《季羡林说自己:镜头人生》主要内容:季羡林说自己:镜头人生。在品行的好坏方面,我尽管有不少的私心杂念,但是总起来看,我考虑别人的利益还是多于一半的。至于说真话与说慌,这当然也是衡量品行的一个标准。我说过不少谎话,因为非此则不能生存。但是我还是敢于讲真话的,我的真话总是大大超过谎话。因此我是一个好人。 我的学术研究,特点只有一个字,这就是:杂。杂而不精,门门通,门门松。所可以聊以自慰者只是,我在杂中还有几点重点。所谓重点,就是我毕生倾全力以赴、锲而不舍地研究的课题。我在研究这些课题之余,为了换一换脑筋,涉猎一些重点课题以外的领域。间有所获,也写成了文章。 我这一生,同别人差不多,阳光大道,独木小桥,都走过跨过。坎坎坷坷,弯弯曲曲,一路走了过来。我不能不承认,我运气不错,所得到的成功,所获得的虚名,都有点名不符实。在另一方面,我的倒霉也有非常人所可得者。 ——季羡林 -
Spider Eaters
"Spider Eaters" is at once a moving personal story, a fascinating family history, and a unique chronicle of political upheaval told by a Chinese woman who came of age during the turbulent years of the Cultural Revolution. With stunning honesty and a lively, sly humor, Rae Yang records her life from her early years as the daughter of Chinese diplomats in Switzerland, to her girlhood at an elite middle school in Beijing, to her adolescent experience as a Red Guard and later as a laborer on a pig farm in the remote northern wilderness. She tells of her eventual disillusionment with the Maoist revolution, how remorse and despair drove her almost to suicide, and how she struggled to make sense of conflicting events that often blurred the line between victim and victimizer, aristocrat and peasant, communist and counterrevolutionary. Moving gracefully between past and present, dream and reality, the author artfully conveys the vast complexity of life in China as well as the richness, confusion, and magic of her own inner life and struggle. Much of the power of the narrative derives from Yang's multi-generational, cross-class perspective. She invokes the myths, legends, folklore, and local customs that surrounded her and brings to life the many people who were instrumental in her life: her nanny, a poor woman who raised her from a baby and whose character is conveyed through the bedtime tales she spins; her father; her beloved grandmother, who died as a result of the political persecution she suffered. Spanning the years from 1950 to 1980, Rae Yang's story is evocative, complex, and told with striking candor. It is one of the most immediate and engaging narratives of life in post-1949 China. -
Things a Little Bird Told Me
THINGS A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME From GQ's "Nerd of the Year" to one of Time's most influential people in the world, Biz Stone represents different things to different people. But he is known to all as the creative, effervescent, funny, charmingly positive and remarkably savvy co-founder of Twitter-the social media platform that singlehandedly changed the way the world works. Now, Biz tells fascinating, pivotal, and personal stories from his early life and his careers at Google and Twitter, sharing his knowledge about the nature and importance of ingenuity today. In Biz's world: -Opportunity can be manufactured -Great work comes from abandoning a linear way of thinking -Creativity never runs out -Asking questions is free -Empathy is core to personal and global success In this book, Biz also addresses failure, the value of vulnerability, ambition, and corporate culture. Whether seeking behind-the-scenes stories, advice, or wisdom and principles from one of the most successful businessmen of the new century, THINGS A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME will satisfy every reader. -
《导演小人书》是首部全面记录导演林兆华戏剧与人生的图文作品集。 由林兆华亲自整理、编排,以图片的形式回忆自己50年导演经历,并为每一张照片撰写配图小文,好像“小人书”一样,通过一个个鲜活、有趣的故事,图文并茂地再现他导演路上的所见所闻,并结合他个人的排戏经历,逐一披露他与高行健、过士行、濮存昕、梁冠华、何冰、徐帆、宋丹丹、蒋雯丽、易立明、谭盾、高亚麟、小陶虹等豪华的主创团队背后的交往趣事。 -
《从文自传》是沈从文的一部散文体自传。《从文自传》讲述了沈从文年轻时的湘西成长经历,记录了作者天真好奇的童年时代,胸怀抱负却经历坎坷的青年时代,最终选择走上文学创作的道路。沈从文曾谈到《从文自传》的写作:就个人记忆到的写下去,既可温习一下个人生命发展过程,也可让读者明白我是在怎样环境下活过来的一个人。特别是在生活陷于完全绝望中,还能充满勇气和信心始终坚持工作。《从文自传》并不单单只是对过去经历的一种追忆,更是对作者自我生命的反思与觉醒,在困惑、迷茫中寻找通往未来的希望之路,从而使自己得到蜕变和成长。 -
在微博上受到越來越多的關注,讓我想說些有用的話,用我的聲音做些有意義的事情。[待續]說了我的童年,說了我對舞蹈的熱愛,說了我從壹個懵懂的少年,到壹個過著忙碌單身生活的昏庸青年,再到現在,無心插柳柳成蔭的要結婚了。在這個成長的過程裏,有很多迷惘,很多無助,很多心酸,很多失望。可是我走過來了,人在最低谷的時候,成長的最快,壹路我學到了很多道理。我走過的這些歲月,我學會的這些道理,說出來給大家聽,無論妳是不是同志,都希望妳能有新的認知… ---- RMIUC /艾迪生 [新西蘭]