意志堅強的崔潔絲,一心一意想要笨蛋弟弟脫離惡名昭彰的丹恩侯爵柏瑟欽的毀滅性影響,卻完全沒料到自己會渴望那個傲慢自大、沒有道德的無賴丹恩侯爵等不及要教訓這個令人生氣、賣弄學問的女人,如果那意味著結婚,那就結婚吧!不過,丹恩對於自己能否繼續保持冷漠、對她的魅力無動於衷,卻極其沒有把握 -
Fifty Shades of Grey
E L James is a former TV executive, wife and mother of two based in West London. Since early childhood she dreamed of writing stories that readers would fall in love with, but put those dreams on hold to focus on her family and her career. She finally plucked up the courage to put pen to paper with her first novel, Fifty Shades of Grey.