One Up On Wall Street
Book Description THE NATIONAL BESTSELLING BOOK THAT EVERY INVESTOR SHOULD OWN Peter Lynch is America's number-one money manager. His mantra: Average investors can become experts in their own field and can pick winning stocks as effectively as Wall Street professionals by doing just a little research. Now, in a new introduction written specifically for this edition of One Up on Wall Street, Lynch gives his take on the incredible rise of Internet stocks, as well as a list of twenty winning companies of high-tech '90s. That many of these winners are low-tech supports his thesis that amateur investors can continue to reap exceptional rewards from mundane, easy-to-understand companies they encounter in their daily lives. Investment opportunities abound for the layperson, Lynch says. By simply observing business developments and taking notice of your immediate world -- from the mall to the workplace -- you can discover potentially successful companies before professional analysts do. This jump on the experts is what produces "tenbaggers," the stocks that appreciate tenfold or more and turn an average stock portfolio into a star performer. The former star manager of Fidelity's multibillion-dollar Magellan Fund, Lynch reveals how he achieved his spectacular record. Writing with John Rothchild, Lynch offers easy-to-follow directions for sorting out the long shots from the no shots by reviewing a company's financial statements and by identifying which numbers really count. He explains how to stalk tenbaggers and lays out the guidelines for investing in cyclical, turnaround, and fast-growing companies. Lynch promises that if you ignore the ups and downs of the market and the endless speculation about interest rates, in the long term (anywhere from five to fifteen years) your portfolio will reward you. This advice has proved to be timeless and has made One Up on Wall Street a number-one bestseller. And now this classic is as valuable in the new millennium as ever. From Publishers Weekly The authors argue that average investors can beat Wall Street professionals by using the information gleaned from everyday life. "Investors will be able to put the shrewd insights presented to good use," remarked PW. 200,000 first printing. Book Dimension length: (cm)20.6 width:(cm)14 -
When Genius Failed
On September 23, 1998, the boardroom of the New York Fed was a tense place. Around the table sat the heads of every major Wall Street bank, the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, and representatives from numerous European banks, each of whom had been summoned to discuss a highly unusual prospect: rescuing what had, until then, been the envy of them all, the extraordinarily successful bond-trading firm of Long-Term Capital Management. Roger Lowenstein's When Genius Failed is the gripping story of the Fed's unprecedented move, the incredible heights reached by LTCM, and the firm's eventual dramatic demise. Lowenstein, a financial journalist and author of Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist, examines the personalities, academic experts, and professional relationships at LTCM and uncovers the layers of numbers behind its roller-coaster ride with the precision of a skilled surgeon. The fund's enigmatic founder, John Meriwether, spent almost 20 years at Salomon Brothers, where he formed its renowned Arbitrage Group by hiring academia's top financial economists. Though Meriwether left Salomon under a cloud of the SEC's wrath, he leapt into his next venture with ease and enticed most of his former Salomon hires--and eventually even David Mullins, the former vice chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve--to join him in starting a hedge fund that would beat all hedge funds. LTCM began trading in 1994, after completing a road show that, despite the Ph.D.-touting partners' lack of social skills and their disdainful condescension of potential investors who couldn't rise to their intellectual level, netted a whopping $1.25 billion. The fund would seek to earn a tiny spread on thousands of trades, "as if it were vacuuming nickels that others couldn't see," in the words of one of its Nobel laureate partners, Myron Scholes. And nickels it found. In its first two years, LTCM earned $1.6 billion, profits that exceeded 40 percent even after the partners' hefty cuts. By the spring of 1996, it was holding $140 billion in assets. But the end was soon in sight, and Lowenstein's detailed account of each successively worse month of 1998, culminating in a disastrous August and the partners' subsequent panicked moves, is riveting. The arbitrageur's world is a complicated one, and it might have served Lowenstein well to slow down and explain in greater detail the complex terms of the more exotic species of investment flora that cram the book's pages. However, much of the intrigue of the Long-Term story lies in its dizzying pace (not to mention the dizzying amounts of money won and lost in the fund's short lifespan). Lowenstein's smooth, conversational but equally urgent tone carries it along well. The book is a compelling read for those who've always wondered what lay behind the Fed's controversial involvement with the LTCM hedge-fund debacle. --S. Ketchum -
巴菲特推荐给比尔·盖茨,比尔·盖茨称之为“我读过的最好商业书”。 2015年TED大会推荐必读书目第1名 年度最重要、最畅销的财经书之一 华尔街不仅是金融的战场,也是人性的试验场,这里每天都上演着一夜暴富或身败名裂的华丽戏剧。约翰•布鲁克斯选择了华尔街上12个最富戏剧性的时刻,以小说的笔法叙述了这个舞台上的奇谋、诡计、泡沫、欺诈、贪婪、崩溃、坚持、不甘…… 商业的形式和表象一直在变,但商业的基础始终如一。书中的商战已经发生,正在发生,将来还会继续发生…… -
在华尔街做数量分析工作的物理学家通常被称为宽客,宽客建立模型的初衷是让华尔街能够避开风险、繁荣发展。但是在金融危机中,宽客们饱受指责,大家认为是宽客建立的复杂数学模型引发了金融危机。是什么让这些模型如此危险呢? 伊曼纽尔•德曼(Emanuel Derman)之前曾作为宽客在华尔街工作,他以业内人士的视角,犀利地分析了模型与人类认知之间的冲突。在个人生活甚至政治领域中,我们总能发现所谓的科学严谨并不那么令人信服。数学模型与物理模型关系极为密切,但是在物理领域,理论旨在描述事实,而在金融领域,模型只是尽可能地逼近事实。 德曼用金融理论和实践的亲身体验解释了看来可靠的模型为何会失效,为什么金融模型会使经济崩溃,并且提出了制定模型的一些基本原则,从而帮助人们逃脱模型所带来的束缚。 -
畅销十万册的经典之作 中信十年经典系列重装再版,隆重推出! 透视华尔街商业文化的经久不衰之作 迈克尔• 刘易斯生动讲述,如何成长为一位明星交易员,如何参透华尔街的波谲云诡,如何在大起大落中功成名立。 中信十年人物经典系列 赢(纪念版) 赢的答案(纪念版) 杰克•韦尔奇自传(纪念版) 滚雪球(上下)(纪念版) 中信十年畅销经典系列 水煮三国(纪念版) 格鲁夫给经理人的第一课(纪念版) 超越金融(纪念版) 巴菲特与索罗斯的投资习惯(纪念版) 说谎者的扑克牌(纪念版) “说谎者的扑克牌”是华尔街上金融家们玩的一种休闲游戏,以最善于欺骗他人而实行心理欺诈为胜。迈克尔•刘易斯将此作为隐喻,描述了自己在所罗门兄弟公司四年的工作经历——从意外受雇、接受培训,直到成长为只凭一个电话即可以调动数百万美元的明星交易员,并从迈克尔•刘易斯的个人角度折射了华尔街戏剧化的发展史。 在《说谎者的扑克牌》(纪念版)一书中,迈克尔•刘易斯将投资世界中许多不为人知的技巧、诀窍和手段娓娓道来,披露了自己是如何参透华尔街的波谲云诡、逐步掌握投资走势的,让读者有了感同深受的体验。 《说谎者的扑克牌》(纪念版)笔法生动风趣,将华尔街复杂的投资故事以简单、生动的手法讲述出来,让读者在捧腹大笑的同事,能够更深刻地思考。这也让本书成为全球商业领域经久不衰的经典著作。 -
《华尔街关系》是一本专为中国企业量身打造的上市必读书。很多中国公司虽然已经在美国上市,但是项目操作远谈不上成功,隐性损失非常大。那些上市心切的中国公司,在没有弄清楚华尔街的“关系”之前就莽撞行事,融资失败的例子比比皆是。在华尔街著名投资人彼得·赛瑞斯看来,一个公司,想要得到最高的估价就必须建立起一个由该专业里最好的投资者、分析师和投资银行组成的关系网络。“关系”能让一家中国公司的股票受到追棒、使再次融资更加顺畅;也可以让一家中国公司备受冷落,即使花大价钱,也无法获得投资人的青睐。大多数中国公司不理解获得有用的“关系”远比得到最高的估价更为重要。更确切地说,不建立好有用的华尔街“关系”就不可能得到最好的估价。赛瑞斯先生目前是美国华美21世纪投资顾问有限公司的董事长和先锋资本管理公司(Guerrilla Capital Management)的董事总经理,和中国关系密切,他的第一次访华要追溯到上世纪70年代,在和中国密切接触的30多年的时间里,赛瑞斯研究和接触过无数个希望在美国上市的中国公司,对中国公司在美国上市遇到的问题,包括中国公司自己的问题有深入的了解。作者在书中掀开了笼罩在华尔街表面的面纱,深度剖析了华尔街的运行规则与存在的陷阱;对中国公司在寻找投资银行、雇用投资者关系公司、估价策略、与投资者沟通、路演、发布消息等方面存在的不切实际的想法和短视行为做了善意的提醒,并告诉中国公司如何充分利用各类专业人士的关系,避开这些陷阱,在美国资本市场上实现最大价值。