看半小时漫画,通三千年历史,脉络无比清晰,看完就能倒背。 仅仅通过手绘和段子,二混子就捋出清晰的历史大脉络:春秋战国像个班级、大秦过把瘾就死、三国就三大战役、魏晋乱世多奇葩、南北朝盛产败家子、大唐最炫民族风……掀开纷繁复杂的历史表象,略去无关紧要的细枝末节,每一页都有历 史段子,每三秒让你笑翻一次,而二混子手绘的帝王将相则是又贱又蠢萌:秦皇、汉武、唐宗、宋祖、曹操、孙权,全都和你我一样,有优点和缺陷,有朋友和敌人,他们在历史关键节点迸发出的惊人能量铸就了三千年的精彩中国史。 而你在笑出腹肌的同时,不知不觉已经通晓了历史。
本书大致按朝代次序,简明扼要地介绍了中国古代上起盘古开天地,下至清朝覆亡历时几千年的历史。基本线索以政治史为主,兼及经济史、制度史、社会史、文化史等方面的内容,突出每个朝代重要和有特点的问题,尽可能地吸收了史学界较新的、并已为大多数学者所接受的研究成果,结合内容配有插图180余幅。 -
Imperial China 900-1800
This is a history of China for the 900-year time span of the late imperial period. A senior scholar of this epoch, F. W. Mote highlights the personal characteristics of the rulers and dynasties and probes the cultural theme of Chinese adaptations to recurrent alien rule. No other work provides a similar synthesis: generational events, personalities, and the spirit of the age combine to yield a comprehensive history of the civilization, not isolated but shaped by its relation to outsiders. This vast panorama of the civilization of the largest society in human history reveals much about Chinese high and low culture, and the influential role of Confucian philosophical and social ideals. Throughout the Liao Empire, the world of the Song, the Mongol rule, and the early Qing through the Kangxi and Qianlong reigns, culture, ideas, and personalities are richly woven into the fabric of the political order and institutions. This is a monumental work that will stand among the classic accounts of the nature and vibrancy of Chinese civilization before the modern period. -