《挚爱成就梦想》(原书名《时空隧道/回望1940》)中华尔街金融投资家威廉·D.江恩诸多传世著作中唯一的一部文学作品,书中描写了一个踌躇男孩由孤独农舍步入理想殿堂的传奇故事。 书中的主人公罗伯特笃信《圣经》的智慧和博爱。虔诚的信仰化作神奇的力量,感召、升华、聚合并释放了他的潜能。他和伙伴们一起学习探索,实践开拓,创造了新知,成就了梦想。 故事的情节充满着情爱、互助、包容和志向,蕴藏着走向成功的要素、法则和财富的价值、用途。主人公所崇尚助力行的爱与创造、诚信与奉献体现出人对自然、对国家、对和平、对生活的期望和归属,并以此结成人格与文明的支点与核心。其内涵耐人寻味,精神催人奋进,教益令人受用终身。 本书适合所有人阅读、典藏。 -
《赢家:华尔街顶级基金经理人》通过对当今最成功的基金管理者的深度访谈,回答了如何决胜于同业竞争并在经营中达到令人赞叹的盈利指数以及如何在众多的基金管理者中鹤立鸡群等问题。《赢家:华尔街顶级基金经理人》勾画了这些杰出的资产管理者详细的人生背景,揭示了他们何以拥有自己的投资哲学、投资原理和投资策略的,同时还介绍了他们的商战历程中存在的错误和过失,以及他们又是如何从每一次的经历中汲取经验教训的。读者能够从这些奇才身上获得重要的启示,并借鉴他们成功的投资经验。 -
一款新产品,一种新服务,一家新公司,一项新决定,一个新机构,任何一件新事物——有志者可以在本书中发现成功的道路。 它始于一个不可割舍的梦想,始于一生中难得一现的灵感。人们从最初的困惑,逐步走向觉悟,最终成就一番事业。每位想让这个世界变得更加美好的人,都会为一个伟大的创意而着迷。但你靠什么把自己的创意付诸行动呢? 早在20世纪80年代,盖伊就开始为世界闻名的苹果公司提供咨询,并使该公司的一些普通顾客成为福音传道者。而今作为车库科技创投公司的创立者与执行总监,盖伊把它的创意在多个领域的起步工作中进行检验;而且作为最畅销的商业书籍和广受好评的商业文章的作者,盖一位那些正在努力实现创业之梦的人们提出了中肯的建议。 -
John Neff on Investing
John Neff is a life-long contrarian, proving time-and-again over the past three decades that bucking the system can pay off big. During his illustrious career as a money manager, Neff flew in the face of conventional wisdom by consistently passing over the big growth stocks of the moment, in favor of inexpensive, under performing ones-and he usually won. During his thirty-one years as portfolio manager for Vanguard's Windsor and Gemini II Funds, he beat the market twenty-two times, through every imaginable stock market climate, while posting a 57-fold increase in an initial stake. When Windsor closed its doors to new investors in 1986, it was the largest mutual fund in the United States. Now retired from mutual fund management, Neff is finally ready to share the investment strategies that earned him international recognition as the "investor's investor", and made him the one to whom other money managers come to manage their money. In John Neff on Investing, Neff delineates, for the first time, the principles of his phenomenally successful low p/e approach to investing, and he describes the strategies, techniques, and investment decisions that earned him a place alongside Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch in the pantheon of modern investment wizards. Packed with solid advice and guidance for anyone who aspires to using Neff's unique brand of value investing, John Neff on Investing offers invaluable lessons on using price-earnings ratios as a yardstick, to zeroing in on undervalued stocks, interpreting earnings histories and anticipating new market climates. A narrative of Neff's early days-My Road to Windsor-reveals the extraordinary mindset and humble circumstances that shaped his winning investment philosophy. By reproducing excerpts from his personal investment diaries, this book offers a unique opportunity to watch Neff in action over the years. A faithful, quarter-in-quarter-out chronicle of a life on Wall Street, the diaries provide unprecedented insights into the thinking behind some of his best (and worst) investment decisions, while tracing the evolution of his innovative investment style. The first book to fully reveal the long-heralded investment strategies of a Wall Street genius, John Neff on Investing is must reading for investors, brokers, traders, and bankers of every kind. JOHN NEFF, until his retirement in 1995, was Senior Vice President and Managing Partner of the Wellington Management Company, the Windsor Fund's investment advisor. S.L. MINTZ, is New York Bureau Chief of CFO Magazine, a publication of the Economist Group dedicated to the latest financial thinking and how it is being implemented in today's markets. His other books include Beyond Wall Street (Wiley, 1998) and Five Eminent Contrarians. -
Adventure Capitalist
A gripping tale of adventure, danger and humor, peppered with investment tips from a Wall Street legend The best–selling author of Investment Biker takes a fascinating journey through the world′s economic situation in a convertible yellow Mercedes. This is the motivating story of entrepreneur Jim Rogers, dubbed "the Indiana Jones of finance" by Time magazine, who made his fortune playing the stock market and then embarked on his lifelong dream adventure. Together with his fiancee, Paige Parker, he set out on a three–year drive around the world that would ultimately set the Guinness world record for the longest continuous car journey. Their trip winds its way through 116 countries – through blizzards, deserts, epidemics and war zones – to discover failing economies and the new boom countries not from dry and potentially flawed statistics, but by experiencing life itself. This is a gripping tale of travel and adventure; along the way they encounter danger, love and farce. It is also a highly readable account of world economies: you won′t find a more enjoyable way to be introduced to the investment potential of Bolivia, or the cultural changes afoot in North Korea. Finally it is also an inward journey in which Rogers moves from the restless traveler to husband and father, hoping one day to introduce his daughter to his own passion for travel. JIM ROGERS entered the investment business in 1968 with $600 dollars in his pocket. By 1980, at 37 years of age, he had left Wall Street with enough money to satisfy a lifelong appetite for adventure. -
30年前,很少有人关注新生的期货业,更没有人尊重它。其主要的原因是从业者被看做是一帮鲁莽的投机者。利奥·梅拉梅德从根本上改变了这种观念。作为芝加哥商业交易所的一号人物、后来成为国际货币市场的负责人,他努力改革,创新思维,艰苦奋斗,大胆实践有效的交易技术。梅拉梅德重塑了期货业,点燃了风靡全球的国际期货革命。 如今,在公认的“金融期货之父”的引领下,你们奋战在令人兴奋但颇为争议、充满风险的期货市场上,经历着期货市场的光荣诞生,感受着期货市场波澜壮阔的成长,期待着无限的未来发展。《利奥梅拉梅德论市场》不仅是历史记事,而且还正确地指出由期货业经历的令人昏乱的高潮和低潮所得出的教训,以及怎样把这些教训运用到你的交易之中,以确保长远利润。为此,梅拉梅德打破了关于期货市场的许多神话,例证了坚定的原则能为行业带来多么大成功,并且以他25年的交易经验为我们提供了许多睿智的建议。 《利奥·梅拉梅德论市场》为你指出了成为一个成功交易者的必由之路。它为你论述了为什么交易者要热爱市场、而不是与之战斗这一重要的理念,以及为什么这种适应性将为你带来长远利益。它还证实,你不仅要拥有合适的工具(包括必要的风险资本,破译经济趋势的天赋以及应用交易技术的技巧),而且还要具备必要的心理素质。 《利奥·梅拉梅德论市场》的其他部分,从期货市场诞生的阐述,到全球市场的讨论,为那些有悟性的期货交易者提供了客观的教训和警示。如果这些交易者想要在当今常常具有不确定性的新兴世界体系中取得成功的话,书中的教训和警示应该引以为鉴。