An Anatomy of Chinese
During the Cultural Revolution, Mao exhorted the Chinese people to “smash the four olds”: old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas. Yet when the Red Guards in Tiananmen Square chanted “We want to see Chairman Mao,” they unknowingly used a classical rhythm that dates back to the Han period and is the very embodiment of the four olds. An Anatomy of Chinese reveals how rhythms, conceptual metaphors, and political language convey time-honored meanings of which Chinese speakers themselves may not be consciously aware, and contributes to the ongoing debate over whether language shapes thought, or vice versa. Perry Link’s inquiry into the workings of Chinese reveals convergences and divergences with English, most strikingly in the area of conceptual metaphor. Different spatial metaphors for consciousness, for instance, mean that English speakers wake up while speakers of Chinese wake across. Other underlying metaphors in the two languages are similar, lending support to theories that locate the origins of language in the brain. The distinction between daily-life language and official language has been unusually significant in contemporary China, and Link explores how ordinary citizens learn to play language games, artfully wielding officialese to advance their interests or defend themselves from others. Particularly provocative is Link’s consideration of how Indo-European languages, with their preference for abstract nouns, generate philosophical puzzles that Chinese, with its preference for verbs, avoids. The mind-body problem that has plagued Western culture may be fundamentally less problematic for speakers of Chinese. -
《外语教学研究中的定量数据分析》是一本系统介绍外语教学研究特点、统计分析基础以及参数和非参数检验方法在外语教学研究中应用的专著。该书由以下三大部分十四章组成:1)外语教学研究基础,该部分主要介绍外语教学研究和统计学基本概念;2)定量数据分析的准备,该部分以实例详述了如何利用SPSS统计软件进行数据的准备工作、问卷的项目分析,以及效度和信度分析;3)定量数据的统计分析,该部分用实例讨论了描述统计分析方法、数据考察、假设检验,以及参数和非参数检验方法在外语教学研究中的运用。外语教学研究中的定量数据分析为秦晓晴著。 -
《英语词源趣谈(第2版)》内容简介:英语单词并不是随意排列的字母组合,而是各有其构词根据及演变过程,即词源;对其词源有所了解之后,你就可以得心应手地识记、使用它们了。《英语词源趣谈(第2版)》以通俗易懂的语言,向你呈上近2000个英语单词的有趣故事,从希腊语、拉丁语、法语等的渊源说起,涵盖了神话传说、历史逸闻、风尚习俗和科技发现,还收录了近年来的新词blog、clone、dink、google、hacker等,并附有大量例句,让你在奥妙无穷的单词世界中作一次引人入胜的探源之旅! -
《逻辑语言和认知》适合从事逻辑学、语言学、计算机科学和认知科学的相关研究人员、教师和学生阅读,也适合其他逻辑相关学科的教师和学生参阅。“逻辑之门”是当代世界著名的逻辑学家约翰·范本特姆经典著作的中文翻译。丛书收集了他的经典论文和主要专著,其涵盖的主题有:关于信息、进程和智能互动的模态逻辑:自然语言中范畴语法和量词语义的逻辑:逻辑与认识论、科学方法论和博弈论之间的相互影响,等等。丛书展现了现代逻辑作为数学、哲学、语言学、计算机科学、认知科学等学科之间媒介和催化剂的新视角。 逻辑研究抽象的推理模式,而日常生活中我们使用自然语言推理。从亚里士多德开始,逻辑就与语言和语言哲学紧密联系在一起。《逻辑、语言和认知》表明,这一联系在今天依然非常活跃。自然语言的使用包含着计算,用以维持语言使用者共同的对话状态,《逻辑语言和认知》探讨了语言与计算机逻辑相关的一些重要主题,研究了逻辑与认知科学的联系,表明“反心理学”的教条已经不复存在,逻辑理论与经验实践之间正在不断交换思想。 -
Mathematical Linguistics
This book demonstrates the contribution that statistics can and should make to linguistic studies.The range of work to which statistical analysis is applicable is vast:including,for example,language acquisition,language variation and many aspects of applied linguistics,The aubhors give a wide variety of linguixtic examples to demonstrate the use of statistics in summarising data in the most appropriate way,and then making helpful inferences form the processed information. Students and resesarchers in many fields of linguistics will find this book an invaluable introduction to the use of statistics,and a practical text tor the development of skils in the application of statistics.