Ish is one of my favorite books (Candlewick Press, 2004). This is the sequel to The Dot and a tribute to an approach to thinking – and relaxing — about your art, your writing, your craft. Your life. There is one more book in this "creatrilogy" series which I will begin soon. - Peter -
《爱心树世界杰出绘本选:点》内容简介:“那就随便画一笔,看看能画出什么。”瓦士缇的老师请她随意地表达自己。但是瓦士提不会画画——她不是艺术家。为了证明这一点,她在一张空白的图画纸上戳了一个极其普通又充满愤怒的点。就是这个小小的点让瓦士缇开始了充满惊喜的自我发现之旅。这个小小的点是彼德•H•雷诺兹这个激发我们所有人创造力的精妙寓言的起点。这个小小的点就标志着开始…… 海报: -
《加拿大史》内容简介:《世界历史文库》主要选收国别史、地区史的通史性著作,以国别史为主体,适当辅以地区史。计划共出版80种,2年内出齐。 《加拿大史》是世界历史文库之一,共十七章节,内容包括故乡、无主之地、扩张和巩固、争夺美洲的战争、转变与联合、从殖民地到省、扩张与失望、摆脱束缚、敌意的世界等。系统、全面地为您讲解世界上面积第二大的国家——加拿大。从遥远的冰河时代,到上世界80年代的繁荣与萧条;从“法属加拿大”到“英属加拿大”的斗争;从争夺美洲的战争再到新世界多元文化的包容……人文、地理、经济、战争等多种因素共同谱写了加拿大独立的历史,《加拿大史》正是您了解加拿大的最佳途径。 -
哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲大陆,从此开始了欧洲人移民美洲的历史,这是我们耳熟能详的历史。但本书作者却指出,是中国人而不是哥伦布首先发现的美洲大陆。作者追查历史档案和典籍,以田野调查与文献资料考证相结合,通过考察加拿大布雷顿角岛的一条古道,得出惊人结论:远在欧洲探险家到达该岛之前,中国人就已经在此建立了颇具规模的移民区。作者还解释了此移民区湮灭无闻的原因,并以令人信服的考证,指出北美原住民米克茂人的文化与中国文化的渊源。 -
Calculating God
Calculating God is the new near-future SF thriller from the popular and award-winning Robert J. Sawyer. An alien shuttle craft lands outside the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. A six-legged, two-armed alien emerges, who says, in perfect English, "Take me to a paleontologist." It seems that Earth, and the alien's home planet, and the home planet of another alien species traveling on the alien mother ship, all experienced the same five cataclysmic events at about the same time (one example of these "cataclysmic events" would be the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs). Both alien races believe this proves the existence of God: i.e. he's obviously been playing with the evolution of life on each of these planets.From this provocative launch point, Sawyer tells a fast-paced, and morally and intellectually challenging, SF story that just grows larger and larger in scope. The evidence of God's universal existence is not universally well received on Earth, nor even immediately believed. And it reveals nothing of God's nature. In fact. it poses more questions than it answers.When a supernova explodes out in the galaxy but close enough to wipe out life on all three home-worlds, the big question is, Will God intervene or is this the sixth cataclysm:?Calculating God is SF on the grand scale. -