Theory Of Literature
Theory of Literature(1985) 中文名:韦勒克、沃伦《文学理论》英文版 Author: Rene Wellek and Austin Warren Publisher: Peregrine Books Year: 1985 Language: English Imagecount: 390 书籍简介:这是一本有关文学的本质、功能、形式及内容的经典理论著作,作者以“文学的外部研究”和“文学的内部研究:构筑其理论体系,超越了多年以来文学理论架构的传统模式。本书是在文学研究方面最富条理、范围最广、最有针对性的尝试之一。值得注意的是,该书出版以来,即作为最经典的文学理论教材受到全球范围内专家、教授以及广大学生的欢迎。美国《星期六文学评论》的署名文章说:这部百科全书式的论著蕴涵了海量的信息,繁杂的材料被更有效地组合,行文简洁兼之针对性极强的分析,与传统的此类著作迥然不同,此书值得每一个学术图书馆收藏。 -
Anatomy of Criticism
Striking out at the conception of criticism as restricted to mere opinion or ritual gesture, Northrop Frye wrote this magisterial work proceeding on the assumption that criticism is a structure of thought and knowledge in its own right. In four brilliant essays on historical, ethical, archetypical, and rhetorical criticism, employing examples of world literature from ancient times to the present, Frye reconceived literary criticism as a total history rather than a linear progression through time. Literature, Frye wrote, is "the place where our imaginations find the ideal that they try to pass on to belief and action, where they find the vision which is the source of both the dignity and the joy of life." And the critical study of literature provides a basic way "to produce, out of the society we have to live in, a vision of the society we want to live in." Harold Bloom contributes a fascinating and highly personal preface that examines Frye's mode of criticism and thought (as opposed to Frye's criticism itself) as being indispensable in the modern literary world. -
Critical Theory Since Plato
CRITICAL THEORY SINCE PLATO is a chronologically-arranged anthology that presents a broad survey of the history and development of literary criticism and theory in Western culture. Written by two well-known scholars in the field of literary study, this well-respected text puts an emphasis on the individual contributors to the development of literary criticism, from Plato and Aristotle to the present. -
对我,对每个文学学生,研究新批评是一个必要的阶段性工作。我们面对的知识集合,就是历史投射在今曰的影子:我们无法跳过历史的演变而直接掌握今日,就像不可能不读弗洛伊德直接读拉康。要了解现代文论,无法不读形式论,而要想了解现代形式论,就绕不开新批评。正因如此,《重访新批评》也就有不得不出的理由。 在这一层理由上,新批评派与其他派别相同、然而,还有别的几个理由。让我们更加必须重新拜访新批评派。第一个理由是,这个理论派别与中国现代文论特别有缘。我的学术领域之一是中西文学关系史,当年我选中新批评做研究课题,是由于新批评与中国现代文论史的诸多关联。 -