黑洞是现代天文学最诱人的发现。它是如此奇特,已经成为许多神话和幻想作品的主题。它果真是无情地吞食光和星球的怪物吗?它究竟只是由相对论理论所作出的一种猜想,还是可观测的实体?为着回答这此问题,作者将带领我们作一次穿越时间和空间的奇妙旅行。他将解说恒星是如何诞生、发光和死亡,将把我们带进超新星、X射线星和类量体的神奇世界。我们将到达宇宙的边缘,到达当代物理的最前沿。 -
《费曼讲物理:相对论》也是从著名的费曼《物理学讲义》节选的六节有关相对论的物理课。即使是相对论的创立者爱因斯坦本人,对这个理论所创造出来的奇迹、这个理论的作用以及它的基本概念,也无法做出像费曼这样的解释。 -
《物理与艺术》是一本人文与科学素质教育的教材。全书共分12章,其主要内容是以西方美术家和物理学家相互平行的视角来阐述人们对世界图像的建立过程和理解,以及对物质运动的基本形式(时间、空间和光)的认识。书中通过大量实例,图文并茂地分析了西方美术作品,特别是前卫性艺术作品中的科学性,同时也介绍了经典和现代物理学中的艺术性。全书特点鲜明,具有丰富的物理内涵和人文素材。《物理与艺术》可作为高等学校文化素质教育课程的教材使用,为方便教学,《物理与艺术》配有教学课件和教学素材;同时《物理与艺术》也可作为爱好科学和西方美术读者选读的科普读物。 -
《生物物理学:能量信息生命》不仅以轻松有趣的方式扼要介绍了大量与主题密切相关的生物学、软物质等学科的知识要点,而且作者不惜花费相当篇幅,用深入浅出的语言,结合实例生动地阐述了如何从具体的生物学现象出发提出恰当的物理问题,并进而选择恰当的数学工具解决问题。对初涉研究的学生而言,这种贯彻全文的学“问”式教学理念无疑更具趣味性和启发性,同时更能培养一种难能可贵的开放式求知态度和持久的学习热情。 《生物物理学:能量信息生命》采用了多种版式体例,使不同知识点之间形成了多层次、多线索的丰富联系,显得一目了然、主次分明。这种精心编排,不仅使《生物物理学:能量信息生命》既高屋建瓴又具体而微的风格更加鲜明,而且也更加实用。对意欲从事交叉学科研究的读者而言,《生物物理学:能量信息生命》完全有资格作为绝佳的入门教材。 -
Particle Physics
In this compelling introduction to the fundamental particles that make up the universe, Frank Close takes us on a journey into the atom to examine known particles such as quarks, electrons, and the ghostly neutrino. Along the way he provides fascinating insights into how discoveries in particle physics have actually been made, and discusses how our picture of the world has been radically revised in the light of these developments. He concludes by looking ahead to new ideas about the mystery of antimatter, the number of dimensions that there might be in the universe, and to what the next 50 years of research might reveal. -
Quantum Field Theory
Quantum field theory is the basic mathematical framework that is used to describe elementary particles. This textbook provides a complete and essential introduction to the subject. Assuming only an undergraduate knowledge of quantum mechanics and special relativity, this book is ideal for graduate students beginning the study of elementary particles. The step-by-step presentation begins with basic concepts illustrated by simple examples, and proceeds through historically important results to thorough treatments of modern topics such as the renormalization group, spinor-helicity methods for quark and gluon scattering, magnetic monopoles, instantons, supersymmetry, and the unification of forces. The book is written in a modular format, with each chapter as self-contained as possible, and with the necessary prerequisite material clearly identified. It is based on a year-long course given by the author and contains extensive problems, with password protected solutions available to lecturers at www.cambridge.org/9780521864497.