The How of Happiness
A groundbreaking, practical guide to attaining happiness based on innovative scientific research, The How of Happiness is a powerful contribution to the field of positive psychology and a gift to people who have sought to take their happiness into their own hands. Drawing upon years of her own pioneering research with thousands of men and women, psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky reveals that much of our capacity for happiness is within our power. Detailing an easy-to- follow plan, including exercises in new ways of thinking and understanding our individual obstacles, The How of Happiness offers a positive and empowering way to sustain a new level of joy in our lives. -
《改变人生的快乐实验》的作者是著名的心理学家,对幸福和快乐有深入的研究。快乐不仅是一种心理状态,同时也是一门科学。关于快乐的研究实验告诉我们,快乐的人更加健康长寿、快乐的人更加惹人喜欢、快乐的人更容易升职加薪!那么怎样才能够快乐呢?让“快乐博士”来告诉我们! 爸爸绰号“快乐博士”,儿子人称“心理学界的印第安纳·琼斯”。心理学界最神奇的父子档,在本书中,通过15个有趣的心理学实验,找到让每个人快乐起来的方法。 -
Authentic Happiness
The Pursuit of Perfect
DO YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO BE PERFECT? We're all laboring under our own and society's expectations to be perfect in every way-to look younger, to make more money, to be happy all the time. But according to Tal Ben-Shahar, the New York Times bestselling author of Happier, the pursuit of perfect may actually be the number-one internal obstacle to finding happiness. OR DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY? Applying cutting-edge research in the field of positive psychology-the scientific principles taught in his wildly popular course at Harvard University-Ben-Shahar takes us off the impossible pursuit of perfection and directs us to the way to happiness, richness, and true fulfillment. He shows us the freedom derived from not trying to do it all right all the time and the real lessons that failure and painful emotions can teach us. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT TO BE PERFECTLY HAPPY! In The Pursuit of Perfect, Tal Ben-Shahar offers an optimal way of thinking about failure and success--and the very way we live. He provides exercises for self reflection, meditations, and "Time-Ins" to help you rediscover what you really want out of life. Praise for Tal Ben-Shahar's Happier: "This fine book shimmers with a rare brand of good sense that is embedded in scientific knowledge about how to increase happiness. It is easy to see how this is the backbone of the most popular course at Harvard today." -Martin E. P. Seligman, author of Authentic Happiness -
《心理资本》内容简介:在世纪之交,新兴的积极心理运动拓宽了人们的视野,心理学家们不再仅仅关注“人出现了什么问题”,而开始考虑如何才能让人达到最佳状态特,怎样培养和充分开发人的潜能。管理学家路桑斯教授敏锐地捕捉到心理学的这一进步,创造性地将积极心理学的思想延展到人力资源管理与组织行为学领域,并进一步提出“心理资本”这一概念,旨在从根本上打造人的竞争优势。以信心、希望、乐观和韧性为核心的心理资本,这是在当今工作场所中,能被测量、开发和有效管理,进而能提升绩效的能力。 -
我们希望孩子对未来怀抱信心、对远景勇于探险、有足够的勇气来实行社会正义; 我们希望孩子在面对成长所带来的挫折与失败时,不屈不挠; 我们希望孩子能够获得幸福一生的能力。 《教出乐观的孩子》是积极心理学之父马丁•塞利格曼集30年、千百个成人及儿童研究之精华著成的教育经典。而大量研究表明,比起成功,乐观对孩子来说更具有意义、更具有价值。乐观的孩子,更容易成功,更有创造力,更容易有幸福的生活,我们传统上追求的财富成功,都可以通过乐观获得。 《教出乐观的孩子》一书目的在于让父母、老师及整个教育系统教会儿童习得乐观。这本书与其他育儿及自我提升书籍不同的是,它不仅有理论与实验,还有一些关于育儿问题的重要建议。一些自称专家的人,轻率的意见令许多父母如获救命稻草,基于脆弱的证明、原理和临床的假设,来改变自己抚养孩子的方式。《教出乐观的孩子》彻底改变这一点,特别反驳了纯粹的正向教育、纯粹的鼓励式教育和自尊教育,倡导用科学、理性的ABCDE法则教出乐观的孩子。 “心教育经典译丛”由中国教育风云人物孙云晓领衔主编,旨在引进国际最科学、前沿的教育理念,为中国教育及家庭教育注入更为理性科学的思想与方法。 [编辑推荐] 积极心理学之父马丁•塞利格曼经典作品 《教出乐观的孩子》是积极心理学之父马丁•塞利格曼集30年、千百个成人及儿童研究之精华著成的教育经典。书中重墨提及积极心理教育在学校实践中的成功应用,富有借鉴意义。 “新教育经典译丛”中国教育风云人物 孙云晓 领衔主编 “心教育经典译丛”由中国教育风云人物孙云晓领衔主编,旨在引进国际最科学、前沿的教育理念,为中国教育及家庭教育注入更为理性科学的思想与方法。 CCTV《读书》5期联读的幸福经典系列作品 湛庐文化 出品