Don't Worry Mama
While visiting a small, deserted island for work, Yuichi and his boss find themselves left behind by mistake. They must survive until someone notices they are missing, a task made more difficult by the incompetent, spoiled boss Imakura. Though they struggle for even the basic necessities Yuichi finds his steel facade starting to crumble! -
The Man Who Doesn't Take Off His Clothes
After landing a job at a major cosmetics company through a connection of his, Kaitani has finally gotten the chance to experience real work. But while his eagerness for the new product is admirable, he's utterly discouraged by Fujiwara, his rotten boss from hell! Kaitani plots to find Fujiwara's weakness, but though a colleague's misunderstanding, matter's take an unexpected turn! What's in store for Kaitani now that he's discovered Fujiwara's secret...and his sex appeal? -
【內容簡介】 全新的木原世界,由全篇新作新系列開始! 鹿代在解凍室裡的進口肉品裡發現其中夾雜了一個咖啡色物體,是一隻結凍的蝙蝠。要是被上頭知道,極有可能演變成進口肉品要全部重新檢查的麻煩下場……於是鹿代毫不猶豫地把牠丟進垃圾桶中。當晚,屠宰場的女生廁所裡出現了一位全裸的外國男性,這個男人被逮捕並關入拘留所中,沒想到隔天卻失去蹤影,現場只剩一隻蝙蝠…… -
【書籍介紹】 木原音瀨筆下歡樂逗趣的又帶著淡淡甜蜜的系列作,吸血鬼系列第2彈登場! 來到日本已經半年,阿爾終於融入了週遭的人群與生活當中。隨著春天的到來,新的遺體化妝師室井加入部門行列,使曉的職場熱鬧了起來,不過曉似乎和個性開朗活潑且直率的室井合不來……就在此時,阿爾接到了模特兒&出演連續劇的工作!從以前還是人類的時候就一直很憧憬成為明星的阿爾非常高興,然而曉十分震怒,看起來似乎不會輕易點頭答應……? -