Bodie, Kane, and Marcus' "Investments" sets the standard for graduate/MBA investments textbooks. It blends practical and theoretical coverage, while maintaining an appropriate rigor and a clear writing style. Its unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient, meaning that most securities are priced appropriately given their risk and return attributes. The text places greater emphasis on asset allocation and offers a much broader and deeper treatment of futures, options, and other derivative security markets than most investment texts. It is also the only graduate "Investments" text to offer an online homework management system, 'McGraw-Hill's Connect Finance'. -
《必需消费品投资》: 《纽约时报》畅销书作者肯·费希尔作序 深入剖析全球必需消费品板块的投资,包括食品、饮料、家居用品、零售商等 为证券分析和投资组合管理提供诀窍和工具 对任一市场条件下的投资进行有益的指导 《必需消费品投资》分为三部分:从必需消费品开始,必需消费品详解、像投资组合经理人一样思考 讨论了必需消费品板块高层次的经济、政治和情感驱动因素 带你了解全球必需消费品板块9大子行业,并揭秘这些行业是如何运作的 深入研究自上而下的投资方法以及个人证券分析 涵盖了全球必需消费品的整个投资范围——从食品、饮料到日用品,再到零售店 简述五步法,用于对这一领域的公司进行区别性鉴定——该设计可帮助你从多家公司中找出最具潜力的那家公司 你不必是成功投资必需消费品板块的专业人士,但你需要为成为一名专业人士做好准备。《必需消费品投资》能让你快速了解这一领域并让你在任何市场中都能充分把握时机。 -
Investment Banking
In the constantly evolving world of finance, a solid technical foundation is an essential tool for success. Due to the fast-paced nature of this world, however, no one has been able to take the time to properly codify the lifeblood of the corporate financier's work--namely, valuation. Rosenbaum and Pearl have responded to this need by writing the book that they wish had existed when they were trying to break into Wall Street. "Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions" is a highly accessible and authoritative book that focuses on the primary valuation methodologies currently used on Wall Street--comparable companies, precedent transactions, DCF, and LBO analysis. These methodologies are used to determine valuation for public and private companies within the context of MandA transactions, LBOs, IPOs, restructurings, and investment decisions. Using a step-by-step how-to approach for each methodology, the authors build a chronological knowledge base and define key terms, financial concepts, and processes throughout the book. They also provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of LBOs and an organized MandA sale process. In the aftermath of the subprime mortgage crisis and ensuing credit crunch, the world of finance is returning to the fundamentals of valuation and critical due diligence. This involves the use of more realistic assumptions governing approach to risk as well as a wide range of value drivers. While valuation has always involved a great deal of "art" in addition to time-tested "science," the artistry is perpetually evolving in accordance with market developments and conditions. In this sense, this book is particularly topical--in addition to detailing the technical fundamentals behind valuation, the authors infuse practical judgment skills and perspective to help guide the science. -
内容提要 本书将从三个层面论述“运营管理”,按照商业地产项目筹备期、开业期、经营期的顺序来编写:第一部分—筹备篇,重点阐述开业前筹备到商家进场的阶段,如何通过商业定位、房产条件控制、招商实施与管控、商业运营前置,将一个地产项目变成商业项目;第二部分—开业篇,重点阐述从商家进场到开业后一个月的阶段,通过营运组织、营销企划、开业保障、复盘评审,让一个项目万事俱备、盛装亮相、火爆开业;第三部分—经营篇,重点阐述开业后制定经营目标与策略,进行营运过程管理,重视商业环境与服务以及安全运营保障,实现商业地产项目的资产保值增值,提升商业价值。当然,对于一个庞大的商业地产项目来说,风险控制尤为重要,这在本书最后一章做了集中阐述。 -
本书是专门为财务知识零基础的初学者和非财务专业人士编写的一本实用财务报表快速入门书。目标是帮助非专业人士以简单轻松的方式学会财务报表阅读与分析的基础知识。 全书共分3个部分16章。其中,第一部分介绍财务报表的基本概念及阅读方法;第二部分介绍财务报表的基本分析方法;第三部分介绍与股票市场基本面投资相关的一些基本概念和分析方法,这部分可以说是第一部分和第二部分的实际应用。 本书最大的特色在于用图形图表等清晰明了的方式,将复杂枯燥的财务报表知识讲述得简单易懂,并通过大量真实的上市公司案例, 透彻地解读财务报表数字背后的秘密。 本书可作为财务知识的“扫盲”或者“科普”读本,尤其适合不喜欢阅读枯燥的数据罗列和分析、没有专业人士指点,却又想读懂财务报表的人士阅读。 -
《证券业从业人员资格考试统编教材(2012)》实现了五个方面的更新: 一是更新教材中的法律、法规和自律规则,包括最近发布(或修订)的《关于进一步深化新股发行体制改革的指导意见》、《证券发行与承销管理办法》、《关于新股发行定价相关问题的通知》等,做到与现行的法规同步; 二是更新教材中的基本理论和关键技术,包括历次g20会议关于金融改革的内容、投资理论的最新发展、金融工程的核心分析原理、无套利定价、套利基本原则、行业景气分析、公司偿债能力分析等,做到与当前的理论与技术前沿同步; 三是更新教材中的有关数据,包括股票、债券、基金、金融衍生品各个细分市场、产品、业务、组织的最新数据,做到与当前的市场进程同步; 四是更新教材中的有关业务,包括首次公开发行股票并上市、地方政府债券的发行与承销、内地企业在香港创业板发行与上市、借壳上市活动、融资融券转融通业务、分级基金、小微企业专项金融债券、中小非金融企业集合票据、人民币合格境外机构投资者境内证券投资试点等,做到与当前的市场发展同步; 五是更新教材中的基本表述,包括代办股份转让规则、并购重组审核委员会工作规程、上市公司重大资产重组报告书中通常应当披露的资产评估信息、上市公司内幕信息知情人制度、证券公司信息隔离墙制度、生产者价格指数、宏观经济运行景气指标、社会融资总额相关内容、外汇占款相关内容、主权债务相关内容等,做到与考生的要求同步。