理论物理教材与习题丛书》(Theoretical Physics-Text & ExerciseBooks)是一套由德国著名理论物理学家W.Griner教授编著的13卷集的理论物理学教科书。是一套内容完整而实用的从大学生到硕士研究生的现代物理学教材。它以系统、统一和连贯的方式阐述了现代理论物理学的诸方面。这套教材面世后,不仅在德国产生了巨大的影响,其英文版的及时推出,对全世界理论物理学的教学也起了很好的促进作用。本期目录先选编其中3卷,其它各卷将陆续影印出版,请随时关注我们的出版信息。 本套教材的特点是:①取材新颖。作者十分重视最新实验数据对理论物理学概念发展和深化的重要作用,不断引人大量新的材料扩充其内容。②内容叙述简明。清晰、易懂,数学推导详尽。③每卷中都输入了数以百计的例题和习题,并均给出了详细的解答。这在当前理物理学的大量出版物中是极为难得的,它能帮助和辅导学生把理论物理学的概念与方法应用于解决物理学家感兴趣的实验问题。④书中每章后附有与本章内容有关的科学家传略。 本产品为英文版。 -
《经济物理学导论:金融中的相关性与复杂性》符合物理学家与经济学家的兴趣。由于经济系统是我们可能研究的最具吸引力的复杂系统之一,物理学家在运用统计物理学概念到经济系统时会发现兴趣与挑战。经济学家与金融领域的工作人员将发现这里所提供的实证分析方法和表述清晰的理论工具是非常有用的,它们将有助于描述那些由大量交互作用的子系统所组成的复杂系统。通常,在研究经济系统时,用不同的尺度来考察经济系统是完全可能的。但要获得描述特定系统中经济体(economic entity)交互作用的精确方程却往往不可能。一些统计物理学概念,如随机动力学、短程与长程相关、自相似性和尺度等,在不需要对所研究的经济系统事先做出详细与精微描述的前提下,就能提供对该经济系统全局行为的一种理解。 -
Many Particle Physics (Physics of Solids and Liquids)
This comprehensive textbook utilizes Green's functions and the equations derived from them to solve real physical problems in solid-state theoretical physics. Green's functions are used to describe processes in solids and quantum fluids and to address problems in areas such as electron gas, polarons, electron transport, optical response, superconductivity and superfluidity. The updated third edition features several new chapters on different mean-free paths, Hubbard model, Coulomb blockade, and the quantum Hall effect. New sections have been added, while original sections have been modified to include recent applications. This text is ideal for third- or fourth-year graduate students and includes numerous study problems and an extensive bibliography. -
Quantum Mechanics
在线阅读本书 Beginning students of quantum mechanics frequently experience difficulties separating essential underlying principles from the specific examples to which these principles have been historically applied. Nobel–Prize–winner Claude Cohen–Tannoudji and his colleagues have written this book to eliminate precisely these difficulties. Fourteen chapters provide a clarity of organization, careful attention to pedagogical details, and a wealth of topics and examples which make this work a textbook as well as a timeless reference, allowing to tailor courses to meet students′ specific needs. Each chapter starts with a clear exposition of the problem which is then treated, and logically develops the physical and mathematical concept. These chapters emphasize the underlying principles of the material, undiluted by extensive references to applications and practical examples which are put into complementary sections. The book begins with a qualitative introduction to quantum mechanical ideas using simple optical analogies and continues with a systematic and thorough presentation of the mathematical tools and postulates of quantum mechanics as well as a discussion of their physical content. Applications follow, starting with the simplest ones like e.g. the harmonic oscillator, and becoming gradually more complicated (the hydrogen atom, approximation methods, etc.). The complementary sections each expand this basic knowledge, supplying a wide range of applications and related topics as well as detailed expositions of a large number of special problems and more advanced topics, integrated as an essential portion of the text. -
粒子物理的基本知识,从主要常见粒子如电子、光子、质子、中子、反粒子、中微子、共振子等乃至比较特殊的J/y等粒子的发现,作了比较详细的讨论。对宇称不守恒、夸克模型以及认识逐步走向统一的探索故事,作了深入浅出和比较生动的描述。对于一些比较重要的发现或进展,特别是获得诺贝尔奖的项目,大多作了着力的说明。对于一些基本的数据,也大多作了更新。而且,还专门用一章的篇幅阐述了夸克在天文学和天体物理学上的应用,特别是关于奇异夸克星的探索和研究。 -