We Now Know
The end of the Cold War makes it possible, for the first time, to begin writing its history from a truly international perspective, one reflecting Soviet, East European, and Chinese as well as American and West European viewpoints. In a major departure from his earlier scholarship, John Lewis Gaddis, the pre-eminent American authority on the United States and the Cold War, has written a comprehensive comparative history of that conflict from its origins through to its most dangerous moment, the Cuban missile crisis. We Now Know is packed with new information drawn from previously unavailable sources; it also reflects the findings of a new generation of Cold War historians. It contains striking new insights into the role of ideology, democracy, economics, alliances, and nuclear weapons, as well as major reinterpretations of Stalin, Truman, Khrushchev, Mao, Eisenhower, and Kennedy. It suggests solutions to long-standing puzzles: Did the Soviet Union want world revolution? Why was Germany divided? Who started the Korean War? What did the Americans mean by "massive retaliation"? When did the Sino-Soviet split begin? Why did the U.S.S.R. send missiles to Cuba? And what made the Cold War last as long as it did? This is a fresh, thought-provoking and powerfully argued reassessment of the Cold War by one of its most distinguished historians. It will set the agenda for debates on this subject for years to come. -
1962年的古巴导弹危机,几乎酿成第三次世界大战。这一重大事件的内情,一直极富话题性,而事件中双方高层的博弈与决策,更被认为是危机时刻领导决策艺术的典范。 时任美国司法部长的罗伯特·肯尼迪在事件中参与了美国方面所有关键决策,被后世研究者认为是化解危机的关键人物。危机尘埃落定后,他以亲历者的身份,写成本书,记录下了牵动世界命运的那十三天发生的秘闻,讲述了在那个无比危险的时刻决策者们的情绪变化和运用的计谋与策略。 -
本书是作者在长期从事美国研究,特别是潜心研究美英两国原始档案的基础上的力作,完成于上世纪九十年代初期。它以杜鲁门总统当政时期的美国外交政策和行动为经,以当时美国、中国、苏联和英国之间的关系为经,以当时美国、中国、苏联和英国之间的关系为纬,起自罗斯福在雅尔塔会议后匆匆去世,终至朝鲜战争在板门店停战落幕、纵横捭阖的全球大局;在结论中分析了影响杜鲁门外交的诸种因素。注解部分的厚实使读者眼睛一亮,其中也不乏精彩的叙述和披露。本书既是关于冷战初期美国外交政策规律性的总结。1992年先出了中文版,又由美国康奈尔大学东亚丛书于1993年出了英文版,在中外学术界和广大读者中引起强烈反响,受到了广泛推介,以迄于今;有的大学在有关课程教学大纲中将它列为必读参考书,有的评论者将它誉为本领域的“找鼎之作”。在当年出版时,本书以三个“新”字为期特点:材料新——所用材料很大部分是当时国内学者未曾涉及过的美英两国的政府和个人的原始档案,不少材料外国学者也没引用过。观点新——作者对于书中所涉及的重大历史事件和问题,几乎都有与中外其他学者有别的精辟独到见解。写法新——作者在写作过程中既坚持学术研究为本,又兼顾著作的可读性。因此,本书既是一部高水平的学术专著,同时又是一本适合多种层次读者群的大众历史。从国内外十多年各方面的反响来看,本书的这三个鲜明特点迄今依然闪现着耀眼的光彩。 -
《冷战与"民族国家建构":韩国政治经济发展中的美国因素(1945~1987)》利用《美国对外关系文件》(FRUS)、《解密文件参考系统》(DDRS)和《数字化国家安全档案》(DNSA)等美国外交纸本文献或政府解密文件电子数据库,参照相关的二手资料,在美国对第三世界冷战战略的宏大背景下,考察1945~1987年韩国政治经济发展中的美国因素。这部著作为韩国史研究提供了新的视角,对于亚洲冷战史研究亦有推动作用。 -
本书分专题研究、特邀专论、国外学者论中国、青年学者论坛、书评·书介、口述历史、档案文献七个栏目。包括《英国、美国与朝鲜战争》、《冷战如何走向终结》、《论中国的斯大林化》等文章。 -
The definitive history of the powerful and brutal East German Secret Police In this gripping narrative, John Koehler details the covert activities of East Germany's Ministry for State Security, or "Stasi." The Stasi, which infiltrated every walk of East German life, suppressed political opposition, and caused the imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of citizens, proved to be one of the most powerful secret police and espionage services in the world. Koehler methodically reviews the Stasi's activities within East Germany and overseas, including its programs for internal repression, international espionage, terrorism and terrorist training, art theft, and special operations in Latin America and Africa.