《上帝的方程式:爱因斯坦、相对论和膨胀的宇宙》内容简介:国际知名数学家阿米尔·D·阿克塞尔所著的《上帝的方程式——爱因斯坦、相对论和膨胀的宇宙》一书是他继《费马大定理》之后的又一力作。如果说阿克塞尔在《费马大定理》一书中将枯燥艰深的数学知识写成我们容易明白的东西,那么这本涉及科学知识和科学家生涯的书——《上帝的方程式——爱因斯坦、相对论和膨胀的宇宙》又是同样的出色,生动有趣。 在这本拥有大量翔实史料,经与多位知名学者和专家交流、探讨而著成的书中,阿克塞尔让爱因斯坦和爱因斯坦的理论来解释宇宙学中的最新发展,对宇宙本质的研究,并阐述了宇宙学和相对论之间由于爱因斯坦的“宇宙常数”而建立起来的联系。 《上帝的方程式:爱因斯坦、相对论和膨胀的宇宙》还揭示了鲜有涉猎的爱因斯坦的人性化的一面,并披露了属私人收藏的爱因斯坦的某些信件。这些信件勾勒了爱因斯坦与其他科学家的人际关系的新视图,其中也讲述了他早期为证明他的强引力将会使光线弯曲的革命理论所作的种种努力。 -
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
Here for the first time, in rich, human, political, and scientific detail, is the complete story of how the bomb was developed, from the turn-of-the-century discovery of the vast energy locked inside the atom to the dropping of the first bombs on Japan. Few great discoveries have evolved so swiftly -- or have been so misunderstood. From the theoretical discussions of nuclear energy to the bright glare of Trinity there was a span of hardly more than twenty-five years. What began as merely an interesting speculative problem in physics grew into the Manhattan Project, and then into the Bomb with frightening rapidity, while scientists known only to their peers -- Szilard, Teller, Oppenheimer, Bohr, Meitner, Fermi, Lawrence, and yon Neumann -- stepped from their ivory towers into the limelight. Richard Rhodes takes us on that journey step by step, minute by minute, and gives us the definitive story of man's most awesome discovery and invention. The Making of the Atomic Bomb has been compared in its sweep and importance to William L. Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. It is at once a narrative tour de force and a document as powerful as its subject. -
曙光集,ISBN:9787108028365,作者:杨振宁 音响合成:翁帆 -
Subtle Is the Lord
"Subtle is the Lord" is widely recognized as the definitive scientific biography of Albert Einstein. The late Abraham Pais was a distinguished physicist turned historian who knew Einstein both professionally and personally in the last years of his life. His biography combines a profound understanding of Einstein's work with personal recollections from their years of acquaintance, illuminating the man through the development of his scientific thought. Pais examines the formulation of Einstein's theories of relativity, his work on Brownian motion, and his response to quantum theory with authority and precision. The profound transformation Einstein's ideas effected on the physics of the turn of the century is here laid out for the serious reader. Pais also fills many gaps in what we know of Einstein's life - his interest in philosophy, his concern with Jewish destiny, and his opinions of great figures from Newton to Freud. This remarkable volume, written by a physicist who mingled in Einstein's scientific circle, forms a timeless and classic biography of the towering figure of twentieth-century science. -
约翰·巴丁(John Bardeen.1908~1991),一个现代物理学的巨人,20世纪物理史上杰出的英雄。他所从事的创造性工作,使他成为唯一一位两度获得诺贝尔物理学奖的科学家。 如果没有巴丁获得第一次诺贝尔奖的发明——晶体管,那么给我们带来台式电脑、巨型计算机和微电子的电子革命或许至今还只是科幻小说的素材;他的第二个伟大突破——多年以来一直让爱因斯坦、费恩曼和许多科学家感到困惑的超导理论,有望革新20世纪的科技,如高速磁浮 列车、超级原子对撞机以及其他非凡的科技奇迹。 巴丁取得了巨大的成就,跟爱因斯坦、费恩曼等一样对我们的文明产生了深远影响,但这个来自美国中西部、态度谦和的人却常常被媒体和公众所忽视,只因他与公众眼中的天才形象截然不同。他不喜欢上镜,没有古怪无礼或与众不同的性格。在这个古怪和出格的个性被看作是天才和创造力特征的时代,巴丁默默无闻。 本书通过对巴丁的科研工作以及生活经历的全面考察,以全新的视角,为我们展示了一个鲜活而充满魅力的旷世奇才的形象。 -
维格纳是20世纪著名物理学家,他在量子力学的发展中作出了许多重要贡献,还将群论用于量子力学研究,奠定了量子力学和基本粒子理论中对称性原理的基础。在1963年,维格纳由于对称性基本原理的发现和应用荣获诺贝尔物理学奖。维格纳还是最早提出研制原子弹的科学家之一,并在曼哈顿工程中发挥了重要作用。 本书是维格纳晚年的口述自传。维格纳一生流离于欧洲和美洲,亲身经历了第二次世界大战的惨痛。本书以坦率和谦逊的风格,描述了他在匈牙利的青少年时期、在柏林的留学生涯以及在第二次世界大战前夕移居美国后参与原子弹研制活动的经历。书中充分表现了维格纳对匈牙利文化的热爱、对纳粹和希特勒的憎恶、对和平的期盼以及对科学的追求。同时,它还生动地刻画了维格纳与爱因斯坦、费米、狄拉克等大物理学家及与西拉德、冯・诺伊曼、特勒等同样出自匈牙利的天才学者之间的交往。从本书中,读者不但可以体会维格纳作为科学家的卓越成就,更可深切了解这位被迫背井离乡的“乱世学人”