曾有一种人类与我们的祖先智人共存在这个世界上,他们是进化谱系中与我们关系最亲密的兄弟手足。 他们是尼安德特人。他们会使用火,能制造工具,并且懂得艺术。但在两万多年前,他们的进化链突然中断,有人猜测,是我们祖先的入侵导致了他们的灭绝。 但如果这个曾经繁盛一时的人种逃过了劫难,世界将会怎样? 他们矮小敦实的身体比我们更强壮,他们的脑容量等同于甚至超过我们,他们极有可能最终进化出另一种崭新的文明。 某天,地底深处的加拿大萨德伯里中微子天文台,一个尼安德特人神秘地出现在重水槽中,一扇沟通我们宇宙与尼安德特宇宙的窗口自此打开…… 本书系“尼安德特”三部曲的首部,2002年在美国著名的科幻杂志《类比》上连载,并获得2003年雨果奖最佳长篇奖。 -
★ 全世界最幸福的人尼尔,写给所有人的乐活书。 ★ 真正的幸福不是惊天动地的事,而是懂得发现生命中的小美好,过自己想要的生活。 ★ 5,000万次超人气点击,连续3年荣获全球最佳博客奖,每天有50000新人加入。 ★ 持续140周位居国际畅销书排行榜第1名,《纽约时报》国际最高荣誉奖! ★全新生活理念“生命中最美好的事都是免费的”,从欧美波及全球,引发了全世界80多个国家数亿人的口碑传播,大学生、都市白领、学校、家庭、企业和社会各阶层感动盛赞。 ★ 一本受到全球20余家主流媒体的争相推崇的书。每一篇文章,都引发几十万人内心共鸣。 ★清新时尚的装帧设计,内文四色全彩印刷,开启一场华丽丽的视觉盛宴,突现典藏版本的华美特质。翻开每一页,都能体会满满的幸福和美好。 ★ 世界如此浮躁,把最美好幸福的书送给你最在乎的人。适合每个年龄层的人,适合在任何心情下阅读。一本书,收获的不止是幸福…… 在忙碌纷繁的都市中,我们的心渐渐遗失了对美好生活的想象。 有时候,我们会忘记那些令我们会心微笑的小事情;有时候,我们会不自觉地感觉世界正在崩塌、陷落,幸福已经成为久远的传说。 但事实上,美好的事情一直都在我们周围,而且全部都是免费的。 当你翻开这本书,每一页都充满令人心动的美妙时刻,每一张图都闪耀着让人沉醉的耀眼光芒,每一段文字都散发着温热迷人的芬芳; 当你翻开这本书,用心感受一片云的静美,一朵花的芳香,和一个推心置腹的人聊一下午云淡风轻的人生。你就会发现,生活中原来还有这么多美好是我们不曾珍惜; 当你翻开这本书,你就打开了美好生活的另一扇窗,阳光温暖,岁月静好。当你打开这本书,你就打开了幸福人生的能量场,懂得珍惜,才会拥有。 它会让你找回你心中那个天真的三岁小孩,让你发现生活中原来有很多值得欣赏的小美好、小快乐,让你在积极乐观的生活态度下变得充实而美满…… 愿你在积极乐观的生活态度下变得充实而美满, 愿你带着爱和微笑去珍惜那些出现在生命中的小美好。 -
Dear Life
A New York Times Notable Book A Washington Post Notable Work of Fiction A Best Book of the Year: The Atlantic, NPR, Vogue , AV Club In story after story in this brilliant new collection, Alice Munro pinpoints the moment a person is forever altered by a chance encounter, an action not taken, or a simple twist of fate. Her characters are flawed and fully human: a soldier returning from war and avoiding his fiancée, a wealthy woman deciding whether to confront a blackmailer, an adulterous mother and her neglected children, a guilt-ridden father, a young teacher jilted by her employer. Illumined by Munro’s unflinching insight, these lives draw us in with their quiet depth and surprise us with unexpected turns. And while most are set in her signature territory around Lake Huron, some strike even closer to home: an astonishing suite of four autobiographical tales offers an unprecedented glimpse into Munro’s own childhood. Exalted by her clarity of vision and her unparalleled gift for storytelling, Dear Life shows how strange, perilous, and extraordinary ordinary life can be. -
The Book of Awesome
Based on the award-winning 10-million-plus-hit blog 1000awesomethings.com, The Book of Awesome is a high five for humanity and a big celebration of life's little moments: • Popping Bubble Wrap • Wearing underwear just out of the dryer • Fixing electronics by smacking them • Getting called up to the dinner buffet first at a wedding • Watching The Price Is Right when you're home sick • Hitting a bunch of green lights in a row • Waking up and realizing it's Saturday Sometimes it's easy to forget the things that make us smile. With a 24/7 news cycle reporting that the polar ice caps are melting, hurricanes are swirling in the seas, wars are heating up around the world, and the job market is in a deep freeze, it's tempting to feel that the world is falling apart. But awesome things are all around us-sometimes we just need someone to point them out. The Book of Awesome reminds us that the best things in life are free (yes, your grandma was right). With laugh-out-loud observations from award- winning comedy writer Neil Pasricha, The Book of Awesome is filled with smile-inducing moments on every page that make you feel like a kid looking at the world for the first time. Read it and you'll remember all the things there are to feel good about. -
《批评的解剖》以相当开阔的眼界剖析和总结了西方现存各种批评流派的是非得失,既是50年代以前西方文艺批评的系统总结,又是50年代以后西方文学批评新动向的明确宣言,是一部划时代的批评专著。20世纪被称为批评的世纪,但是在西方,真正把文学批评当作一门独立的学科,对其自身进行比较系统的探讨的,应当说是从《批评的解剖》开始。 -