《命运的重量——一个艺术家大半个世纪的人生自传》是一本个人的历史回忆录。董克俊,这位被美国的评论家称为“原始”的现代主义画家,建国后最知名的版画家之一,这位现实生活中的儿子、丈夫和父亲,在年过七旬之后,尽管深受眼疾困扰,仍然坚持用一支笔,在白纸上写着斗大的字,一笔一画地写出了命运的沉重或轻盈,选择的痛苦或快乐,历史的哑默或喧嚣。 这书的写作非常坦诚与平实。这是一个人的一生,却讲出了整个时代,记录了作者在风云变幻的历史关头的深刻思索和艰难抉择。字里行间,除了老一辈艺术家的艺术追寻之外,他所记录的亲戚、家人、病痛、工作、儿女婚事、退休等日常生活,文字朴素,情感真挚,就像人生的启示录一样能给人们带来启迪和参考。 -
How to Make Love Like a Porn Star
When the stewardess brought me off the plane in a wheelchair, I lowered my head. I was too scared to even look at my father. I didn't want to see the disappointment and horror on his face. All that hate I had accumulated for him over the years, all the resentment against him for not understanding what I was going through, just released with the tears. "So, where are your parents?" the stewardess asked me after a few minutes. "I can't wait here with you much longer." I looked up and wiped my eyes. My father was standing ten feet away. He didn't even recognize me. In the underbelly of Las Vegas, a cesspool of warring biker gangs and seedy strip clubs transformed the gawky, brace-faced Jenna Massoli into the bombshell Jenna Jameson. Today, Jenna Jameson is the biggest star in the history of adult movies, consistently ranked as one of the most beautiful women alive. But behind the glamour and the meteoric rise to fame was a path paved with tragedy and heartbreak. As a teenager drawn into a chaotic world ruled by rape, abuse, and murder, Jenna plunged into a downward spiral of addiction, even as she became one of the most photographed women in adult magazines. Determined to overcome this past, Jenna rebounded in the adult-film business, where she encountered sadistic directors, experienced lovers of both sexes, amorous celebrities (from Howard Stern to Marilyn Manson to Tommy Lee), bitter rival starlets, and finally, glory, as she went on to become the biggest porn star the world has ever seen. But her struggle for happiness did not end when the accolades began. For years she wrestled with her resentment at her estranged father, the loneliness of growing up from the age of two without a mother, and her enduring childhood desire to find a man who could give her the security and love she never had. Her unforgettable memoir is many things at once: a shocking sexual history, an insider's guide to the secret workings of the billion-dollar adult-film industry, and a gripping thriller that probes deep into Jenna's dark past. An unparalleled exploration of sexual freedom, How to Make Love Like a Porn Star ventures far beyond the flesh, into the heart-shredding tragedies and adrenaline-pumping triumphs of a woman who has already lived a hundred lifetimes. Always witty and humorous even as she faces the demons of her past, Jenna offers hilarious anecdotes about one of the most controversial businesses in history, and shares outrageous advice, including her ten commandments of dating and sex, how to become a "suitcase pimp," and how to make it in the business as a female (or a male). Add to this never-before-seen photographs from Jenna's private collection and others taken exclusively for this book, and the result is certain to be one of the most talked-about books of the year. -
Pour Your Heart Into It
The chairman and CEO of Starbucks relates how he and his team built a small Seattle company into a nationwide business phenomenon. From Amazon.com Since 1987, Starbucks's star has been on the rise, growing from 11 Seattle, WA-based stores to more than 1,000 worldwide. Its goals grew, too, from the more modest, albeit fundamental one of offering high-quality coffee beans roasted to perfection to, more recently, opening a new store somewhere every day. An exemplary success story, Starbucks is identified with innovative marketing strategies, employee-ownership programs, and a product that's become a subculture. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a manager, a marketer, or a curious Starbucks loyalist, Pour Your Heart into It will let you in on the revolutionary Starbucks venture. CEO Howard Schultz recounts the company's rise in 24 chapters, each of which illustrates such core values as "Winning at the expense of employees is not victory at all." --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Library Journal The author is the entrepreneur behind Starbucks, the coffee-shop chain with a "passion" for quality coffee. Through the voice of Eric Conger, Schultz speaks poetically about the "mystery and romance" of the "coffee experience." Well, to some people coffee is like that. The program is not so much for those who want to learn about business techniques as for those who love Starbucks. Schultz's story is an interesting one, largely a personal narrative about making it big. At one point the narration says, "It's not about me," but to a great extent the tapes really are. Recommended only if Starbucks has a strong presence in your community.?Mark Guyer, Stark Cty. Dist. Lib., Canton, Ohio Book Dimension Height (mm) 229 Width (mm) 152 -
玛格丽特·撒切尔,这位改变英国、影响世界,并让所有人折服的女政治家,在长达11年的首相任职期间政绩卓著:她全力改革,使这个眼看落寞的老牌资本主义国家跻身于世界前四强;赢得马岛战争,坚持与美国的特殊关系,巩固了英国在世界政治中的强势地位。 本书是撒切尔夫人的回忆录,它以当事人的视角为我们展示了这位生来与政治结缘,浸淫在残酷政治纷争中的平民女孩是如何在没有显赫门第的疵荫下,依靠自己的不断努力和顽强奋斗脱颖而出,“巾帼不让须眉”,在英国这个传统守旧的国度里,在保守党政治斗争的漩涡与激流中,一步一步沿着成功的阶梯攀登,最终入主唐宁街10号,登上权力之巅。 -
《黑道商学院》内容简介:麦可•法兰杰斯曾登上《财富》杂志封面故事,当选“全美五十大黑道大哥”,当时他每周创造600万~800万美元营业额,他从马基雅维利的权力斗争哲学出发,现身说法,凭借多年的组织经营与人事管理的实战经验,向读者传授更智慧、更有效的管理与经营之道。 -
《逆战:李世石自传》内容简介:他是世界围棋第一人,是棋坛最杰出的明星棋手。他野马奔腾般的力战型棋风,任何时候都是围棋界热议的焦点话题。与老一辈棋手不同,他个性鲜明、桀骜不驯、率真至性,另类得几乎为世俗所不容。“我不想下不是李世石风格的围棋。”这就是李世石,他的言行都是源于他的自信与强劲。 他是围棋界最闪耀的一颗明星,创造了27个月韩国职业棋手排行榜榜首连霸纪录、个人32连胜纪录,荣获了15项世界冠军。他朝着自己的梦想坚持不懈地追求着,给平静的棋坛带来了震动。他不仅有着过人的悟性与实力,而且还有着非凡的气质与胸襟。他已经成为韩国和中国青年新的偶像,现在,老一辈棋手也为他的崛起、为他的成熟而拍手叫好。 在《逆战:李世石自传》中,李世石讲述了他从孤岛少年到称霸棋坛的围棋圣手的传奇人生,以及他的定力、强劲和永不停歇的战斗……为读者呈现出一个最真实、最立体的李世石,让你了解李世石的围棋人生!