华尔街商战纪实经典,20周年全新译本。 深度接触资本世界,金融大鳄、国际巨头悉数登场——KKR、DBL、美林、高盛、雷曼、拉札德、所罗门兄弟、第一波士顿、贝尔斯登、大通曼哈顿、花旗、摩根士丹利、巴菲特、米尔肯、纳贝斯克、菲利普·莫里斯、美国运通、百事可乐、宝洁、卡夫、麦肯锡……有史以来最推荐的商界与金融界实战经典案例! 对于那些不怀好意的收购者,华尔街通常称之为“门口的野蛮人”。两位《华尔街日报》的记者凭借人脉和技巧,令当事人吐露真言,获取了第一手的资料,再辅以引人入胜的妙笔,曝露出当时华尔街最大的收购——1988年KKR公司收购雷诺兹-纳贝斯克的来龙去脉,以及华尔街金融操作的风风雨雨。 书的前半部交待出主角们的发家史,俨然是美国经济浮世绘;后半部情节紧张,宛如悬疑小说。其间,人物们尔虞我诈,故事充满金融交易、舆论压力、决策博弈、社交晚宴和董事会议,不仅让读者见识到如此重大的收购在高层之间是如何运作的,也让我们看到一部充满洞见的金融社会史。 在20周年纪念版中,作者又重新拜访了这场世纪收购的胜败双方,追踪余波,记叙参与者后续的成败荣辱,并指出这场收购对世界的影响。 -
The House of Morgan
The winner of the National Book Award and now considered a classic, The House of Morgan is the most ambitious history ever written about an American banking dynasty. Acclaimed by The Wall Street Journal as "brilliantly researched and written", the book tells the rich, panoramic story of four generations of Morgans and the powerful, secretive firms they spawned. It is the definitive account of the rise of the modern financial world.A gripping history of banking and the booms and busts that shaped the world on both sides of the Atlantic, The House of Morgan traces the trajectory of the J. P. Morgan empire from its obscure beginnings in Victorian London to the crash of 1987. Ron Chernow paints a fascinating portrait of the private saga of the Morgans and the rarefied world of the American and British elite in which they moved.Based on extensive interviews and access to the family and business archives, The House of Morgan is an investigative masterpiece, a compelling account of a remarkable institution and the men who ran it, and an essential book for understanding the money and power behind the major historical events of the last 150 years. -
身为分析师,你必须比别人更早做出预测,而不是报导已经发生的事实。 每个月打一百通电话,每年至少得拜访每个客户一次。 一天可能有八到十场一对一的会议,再加上团体早餐、团体午餐和团体晚餐,还有舟车劳顿。 我发现,极少分析师永远正确,分析师的工作中比较重要的是令接触你的人留下深刻印象,股票的预测正确与否反而没那么重要。 华尔街肉场秀,你做的并不是分析师工作,你从事的是娱乐事业。 我们全都在超现实、荒诞不经的赌场里工作。 谁是你的衣食父母?是投资大众、还是各大企业?华尔街研究界的基本问题是——它不再是服务投资人,而是服务投资银行业者。 享誉世界的华尔街策略大师、互联网时代的传奇基金经理安迪•凯斯勒(Andy Kessler)继《操纵金钱》之后的又一本力作。 1985年,26岁的贝尔软件工程师安迪•凯斯勒成为潘恩•韦伯投资公司的投资分析师。在此之前,他对华尔街一无所知。而在此之后,他不但成为业内排名第二的金牌投资分析师,更进入摩根士丹利,成为科技股分析的灵魂人物。当他的老同事、老朋友在2001年的华尔街腐败风暴中纷纷落马之时,凯斯勒却早已神奇地全身而退,成为华尔街最成功的基金经理。 这是产业分析师现身说法,对神秘的华尔街的揭密之作:回顾自己担任投资分析师的20年生涯,安迪•凯斯勒以轻松诙谐的笔调将读者带入一个光怪陆离的华尔街世界。在这里,读者不仅能领略到华尔街的稀奇古怪、百态尽出,更能一窥华尔街传奇人物奎特隆、格鲁伯曼、米克等不为人知的另一面。 这更是曾经的圣杯分析师对现代金融体制病症做出的深度诊断。安迪•凯斯勒结合轰动世界的斯皮泽调查事件,对华尔街20年来的变化和目前存在的体制问题做出了入木三分的观察和分析,使读者能穿透华尔街炫目的利益光影,对这套金融机制有更透彻的了解,从而对金融的未来有更真切的把握。 -
《股市奇才:美国股市精英访谈录》是市场天才基金负责人杰克•D.施瓦格就此采访了美国当代15位业绩最好的交易者和投资者,通过和他们深入的交谈,详细探讨了股票交易投资策略以及应当汲取的经验和教训。一个过去想当艺术家或作家的人,在股票交易利润上却取得了年平均复合收益率为115%的业绩,一个中西部的农场主,在1992年和1993年交易中分别获得了年收益率为563%和322%的业绩。他们是如何做到的? -
The Greatest Trade Ever
In 2006, hedge fund manager John Paulson realized something few others suspected--that the housing market and the value of subprime mortgages were grossly inflated and headed for a major fall. Paulson's background was in mergers and acquisitions, however, and he knew little about real estate or how to wager against housing. He had spent a career as an also-ran on Wall Street. But Paulson was convinced this was his chance to make his mark. He just wasn't sure how to do it. Colleagues at investment banks scoffed at him and investors dismissed him. Even pros skeptical about housing shied away from the complicated derivative investments that Paulson was just learning about. But Paulson and a handful of renegade investors such as Jeffrey Greene and Michael Burry began to bet heavily against risky mortgages and precarious financial companies. Timing is everything, though. Initially, Paulson and the others lost tens of millions of dollars as real estate and stocks continued to soar. Rather than back down, however, Paulson redoubled his bets, putting his hedge fund and his reputation on the line. In the summer of 2007, the markets began to implode, bringing Paulson early profits, but also sparking efforts to rescue real estate and derail him. By year's end, though, John Paulson had pulled off the greatest trade in financial history, earning more than $15 billion for his firm--a figure that dwarfed George Soros's billion-dollar currency trade in 1992. Paulson made billions more in 2008 by transforming his gutsy move. Some of the underdog investors who attempted the daring trade also reaped fortunes. But others who got the timing wrong met devastating failure, discovering that being early and right wasn't nearly enough. Written by the prizewinning reporter who broke the story in The Wall Street Journal , The Greatest Trade Ever is a superbly written, fast-paced, behind-the-scenes narrative of how a contrarian foresaw an escalating financial crisis--that outwitted Chuck Prince, Stanley O'Neal, Richard Fuld, and Wall Street's titans--to make financial history. -