Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
Mindy Kaling has lived many lives: the obedient child of immigrant professionals, a timid chubster afraid of her own bike, a Ben Affleck–impersonating Off-Broadway performer and playwright, and, finally, a comedy writer and actress prone to starting fights with her friends and coworkers with the sentence “Can I just say one last thing about this, and then I swear I’ll shut up about it?” Perhaps you want to know what Mindy thinks makes a great best friend (someone who will fill your prescription in the middle of the night), or what makes a great guy (one who is aware of all elderly people in any room at any time and acts accordingly), or what is the perfect amount of fame (so famous you can never get convicted of murder in a court of law), or how to maintain a trim figure (you will not find that information in these pages). If so, you’ve come to the right book, mostly! In Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, Mindy invites readers on a tour of her life and her unscientific observations on romance, friendship, and Hollywood, with several conveniently placed stopping points for you to run errands and make phone calls. Mindy Kaling really is just a Girl Next Door—not so much literally anywhere in the continental United States, but definitely if you live in India or Sri Lanka. -
有史以来,最伟大的美国人是谁?你的回答也许是华盛顿,也许是林肯,甚至也许是比尔·盖茨,但美国人却告诉我们:是本杰明·富兰克林。 美国历史上最杰出的政治家、科学家、发明家、商业家、文学家、教育家、出版家、外交家……富兰克林头上的光环林林总总,他一生的涉猎之广是无比惊人的,仅在科学领域,他的研究就涉及物理、数学、光学、热学、植物学和海洋学。他还发明了避雷针、新型路灯、节能烤炉、双焦距眼镜、活动梯式折叠凳、玻璃琴等。他创建的“北美科学学会”中,先后有95名会员获得诺贝尔奖。但是,使富兰克林成为“第一美国偶像”的真正原因却是——这个出生于贫苦肥皂作坊主家庭,只上过两年学的穷孩子的奋斗经历和成功事例,最生动地演绎了一个普通人白手起家的“美国梦”,成为“知识改变命运”的典型,以及资本主义精神完美体现的例证。 在听过富兰克林作为美国开国元勋的政治家故事后,在惊讶于他从暴风雨中捕捉雷电的科学传奇后,我们当然更有必要亲耳聆听这位奇迹人物的朴实自述,了解一个本来再普通不过的人,是怎样成长为一个“最伟大的美国人”的。 -
《曼哈顿的中国女人》(新版)不是虚构小说,而是自传性的百事记载、纪实小说。该书结构即显出大手笔的风格,全书由《纽约商场风云》、《童年》、《少女的初恋》、《北大荒的小屋》、《留学美国》和《曼哈顿的中国女人》六个章节组成,各成一体。从这些章节的名称就可以基本概括出作者周励丰富多彩的人生经历了,整部书40万字,读来就像她与你侃侃而谈。她对一个新时代新机遇的大气描写,及对自己戏剧性曲折经历和人生价值观的倾诉,令人在神往之后闭卷三思,跃跃欲试。文学对于时代,对于社会,是有一种无声的“号角”之催化作用的。九十年代初中国的改革开放犹如海底蛟龙,刚刚浮出水面,而十年后的今天,中国东方巨龙已腾跃出海面,让世界刮面相看。谁能否认,十年来,在这骄人的业绩背后,也有着海内外千千万万个优秀的中国女人、中国男人卧薪尝胆,奋力拼搏的心血与汗水? -
Desert Flower
Waris Dirie leads a double life -- by day, she is an international supermodel and human rights ambassador for the United Nations; by night, she dreams of the simplicity of life in her native Somalia and the family she was forced to leave behind. Desert Flower, her intimate and inspiring memoir, is a must-read for anyone who has ever wondered about the beauty of African life, the chaotic existence of a supermodel, or the joys of new motherhood. Waris was born into a traditional Somali family, desert nomads who engaged in such ancient and antiquated customs as genital mutilation and arranged marriage. At twelve, she fled an arranged marriage to an old man and traveled alone across the dangerous Somali desert to Mogadishu -- the first leg of an emotional journey that would take her to London as a house servant, around the world as a fashion model, and eventually to America, where she would find peace in motherhood and humanitarian work for the U.N. Today, as Special Ambassador for the U.N., she travels the world speaking out against the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation, promoting women's reproductive rights, and educating people about the Africa she fled -- but still deeply loves. Desert Flower will be published simultaneously in eleven languages throughout the world and is currently being produced as a feature film by Rocket Pictures UK. -