Full Dark, No Stars
Eerie twists of fate drive the four longish stories in King's first collection since Just After Sunset (2008). In "1922," a farmer murders his wife to retain the family land she hopes to sell, then watches his life unravel hideously as the consequences of the killing suggest a near-supernatural revenge. "Big Driver" tells of an otherwise ordinary woman who discovers her extraordinary capacity for retribution after she is raped and left for dead. "A Good Marriage" explores the aftermath of a wife's discovery of her milquetoast husband's sinister secret life, while "Fair Extension," the book's most disturbing story, follows the relationship between a man and the best friend on whom he preternaturally shifts all his bad luck and misfortune. As in Different Seasons (1982), King takes a mostly nonfantastic approach to grim themes. Now, as then, these tales show how a skilled storyteller with a good tale to tell can make unsettling fiction compulsively readable. -
Mr. Mercedes
In a mega-stakes, high-suspense race against time, three of the most unlikely and winning heroes Stephen King has ever created try to stop a lone killer from blowing up thousands. In the frigid pre-dawn hours, in a distressed Midwestern city, hundreds of desperate unemployed folks are lined up for a spot at a job fair. Without warning, a lone driver plows through the crowd in a stolen Mercedes, running over the innocent, backing up, and charging again. Eight people are killed; fifteen are wounded. The killer escapes. In another part of town, months later, a retired cop named Bill Hodges is still haunted by the unsolved crime. When he gets a crazed letter from someone who self-identifies as the “perk” and threatens an even more diabolical attack, Hodges wakes up from his depressed and vacant retirement, hell-bent on preventing another tragedy. Brady Hartsfield lives with his alcoholic mother in the house where he was born. He loved the feel of death under the wheels of the Mercedes, and he wants that rush again. Only Bill Hodges, with a couple of highly unlikely allies, can apprehend the killer before he strikes again. And they have no time to lose, because Brady’s next mission, if it succeeds, will kill or maim thousands. Mr. Mercedes is a war between good and evil, from the master of suspense whose insight into the mind of this obsessed, insane killer is chilling and unforgettable. #该内容有淘宝网乐读书屋提供# http://l-books.taobao.com -
Different Seasons
Four mesmerizing novellas from the magical pen of Stephen King, including: -- "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption"-- "Apt Pupil"-- "The Body"-- "The Breathing Method" -
The Stand 斯蒂芬·金
在线阅读本书 Arguably the greatest horror novel ever written by the greatest horror novelist, this is a true Modern Classic that was first published in 1978, and then re-published in 1990, complete and unabridged, with 150,000 words cut from the first edition restored, and now accompanied by unusual and imaginative line art. The total copies for both editions, in hardcover and paperback, exceeds 4 million worldwide. The Stand is a truly terrifying reading experience, and became a four-part mini-series that memorably brought to life the cast of characters and layers of story from the novel. It is an apocalyptic vision of the world, when a deadly virus runs amok around the globe. But that lethal virus is almost benign compared to the satanic force gathering minions from those still alive to destroy humanity and create a world populated by evil. Stephen King is a brilliant storyteller who has the uncanny gift of putting ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, giving readers an experience that chills and thrills on every page. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. -
The Mist
「好的恐怖小說通常是以詭異的氣氛和令人窒息的劇情節奏,來引導觀眾的情緒,《寵物墳場》在該點便營造得十分成功,它絕對會讓你感受到史蒂芬‧金最具代表性的恐怖敘事功力,只要你有勇氣看完的話……」──【史蒂芬‧金網站站長】林尚威 「讓人喘不過氣來,意象栩栩如生……衝擊力道驚人……是史蒂芬‧金到目前為止最棒的作品!」──【匹茲堡快報】 「瘋狂!劇力萬鈞!令人極度不安!」──【華盛頓郵報】 「絕讚的一本小說!史蒂芬‧金的故事總能化不可能為可能!」──【底特律新聞報】 當生命中的至愛被硬生生奪走時, 你會選擇放手,還是不計代價去挽回? ●入選誠品書店讀者票選「最令人懷念的絕版經典」! ●改編電影,由史蒂芬‧金親自編劇並客串演出,被譽為最驚悚的影史傑作! ●派拉蒙影業已展開重拍計畫,預計2010年上映! 【史蒂芬‧金網站站長】林尚威◎專文導讀 【名作家】Div、【名作家】何致和、【文字工作者】臥斧、【名作家】鍾靈、【名作家】盧郁佳◎強力推薦 來吧,沿著小徑來看看吧, 只要爬上這最後的四十五級石階, 你將發現,死亡再也不是生命的完結…… 路易斯因為新工作,帶著全家從芝加哥搬到了緬因州的鄉下小鎮。位在高速公路旁的新家一切都好,除了不時呼嘯而過的大卡車。當五歲女兒艾琳的愛貓啾吉被撞死時,苦惱的路易斯不知道要如何才能安慰傷心的寶貝。但新家後面森林深處的那座印第安古葬場,卻給了他一個不同的選擇……令人驚異地,被埋進「寵物墳場」的啾吉竟然活生生地回來了!只是復活後的啾吉似乎變得有點不一樣! 一日趁著天氣正好,路易斯帶著兒子到附近的草地上玩耍,三歲的凱奇笑咯咯地邁開小腿去追風箏,陽光下的一切是這麼美好,路易斯願意付出所有,只要能讓這一刻永遠停留。但是,公路上疾駛而過的大卡車卻毀了這個願望。當凱奇小小的身軀被放入棺木裡時,悲傷又自責不已的父親只聽到通往「寵物墳場」的那條小徑正不斷地發出魔力的召喚…… 如果死亡可以逆轉,在痛失最親愛的人時會是多麼大的誘惑?!史蒂芬‧金的經典名作《寵物墳場》訴說了一個關於失去、關於死亡的故事,探討了人性中最脆弱的一面。因為渴望幸福而墜入黑暗的深淵,加上神秘的古葬場傳說,帶給讀者冷冽入骨的空前戰慄感受!