●商业与技术领域最重要的五部作品之一、超级畅销书《释放杀手级应用》作者拉里•唐斯力作。摩尔定律、梅特卡夫定律和颠覆定律是当今的数字生活中起决定作用的三大定律,它们引导着创新,塑造着数字时代的新规则。 ●本书作者拉里•唐斯对信息经济学、法律和技术有着深厚的了解,他站在真实生活和数字生活的交界处,从私人、公共和信息生活三方面展现了两个世界相互作用、冲突和融合的历史和现实,并提出了对指数科技的驾驭之道。 ●适合决策者、企业管理者和普通消费者阅读。 -
现代“小型机之父”戈登·贝尔和微软研究院研究员吉姆·戈梅尔通过“我的数字生活”(MyLifeBits)项目,带领我们进行了一场关于数字化记录生活的美妙之旅,为我们揭示了在“信息在你指尖”的时代,全面数字化记录我们的所见所闻和所作所为如何完美呈现我们生命中的风景,以实现真正的“永生”。 那么,在”全面回忆“时代,我们该如何实时监测自己的健康状态,使自己的所有健康信息综合起来,为治疗和保健所用?我们该如何将“数字记忆”应用于工作领域,建立新式的数字记忆型企业,实现事业的巨大成功?我们又该如何在“全面回忆”的背景下,掀起一场教育革命,发掘科学研究的第四范式——数据密集型科学发现,成就最高效的学习?而我们又该如何应用这些个人大数据信息,成就自己的数字化人生? “全面记忆”和云端存储的大量信息,将彻底改变人们工作和学习的方式,人们的创造力将大大提高,学习境界也将明显提升。全面完整的健康信息,将为我们的健康生活保驾护航,“数字护士”将颠覆现有的医疗模式。“数字记忆”有助于长久保持与亲人之间的情感,让我们的亲人真正实现“永生”。“全面记忆“将催生一个新的产业和无数创业家,而工作、健康和学习的数字记忆必将引发一场革命! -
Why do some products capture our attention, while others flop? What makes us engage with certain products out of habit? Is there a pattern underlying how technologies hook us? This book introduces readers to the "Hook Model," a four steps process companies use to build customer habits. Through consecutive hook cycles, successful products reach their ultimate goal of bringing users back repeatedly -- without depending on costly advertising or aggressive messaging.Hooked is a guide to building products people can't put down. Written for product managers, designers, marketers, startup founders, and people eager to learn more about the things that control our behaviors, this book gives readers: - Practical insights to create user habits that stick. - Actionable steps for building products people love. - Behavioral techniques used by Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and other habit-forming products. Nir Eyal distilled years of research, consulting and practical experience to write a manual for creating habit-forming products. Nir has taught at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Hasso Plattner Institute of Design. His writing on technology, psychology and business appears in the Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, TechCrunch, and Psychology Today. -
本书是中国首部深入探讨第三方支付的著作。 本书以电子交易方式、电子货币及电子认证技术演变的“三重奏”将决定电子支付中介的发展为主线,分析了中国第三方支付从“小支付”走向“大金融”的历史逻辑、技术逻辑和商业逻辑,揭示了第三方支付特别是创新型第三方支付机构发展对提升中国经济运行效率的作用,分析了第三方支付的未来发展趋向,并提出了相应的政策建议。 本书旨在以小见大,立足于揭示互联网与移动互联网对中国经济发展转型的深刻作用,聚焦第三方支付这一渗透面极广的微领域,对互联网媒介作用下中国的企业竞争规则、市场规则、政府管理规则的变化特点做了深刻剖析。 -
A revealing, forward-looking examination of the outsize influence Google has had on the changing media Landscape. -
New Rules for the New Economy
Forget supply and demand. Forget computers. The old rules are broken. Today, communication, not computation, drives change. We are rushing into a world where connectivity is everything, and where old business know-how means nothing. In this new economic order, success flows primarily from understanding networks, and networks have their own rules. In New Rules for the New Economy, Kelly presents ten fundamental principles of the connected economy that invert the traditional wisdom of the industrial world. Succinct and memorable, New Rules explains why these powerful laws are already hardwired into the new economy, and how they play out in all kinds of business -- both low and high tech -- all over the world. More than an overview of new economic principles, it prescribes clear and specific strategies for success in the network economy. For any worker, CEO, or middle manager, New Rules is the survival kit for the new economy.