Get the only guide to the new TOEFL iBT that comes straight from the test-makers! If you’re looking for the best, most trustworthy guide to the new TOEFL® iBT, you’ve found it! The Official Guide to the New TOEFL iBT is the one and only TOEFL guide specially created by ETS--the people who actually make the test. That's means it's your most reliable source for everything you need to know about new test. Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on the new internet-based TOEFL test, tell you precisely how the test is scored--and give you hundreds of authentic test questions to study for practice! That's why this guide is your best choice for preparing for the new TOEFL test. It's packed with everything you need to succeed on the test--and help you get into the college or university of your choice!No other TOEFL guide gives you: Everything you need to know about the new TOEFL® iBT, straight from the test-makers! Hundreds of authentic TOEFL iBT questions and essay topics - so you can study with the real thing Companion audio CD with authentic TOEFL listening passages and sample responses to Speaking questions In-depth descriptions of the multiple-choice Listening and Reading questions--with valuable tips for answering them Detailed information about the Speaking and Writing sections, with scoring information, real student responses - and actual raters' comments PLUS: Writer's Handbook for English Language Learners--to help you learn how to write essays in EnglishEnglish Vocabulary in Use Advanced
The fourth in the family of best-selling vocabulary reference and practice books from elementary to advanced level. The perfect choice for advanced-level students wanting to build their vocabulary skills. English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced includes over 2,000 new words and expressions which are presented and practised in typical contexts appropriate to this level. The book is informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure that the vocabulary selected is useful and up-to-date. A test book (Test Your English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced - 0521 54534X) is also available for extra practice. This 'with answers' edition is ideal for self-study.用美國小學課本學英文
學英文就像學國語 用美國小學課本學英文 我們一直將英語當成外語來學習,然而學習五年的效果卻遠不如美國的小學五年級生,美國的小孩是如何學英文的呢? 在美國出生求學的日裔美國籍作者首開風氣之先,在日本倡導用美國小學課本學英文,引起廣大回響,李茲文化將於六月一日在台上市這本暢銷書《用美國小學課本學英文:和美國小學生一起上課》。 作者說:「一般人日常的英文水準約是國小的中高年級程度,小學英文課本乃針對尚不太能理解複雜概念的小學生而寫,而且多元活潑,初級、中級的英語學習者不妨回歸到小學教材中,和美國小學生一起快樂學習。」 就像我們母語的教育歷程一樣,學習國語,然後運用所學的國語去計算數學、理解自然、記憶歷史,在小學裡用國語去學習其他基礎重要的科目。作者在美曾是學生,也當過老師,雖然知道開放自由的美國並沒有標準版本的教科書,但強調新的教學理念是ecological language learning「生態語言學習」,由蒙特瑞 (Monterey) 國際大學研究所語言學博士 van Lier 提出的,其概念為外語的學習乃有機的學習,由於學習的環境(即所持立場、教師與學習者的關係、學習者的性格等等)不同,何為有效的學習方法對每個人而言是天差地遠的。作者鼓勵大家把英文當作我自己喜歡也認為有趣的語言來教學,本書因此提供了最基礎、最重要、最生動的學習內容。 本書按主要學科分成四部,第一部是社會,第二部是自然,第三部是語言,第四部是其他(體育、音樂等),幫讀者掌握了美式教育原汁原味的學習,美國作為全球政經及娛樂龍頭,我們一直對美國覺得很熟悉,但卻也不是那麼認識。作者帶我們深入原已熟知的美國文化,並分享在美國生活、學習和教學上的第一手觀察。新GRE高频词汇
《新东方•新GRE高频词汇:句子填空》内容简介:如果我们搞清楚GRE考试的本质,就不难确定它涉及的词汇量,也很容易想清楚面对新GRE考试我们应该如何选择词汇书。首先,GRE考试不是一个英语考试,只是一个以英语为载体的测试,它的目的是检测考生的信息整合能力、逻辑分析和推理能力,以及独立思考能力。其次,以英语为母语的人,比如美国人、英国人等,如果希望申请进入美国大学的研究生院深造,都需要参加GRE考试,因此它不仅仅针对把英语作为第二语言的群体。Simple and Direct
In Simple & Direct, Jacques Barzun, celebrated author and educator, distills from a lifetime of writing and teaching his thoughts about the craft of writing. In chapters on diction, syntax, tone, meaning, composition, and revision, Barzun describes and prescribes the techniques to correct even the most ponderous style. Exercises, model passages -- both literary and unorthodox -- and hundreds of often amusing examples of usage gone wrong demonstrate the process of making intelligent choices and guide us toward developing strong and distinctive prose.躺着学英语