愛情天后橘子 年度代表作 寂寞美學三部曲《我想要的,只是一個擁抱而已》 繼《妳在誰身邊,都是我心底的缺》之後,再一寂。寞。極。致 「在它之前,每當被問起我認為的代表作時,我總毫不考慮的回答:《妳在誰身邊,都是我心底的缺》。然而在它之後,我想我會改口,因為我打從心底希望,我的這本《擁抱》,能夠超越我的《缺》;因為書裡的名字,因為書裡的故事,也是因為,我真的認為,它超出了我的寫作能力。」——橘子 如果,你我之間,只剩下一分鐘的最後 那麼,我想要的,真只是一個擁抱而已 或許,如果可以,再下場雨,你愛的雨 為你,也為我 在雨中,這最後,我明白,打從心底明白 愛情,不是走了 卻是,曾經來過 「可不可以有一次,哪怕只是一次也好,不要只是寂寞才找我,而,是為了想見我。」 而他的眼底有雨,雨在他的眼底是淚, 雨在天空落下是上帝成全我的心願; 感謝上帝,在這別離的最後,還是為我下了一場雨, 他愛的雨,我們的雨。 「謝謝你。」 在他的懷抱裡,最後的雨裡,我聽見自己這麼說。 「謝謝你,給了我這麼美好的畫面。」 而畫面裡,有你,也有我。 -
Love Story
He is Oliver Barrett IV, a rich jock from a stuffy Wasp family on his way to a Harvard degree and a career in law. She is Jenny Cavilleri, a wisecracking working-class beauty studying music at Radcliffe. They are opposites in nearly every way. But they fell in love. This is their story. -
High Fidelity
Is it possible to share your life with someone whose record collection is incompatible with your own? Can people have terrible taste and still be worth knowing? Do songs about broken hearts and misery and loneliness mess up your life if consumed in excess? For Rob Fleming, thirty-five years old, a pop addict and owner of a failing record shop, these are the sort of questions that need an answer, and soon. His girlfriend has just left him. Can he really go on living in a poky flat surrounded by vinyl and CDs or should he get a real home, a real family and a real job? Perhaps most difficult of all, will he ever be able to stop thinking about life in terms of the All Time Top Five bands, books, films, songs – even now that he’s been dumped again, the top five break-ups? Memorable, sad and very, very funny, this is the truest book you will ever read about the things that really matter. -
匆匆, 太匆匆
『我不敢怨恨上帝,不敢怨恨命運, 只是不懂,真的不懂- 為何如匆匆地帶去了我的駝駝-』 這是韓青和駝駝真實而淒涼的愛情故事, 年輕的生命;許以生生世世相守的愛戀;單純 不曲折的故事,卻如此結局,怎不令人扼腕? 令人嘆息? 也許把握現有的, 珍惜身邊的一切, 人生可以不怨恨、不後悔; 匆匆,太匆匆! 匆匆,太匆匆!