本书是心理卫生运动创始人比尔斯?克利富德所著,记录了他患精神疾病住精神病院前后的种种遭遇以及内心的思考和体验。此书首版于1908年此后连年再版,迄今已经再版50余次,被称为全世界心理卫生运动的开山之作,是一本具有世界影响的书。要想了解心理卫生问题的来龙去脉,此书不可不读。 -
河莉秀的第一本个人写真集,远赴意大利拍摄,捕捉美丽的异国风光。写真集中总共收录了近两百张风格迥异的照片,河莉秀的造型更是千变万化,不论俏皮的,纯洁的,野艳的,自然的河莉秀,全都妩媚动人,美不胜收。随书附赠全长38分钟的VCD,尽展河莉秀作为“蜕变女神”的美艳风姿! -
I am Zlatan Ibrahimovic
I Am Zlatan Ibrahimovic is the story of the football player known to fans around the world as Ibra. Get the inside story of his childhood on the wrong side of the tracks in Malmö, Sweden, and his fight against the odds. Here’s Ibra’s take on the clubs, the scandals, and on stars like Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Patrick Vieira and Lionel Messi. In his own words, Ibra tells us about his time on the Malmö FF youth squad, and about the dads from the nicer part of town who tried to get him kicked off the team. We get the full story about the conflicts in Ajax, the sale to Juventus, his successes in Italy and the scandal that almost ruined his career. He tells us about the wins with Inter Milan, about Mourinho, and about his most famous goals. He tells us about Helena, the kids, and his life off the pitch. And for the first time ever we get the whole truth about what really happened between him and Pep Guardiola in Barcelona. Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s autobiography is a thrilling look behind the scenes of top division football. -
Michael Owen
The Story of My Life
An American classic rediscovered by each generation, The Story of My Life is Helen Keller’s account of her triumph over deafness and blindness. Popularized by the stage play and movie The Miracle Worker, Keller’s story has become a symbol of hope for people all over the world. This book–published when Keller was only twenty-two–portrays the wild child who is locked in the dark and silent prison of her own body. With an extraordinary immediacy, Keller reveals her frustrations and rage, and takes the reader on the unforgettable journey of her education and breakthroughs into the world of communication. From the moment Keller recognizes the word “water” when her teacher finger-spells the letters, we share her triumph as “that living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free!” An unparalleled chronicle of courage, The Story of My Life remains startlingly fresh and vital more than a century after its first publication, a timeless testament to an indomitable will. -
本書是半自傳式的著作,主要來源有兩種,一為海耶克自1945年開始親自撰寫的「自傳筆記」;一為專家學者們與海耶克的對談記錄。 全書以海耶克的生涯為經,以各階段的著作為緯,將海耶克的心路歷程,以及各本重要著作的產生背景和主要意涵,用輕鬆筆調委婉道出。 對海耶克這位直言不諱,一生堅持市場經濟立場的智者有興趣,或想對其思想鑽研者,實在應先由此書建立起與海耶克的心靈感應。