《魔兽编年史》从泰坦的诞生为初始,给大家着重讲述了在艾泽拉斯所处宇宙及星球进化和发展的故事。 从泰坦的觉醒,改造艾泽拉斯,直到艾泽拉斯上生物的演化,帝国的兴衰,一直讲述到人类的崛起,我们所熟知的守护者——麦迪文的成长为止。整本编年史为大家带来许多曾经悬而未决设定的答案,细节讲述了所有发展、演化的过程。《魔兽世界》之所以能够成为全球玩家数量非常多的角色扮演网游,除了令人震撼的世界景观和角色设定外,恢宏庞大的故事背景也是非常吸引人的地方之一。 -
Dragon Hunt
Set in the same rich universe as Blizzard's upcoming Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game World of Warcraft, Warcraft : The Sunwell Trilogy is a fresh take on the Warcraft universe using original characters and storylines. The three manga volumes follow the adventures of Kalec, a blue dragon who has taken human form to escape the forces that seek to destroy his race, and Anveena, a maiden with secrets of her own. What starts as a flight for survival turns into a quest to save the entire High Elven Kingdom from the forces of the Undead Scourge. - From the artist of the best-selling King of Hell, cover art by Charles Park (Street Fighter, Robotech, X-men) - Written by Richard Knaak, the New York Times best-selling author of Warcraft, Diablo, Dragonlance and English adaptor of Ragnarok - Since the debut of Warcraft in 1994, it has sold more than 14 million copies of various iterations of the popular PC game - Check-out the World of Warcraft game and Blizzard's website, battle.net -
In the wake of the Cataclysm, conflict has engulfed every corner of Azeroth. Hungering for more resources amid the turmoil, the Horde has pressed into Ashenvale to feed its burgeoning war machine. There, acting warchief Garrosh Hellscream has employed a brutal new tactic to conquer the region and crush its night elf defenders, a move that will cripple the Alliance's power throughout the World of Warcraft. Unaware of the disaster brewing in Ashenvale, the night elves' legendary leaders, High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, conduct a summit near Darnassus in order to vote the proud worgen of Gilneas into the Alliance. However, resentment of Gilneas and its ruler, Genn Greymane, runs deep in Stormwind's King Varian Wrynn. His refusal to forgive Genn for closing his nation off from the rest of the world years ago endangers more than just the summit: it threatens to unravel the Alliance itself. Varian's animosity is only one of many unsettling developments in Darnassus. An uneasiness creeps over the once-immortal night elves as the first of them fall victim to the infirmities of age. While they cope with their mortality, tensions flare over the reintroduction of the Highborne, formerly the highest caste of night elf nobility, into their society. Many night elves are unable to pardon the Highborne for the destruction unleashed on Azeroth millennia ago by their reckless use of magic. When a murdered Highborne is discovered on the outskirts of Darnassus, Malfurion and Tyrande move to stop further bloodshed and unrest by appointing one of the night elves' most cunning and skilled agents to find the killer: the renowned warden Maiev Shadowsong. Yet with all that is transpiring in Darnassus, the Alliance might be powerless to stop the relentless new warchief Garrosh from seizing the whole of Ashenvale. -
為最暢銷、屢獲大獎的遊戲注入魔力 一部充滿魔法、英雄與戰役 史詩般的原創小說 他是最傳奇的反派人物。他是天譴軍團的統馭者,是魔劍霜之哀傷的持有者,是艾澤拉斯所有自由百姓的公敵。他就是巫妖王。他的力量難以估計,他的邪惡深不可測。而他冷如冰雪的靈魂只有一個目的,那就是消滅所有的生命,以亡靈大軍征服…… 然而事情並非向來如此。在他的靈魂與獸人薩滿耐祖奧結合之前,巫妖王的原本身分其實是阿薩斯‧米奈希爾;他是羅德隆的王子,也是白銀之手騎士團的聖騎士。可是當亡靈瘟疫威脅到他所珍愛的一切事物時,他被迫踏上不幸的旅程,去追尋一把威力足以拯救家園的符文劍。但是,他也因此付出了慘痛的代價,並且開始踏上無盡墮落的不歸路。最後,阿薩斯的旅程引領他來到位於極北荒原的寒冰王座,面對最為深沉黑暗的運命終局。 -
魔兽世界:毁灭/The Shattering
他的眼睛睁开着,看着这个小火苗。看着微弱的火焰。他的眼睛明亮了……我要燃烧!我必须燃烧!我必须活下去!我一定要活着! 找到他们,不要破坏那些房屋和帮助你的人民!找到他们,不要侵犯任何生命! 第一秒钟,他似乎眨眼存在了,随后走出了一条新的道路。第二秒,他似乎消逝了,但那闪耀的光芒,重新充满了活力。 萨尔知道那些是他必须做的。他举起手,“原谅我,火之灵。原谅我,我的老朋友。但我必须保护我的人民免受你为他们带去的痛苦。我要求,我恳求,我警告你们。” 火花似乎痉挛了起来,但他继续着危险而致命的课程。 萨尔的脸变的严峻,他握紧了双手,令人生畏,紧紧抓住了它。 火元素更加挑衅的爆发了,然后突然减少,最后暗淡的变成暗红色,微微颤抖。火花闪耀的想要挣脱,但最终没能得逞,终于安顿下来,只不过轻微的火仍然烧着。现在,它将不再伤害任何人。 这种威胁已经结束,但萨尔步履蹒跚。这是不是与元素交流的方式。这是已经没有办法了。萨满与元素关系是相互尊重,而不是威胁和控制。精神层面的火不会熄灭。这是远远超过了一个萨满所了解的事情,甚至法师,都不能对它们做出尝试。它们是永恒的,因为所有元素的灵魂的永恒。但这些元素的一部分,这些元素的表现,已经目空一切,犹如脱缰的野马。他并没有被孤立。他一直不孤单。面对这些反叛的元素之灵,萨尔不得不完全主宰了他们。最后,萨尔完全支配他。 萨尔站在雨中,让自己沉浸在水元素的怀抱中,水顺着他的庞大的绿色肩膀,沿着手臂淌了下来。古伊尔——这个名字的祖先是发生了什么? 萨尔,明智的萨满,部落的酋长,已感觉到了令人不安的变化…… 很久以前,艾泽拉斯狂野的土元素生物在世界各地肆虐,直到被囚禁在元素位面。尽管泰坦的干预,但许多元素生物已经回到艾泽拉斯。与历代一样,萨尔通过耐心和奉献的精神,学会了与元素的交流,把雨水带给饱受太阳暴晒的土地,否则干燥发脾气的元素会破坏性地影响艾泽拉斯世界。 现在,萨尔已经发现,元素生物不再听从萨满祭司的呼吁了。这些精神共享的链接似乎已经变的薄弱,磨损,好像一种可怕的力量胁迫了艾泽拉斯。萨尔将血吼赠与加洛什。虽然是庆祝胜利的时候,但部落面临补给紧缺的危机。暗夜精灵切断了所有的贸易路线。加洛什建议夺取需要的东西,而凯恩和哈缪尔符文图腾倡导和谈。加洛什听不进去。凯恩将加洛什比作一头叛逆的科多。萨尔认为虽然加洛什是个问题,但比起部落的经济问题和艾泽拉斯频发的种种事件,这算不上麻烦。 玛加萨找到了加洛什并使劲拍马屁,很显然是要玩弄加洛什于股掌。 联盟方,吉安娜在参加祭奠烈士的仪式。仪式期间两个哨兵来访,告知暗夜精灵被部落袭击了。似乎有部队袭击并抢劫了一个物资运输队伍。瓦里安认为是萨尔干的,吉安娜和瓦里安争吵。并且发展到互相揭露伤疤的地步诸如迪菲亚问题和阿尔萨斯。安度因无意中听到其中一些内容,感到气愤。 吉安娜给了安度因一块炉石。安度因在需要离开暴风城,或瓦里安精神分裂的时候的时候可以使用它到塞拉摩。瓦里安也认为这样比较好,他有些困惑于拉格什和瓦里安的双重性格。 吉安娜和萨尔会面讨论发生的一些事情。两人都对对方准备做的事情表示疑虑,于是分道扬镳了。陪同的伊崔格说“如果她是个兽人...”,并且劝萨尔说是安顿下来娶妻生子的时候了。萨尔大笑,但心里还是希望身边能有个人。 萨尔决定去纳格兰学习萨满之道。他考虑了一下谁能管理部落。萨鲁法尔,凯恩和伊崔格年龄都太大了,而最佳的人选小萨鲁法尔却战死沙场。能考虑的只剩下加洛什了。他告诉加洛什继任的事情,加洛什有些措手不及。 -
When the world of Azeroth was young, the god-like titans brought order to it by reshaping its lands and seas. Throughout their great work, they followed a magnificent design for what they envisioned Azeroth would become. Although the titans departed Azeroth long ago, that design endures to this day. It is known as the Emerald Dream, a lush and savagely primal version of the... WORLD OF WARCRAFT Many are the mysteries surrounding the Emerald Dream and its reclusive guardians, the green dragonflight. In times past, druids have entered the Dream to monitor the ebb and flow of life on Azeroth in their never-ending quest to maintain the delicate balance of nature. However, not all dreams are pleasant ones. Recently the Emerald Nightmare, an area of corruption within the Emerald Dream, began growing in size, transforming the Dream into a realm of unimaginable horror. Green dragons have been unexpectedly caught up in the Nightmare, emerging from it with shattered minds and twisted bodies. Druids who have entered the darkening Dream lately have found it difficult -- sometimes even impossible -- to escape. Nor are these the Nightmare's only victims: more and more people are being affected. Even Malfurion Stormrage, first and foremost of the druids on Azeroth, may have fallen victim to this growing threat. As uncontrollable nightmares spread across the world, a desperate quest begins to find and free the archdruid. Soon nature's enemies will learn the true meaning of the name STORMRAGE