City and Soul in Plato's Republic
Tracing a central theme of Plato's Republic, G. R. F. Ferrari reconsiders in this study the nature and purpose of the comparison between the structure of society and that of the individual soul. In four chapters, Ferrari examines the personalities and social status of the brothers Glaucon and Adeimantus, Plato's notion of justice, coherence in Plato's description of the decline of states, and the tyrant and the philosopher king - a pair who, in their different ways, break with the terms of the city-soul analogy. In addition to acknowledging familiar themes in the interpretation of the Republic - the sincerity of its utopianism, the justice of the philosopher's return to the Cave - Ferrari provocatively engages secondary literature by Leo Strauss, Bernard Williams, and Jonathan Lear. With admirable clarity and insight, Ferrari conveys the relation between the city and the soul and the choice between tyranny and philosophy. "City and Soul in Plato's Republic" will be of value to students of classics, philosophy, and political theory alike. -
《理想国》是古希腊著名哲学家柏拉图的对话题著作,共分10卷阐述了他建立一个理想国家的系统方案。《理想国》以各界名流对话和争辩的形式,表达了柏拉图对人类社会种种重大问题的看法,如政治制度、宗教、道教、教育、婚姻家庭、文艺、男女权利等。 -
编辑推荐: 1. 在英语世界,柏拉图研究曾为分析哲学出身的哲学家所占据,倾向于孤立地分析对话中单个的论证。而罗森(以及其他一些哲学家)致力于将柏拉图对话视为整体,现在哲学界已经就柏拉图的对话达成这样的共识,即:就对话文体的特殊性而言,论证的意义和重要性不能脱离提出论证的戏剧背景以及文本的上下文进行研究,研究者必须考虑到柏拉图的对话的文学整体性。 2. 《理想国》剑桥版编者费拉里(G.R.F.Ferrari)评价此书时说:“罗森在柏拉图为他敞开的空间中,对《理想国》做出了权威的、全面的、根本而言原创性十足的解释,值得柏拉图的每一个深思熟虑的读者关注。 罗森将《理想国》视为为精心安排的整体,侧重于研究论点表述的戏剧形式。他的解读提出了一些独到的观点,与前人(如:施特劳斯和他的学生认为此对话是“反讽性”的)都不尽相同。罗森试图解答这个问题:柏拉图撰写对话的意图是什么?苏格拉底/柏拉图是否认为对话中构建的“理想城邦”真的是可欲的?最后罗森试图说明,显示哲学和政治实践之间的不可调和性可能正是柏拉图的意图——富有吸引力的哲学前提,如若实践为现实将导致概念上的自我不一致和政治灾难。 哲学进入城邦,不是作为秘密入侵者,而是作为改造城邦的工具。在这种改造中,哲学将在改善人们生活方面发挥决定性作用。这是一桩危险事业,但在柏拉图看来,冒这个险值得。对此,我还要补充一点:我们不应错误地认为,《理想国》的革命信息就是柏拉图的全部政治教诲,或者甚至就是要建立一个现代意义上的开放和进步的社会。在柏拉图看来,哲学社会就是一个封闭社会,它要防止其公民染上心灵的疾病。柏拉图的革命意在保护我们免受自然的攻击,而不是支配自然。 -
Plato's <i>Symposium</i>
In his Symposium, Plato crafted a set of speeches in praise of love that has influenced writers and artists from antiquity to the present. Early Christian writers read the dialogue's 'ascent passage' as a vision of the soul's journey to heaven. Ficino's commentary on the Symposium inspired poets and artists throughout Renaissance Europe and introduced 'a Platonic love' into common speech. Themes or images from the dialogue have appeared in paintings or sketches by Rubens, David, Feuerbach, and La Farge, as well as in musical compositions by Satie and Bernstein. The dialogue's view of love as 'desire for eternal possession of the good' is still of enormous philosophical interest in its own right. Nevertheless, questions remain concerning the meaning of specific features, the significance of the dialogue as a whole, and the character of its influence. This volume brings together an international team of scholars to address such questions. -
柏拉图与政治宇宙论:普罗克洛斯《柏拉图〈蒂迈欧〉疏解》卷1研究,ISBN:9787561772744,作者:谭立铸 著 -