很多人从未踏上过法国的土地,却深深地迷恋这个国家。这是一个矛盾的民族,冷漠与热烈兼具,善于表达浪漫的激情,也崇尚哲学、逻辑与思辨之美;这是一个感官的乐园:香水的芬芳,香槟的甜美,香颂的缠绵;这是一个艺术的圣殿,卢浮宫的馆藏浩如烟海,塞纳河左岸的现代艺术生生不息;这是一个田园生活和奢靡时尚并行不悖的秀场,T台上款款而行的模特儿,南部乡村里悠然自得的农夫……的确,法国散发出特别而暧昧的气息,勾起人们进一步探究的欲望。 这本小书笔触流畅,从细微处入手,举重若轻。书的前几章全面地介绍了法国的土地和国民、历史和现实、法国人的价值观和生活态度、风俗和传统等等方面;接下来的内容对初到法国的访客尤为重要:如何结交朋友,法国人的居家生活,工作之余的消遣玩乐;最后三章则阐述了旅行、商业交流以及人际沟通领域的须知事项和敏感问题。客观介绍之外,作者将法国生活的细节娓娓道来,读者可以看到法国人傲慢的外表下可亲可爱的一面。 -
Vincent Van Gogh: The Complete Paintings
The complete van Gogh Vincent van Gogh's story is one of the most ironic in art history. He lived an unhappy and difficult life during which his work received almost no appreciation—finally killing himself by a bullet to the chest, so great was his despair—and is now widely considered one of the most important painters of all time, his works fetching record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction. This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) represents a rarity in art history: a detailed monograph on his life and art combined with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings. This volume also reproduces most of van Gogh's paintings in color for the first time. -
Holy Bible
Ten Great Works of Philosophy
在线阅读本书 From ancient Greece to nineteenth-century America, this collection traces the history of our civilization through the seminal works of its most influential thinkers. Perfect for anyone interested in understanding the progression of Western thought, this volume includes: Plato : Apology, Crito, and Death of Socrates from Phaedo Aristotle : Poetics St. Anselm : The Ontological Proof of St. Anselm, from Proslogium St. Thomas Aquinas : St. Thomas' Proofs of God's Existence, from The Summa Theologica René Descartes : Meditations on the First Philosophy David Hume : An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding Immanuel Kant : Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics John Stuart Mill : Utilitarianism William James : The Will to Believe -
The Story of Philosophy
The Story of Philosophy chronicles the ideas of the great thinkers, the economic and intellectual environments which influenced them, and the personal traits and adventures out of which each philosophy grew. -
哲学史在很多方面就像史诗式的小说。可敬的先哲们位增慧后学,经过痛苦的思想砥砺,缔造了哲学传统。 在这巨大的哲学家族中总会有一些“不安分子”(blacksheep)频生事端、搅动倪墙,甚至触怒当政者。哲学流派之间也经常针锋相对、势同水火,但却从未真正分出胜负。这些对峙随着传奇一起代际相传,表现为一种发展的进程。旧论弃如敝屣,新调登堂入室,尽管有时候只是风行一时而已。 因此,正像一个大哲所说的,哲学史势观念的历险,这本书就是试图勾勒出这出大戏的线索。