修订版 外研社:http://www.fltrp.com/scrp/bookdetail.cfm?iBookNo=46042&sYc=1-1 -
全书内容为英文。 本册国家包涵英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚。 -
Linell Davis是南京大学的美籍外国专家,在中国执教已多年。Linell Davis在这多年旅居中国的生涯里,凭着一腔对东方文化的兴趣,著书立说来比较中国与美国这两个民族在宏观文化统照之下,其微观文化的巨大差异。她从观念、思维、习俗、人际交往等方面入手,通过大量详实的材料佐证了其多年来对中国微观文化的感悟与思索。这对我们读者来说不啻是一次非常有意义的“文化之旅”。带着一种“文化观”进入到这么一种“文化之旅”,它无疑会开阔我们的思维,增加我们的文化体验,构筑我们丰富的心灵园地,从而对自己的本土文化进行一次全面的反思。本书语言文字畅达、优美,逻辑思维严密,这更是给我们增添了无限思维的愉悦和阅读的趣味。 -
American Ways
American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture, Third Edition, by Maryanne Kearny Datesman, JoAnn Crandall, and Edward N. Kearny, focuses on the traditional values that have attracted people to the United States for well over 200 years and traces the effects of these values on American life. Chapter themes include diversity, the family, education, government and politics, religion, business, and recreation. Cross-cultural activities --- from discussion topics to writing projects --- encourage high-intermediate to advanced students to compare their own values with those discussed in the readings. New to the Third Edition: *Expanded pre-reading exercises preview the chapter content and Academic Word List vocabulary. *Improve Your Reading Skills helps students become independent readers. *Build Your Vocabulary features collocations and exercises that expand on the Academic Word List. *New Internet activities offer opportunities for further research and study. -
其实,把词语按高雅与粗鄙或洁与脏分类,进而实行“词族岐视”,是有失偏颇的,因为词语只是对现实的抽象,本身并无纯洁或肮脏可言。再说,文化领域的所谓雅与鄙,也只是相对的、因时而变的。本词典集英语“脏词”和“禁忌语”之大成,为其他词典所不为,从语言学、民俗学和文学等众多角度对它们进行了介绍和剖析,并引证了乔叟、莎士比亚等名家的作品。 -
Kurt Cobain
The first publication of Kurt Cobain's diaries, which were found after his death in 1994. Genuinely moving, provocative and candid, and suprisingly funny, pieces of writing which, as a whole, provide a unique account of the rise and fall of a great popular artist and icon.