes, and dreams. The private worlds of these visual journals are exactly what you'll find inside An Illustrated Life. This book offers a sneak peak into the wildly creative imaginations of 50 top illustrators, designers and artists. Included are sketchbook pages from R. Crumb, Chris Ware, James Jean, James Kochalka, and many others. In addition, author Danny Gregory has interviewed each artist and shares their thoughts on living the artistic life through journaling. -
《插画精选》涵盖全世界62位插画作家的作品,根据不同绘画技巧-手绘、水彩,水粉、丙烯画、数码艺术、混合材料,剪贴-分为五个部分。现如今,插画艺术随处可见,杂志、艺术书籍、街道,甚至在室内设计中都可以看得到插画。插画被广泛应用于各个领域,一些公司利用插画说明自己的产品、广告以及其他设计。随着艺术和商业经济的发展,一些年轻的插画作家赋予了插画-层新的含义。无论对于专业人士还是商业人士来讲,插画已成为了艺术不可分割的一部分。 -
《幻想艺术:插画艺术大师》是系列中的一本,《幻想艺术》三宝书淋漓尽致地表现了最优秀的欧美CG艺术代表人物的作品,向国内动漫界展示最高水准的流派和技法。今天,我们在这里遴选了8位艺术家的代表作,集合成幻想艺术“三宝书”之《插画艺术大师》,并希望通过这套图书的出版为各界朋友提供一个宝贵的资料库,成为各位朋友学习和借鉴当今大师们技艺的一个窗口。在这里没有更多的文字堆砌、没有大面积的空间留白,我们奉献给读者的只有艺术家们心血的结晶——艺术作品,将它们充分还原并展示。如果您希望了解更多关于艺术家的事业以及生活历程、绘画教程等,请到每一期《幻想艺术》杂志里去寻找…… -
Mark Ryden
Absorbing Roman poet Ovid's tales of transformation in "Metamorphoses "and adding his own dash of art-historical figuration and contemporary pop culture, Mark Ryden broaches new terrain with "The Tree Show," Arcadian Gothic" might hint at the nature of this new work, and fans of Ryden will find familiar preoccupations in these new paintings, drawings and sculptures--made since his first solo show in 1998--transposed to new pastures. Never reluctant to freight his work with layers of reference that range from Renaissance landscape and Neoclassical portrait painting to occultism and literature, in his latest works Ryden combines the arcane with pop-cultural images as ground from which to make his carefully executed leaps into fantasy. Ryden's series includes depictions of oak trees consuming children, floating tree stumps with "seeing" eyes, imaginary wood nymphs and mythological characters who personify Nature herself. Ryden paints his characters with a masterful, porcelain glow reminiscent of Ingres and renders his trees with a care that evokes Audubon's botanical illustration. Several of his paintings are presented in elaborately carved frames that project their narratives beyond the canvas. "The Tree Show "offers reproductions of these paintings and sculptures alongside the fruits of Ryden's research on the tree as myth--drawing from the Buddha's Bodhi Tree to Adam and Eve, the Sephiroth of the Kabbalah and matters of ecological science. As such, this volume constitutes an enticing dossier on Ryden's encyclopedic exploration of the subject and reproduces in its entirety this series centered around the arboreal world. Mark Ryden was born in Medford, Oregon, and received a BFA in1987 from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. He currently lives and works in Los Angeles." -
《风尚笔记:一个世纪的时装插画发展简史》介绍了勒内·格鲁瓦、Erte、安迪·沃霍尔、杰森·布鲁克斯、史蒂芬·斯堤贝尔曼、Tanya Ling等38位插画大师的生平,并展示了300多幅原创插画作品。这些与服装进行对话的大师,带你穿过百年时光,重走时装插画发展之路。 20世纪初,珍·郎万、可可·香奈儿等大师开创了现代服装的先河。如今,这些以大师姓名命名的品牌已经凝结成一种情结。可是,如果没有与时装唇齿相依的时装插画陪其走过百年漫漫长路,最初的霓裳终究只会变为尘埃,尘封历史之中。恰恰是保尔·伊里巴、勒内·格鲁瓦等人,以丹青妙笔,虔诚地记录下了这些衣服最初的美丽,让风尚飞扬,成就百年的光华。 -