Dear Life
A New York Times Notable Book A Washington Post Notable Work of Fiction A Best Book of the Year: The Atlantic, NPR, Vogue , AV Club In story after story in this brilliant new collection, Alice Munro pinpoints the moment a person is forever altered by a chance encounter, an action not taken, or a simple twist of fate. Her characters are flawed and fully human: a soldier returning from war and avoiding his fiancée, a wealthy woman deciding whether to confront a blackmailer, an adulterous mother and her neglected children, a guilt-ridden father, a young teacher jilted by her employer. Illumined by Munro’s unflinching insight, these lives draw us in with their quiet depth and surprise us with unexpected turns. And while most are set in her signature territory around Lake Huron, some strike even closer to home: an astonishing suite of four autobiographical tales offers an unprecedented glimpse into Munro’s own childhood. Exalted by her clarity of vision and her unparalleled gift for storytelling, Dear Life shows how strange, perilous, and extraordinary ordinary life can be. -
The matchless Munro makes art out of everyday lives in this dazzling new collection. At its centre are three stories connected into one marvellously rich narrative about Juliet - who escapes from teaching at a girls' school and throws herself into a wild and passionate love match. Here are men and women of wildly different times and circumstances, their lives made vividly palpable by the nuance and empathy of Munro's writing. "Runaway" is about the power and betrayals of love, about lost children, lost chances. There is pain and desolation beneath the surface, like a needle in the heart, which makes these stories more powerful and compelling than anything she has written. -
The incomparable Alice Munro’s bestselling and rapturously acclaimed Runaway is a book of extraordinary stories about love and its infinite betrayals and surprises, from the title story about a young woman who, though she thinks she wants to, is incapable of leaving her husband, to three stories about a woman named Juliet and the emotions that complicate the luster of her intimate relationships. In Munro’s hands, the people she writes about–women of all ages and circumstances, and their friends, lovers, parents, and children–become as vivid as our own neighbors. It is her miraculous gift to make these stories as real and unforgettable as our own. -
★门罗迄今发表的最大胆的小说集 ★1998年吉勒文学奖 ★1998年全美书评人协会奖 本书中以深邃的洞察力,探索了各种类型的爱,社会礼貌表层之下的冲突和欺骗,以及人心那些奇怪的,每每显得可笑的欲望。时间被屡屡拉伸:男女主人公回顾四十年前初见的那个夏天,人生的真谛都在此时被揭示;时间同时也被置于显微镜下观察:一夜之间,年轻女子发现自己那充满女性魅力的母亲竟已无法依靠…… 《好女人的爱情》获得吉勒文学奖和全美书评人协会奖。这部小说集以精彩的细节和坚定的勇气,奠定了艾丽丝•门罗作为当代最出色的小说家之一的地位。 -
★生命最黑暗时,门罗欲以此书为绝唱 ★这本书标志着门罗创作的顶点,此后,门罗不断获得各种终身成就奖 门罗笔下的女人邂逅的真实生活总有些残酷:谋杀、疯狂、死亡、离异,以及形形色色的欺骗。面对这些遭遇,她们总是平静、清醒,甚至有些若无其事。她们在人生中穿行,背负着各自的伤疤,但又当这伤疤不是她们的;她们睿智深邃,但这不能医治她们的柔弱善感。 10篇意味深长的故事,太多不能承受的幸福与伤痛,其时罹患癌症的门罗,正欲以此作为她人生的绝唱。本书曾是吉勒奖的夺冠热门,为了给后辈留下机会,门罗主动退出竞争。 -