《银顶针的夏天》故事主要内容是,加妮特在干涸的河床上发现了一枚银顶针,几个小时之后,一场大雨结束了农场长时间的干旱,也让加妮特情不自禁地认为这枚顶针是一个神奇的护身符。流浪儿埃里克来到了林登家,并成为家庭的一员。他与林登家的孩子们成为了好朋友,而加妮特也被他的冒险经历深深吸引。在邻居的帮助下,新谷仓建了起来,加妮特精心照料的小猪蒂米在县上赢得了蓝绶带。每天都会有惊奇的事情发生,正如加妮特所想的,是这枚顶针造就了这个神奇的夏天,这就是“银顶针的夏天”。 -
The Last Battle
The conclusion of the saga that began with The Magician's Nephew… Narnia … where dwarfs are loyal and tough and strong -- or are they? … where you must say good-bye … and where the adventure begins. The Unicorn says that humans are brought to Narnia when Narnia is stirred and upset. And Narnia is in trouble now. A false Aslan roams the land. Narnia's only hope is that Eustace and Jill, old friends to Narnia, will be able to find the true Aslan and restore peace to the land. Their task is a difficult one because, as the Centaur says, "The stars never lie, but Men and Beasts do." Who is the real Aslan and who is the imposter? -
James and the Giant Peach
James's aunts call him names, beat and starve him and make his life a misery. If only his parents hadn't been eaten by an escaped rhinoceros, he wouldn't be in this mess. But one day he meets a man who gives him a bag of magic crocodile tongues and so begins the adventure of his dreams. -
The Ersatz Elevator
在线阅读本书 Dear Reader, If you have just picked up this particular book, then it is not too late to put it back down. Like the previous books in A Series of Unfortunate Events, there is nothing to be found in these pages but misery, despair, and discomfort, and you still have time to choose something else to read. Within the chapters of this story, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire encounter a darkened staircase, a red herring, some friends in a dire situation, three mysterious initials, a liar with an evil scheme, a secret passageway, and parsley soda. I have sworn to write down these tales of the Baudelaire orphans so the general public will know each terrible thing that has happened to them, but if you decide to read something else instead, you will save yourself from a heapful of horror and woe. With all due respect, Lemony Snicket -
The Bad Beginning
在线阅读本书 Dear Reader, I'm sorry to say that the book you are holding in your hands is extremely unpleasant. It tells an unhappy tale about three very unlucky children. Even though they are charming and clever, the Baudelaire siblings lead lives filled with misery and woe. From the very first page of this book when the children are at the beach and receive terrible news, continuing on through the entire story, disaster lurks at their heels. One might say they are magnets for misfortune. In this short book alone, the three youngsters encounter a greedy and repulsive villain, itchy clothing, a disastrous fire, a plot to steal their fortune, and cold porridge for breakfast. It is my sad duty to write down these unpleasant tales, but there is nothing stopping you from putting this book down at once and reading something happy, if you prefer that sort of thing. With all due respect, Lemony Snicket -
喜愛蒐集瓶蓋的男孩,在海邊發現一個外型怪異的「東西」。身旁的人們都沒注意到這個「東西」,但它哀傷、失落的神情,卻吸引男孩的眼光。經過一番探究,男孩得到結論:「It was lost」但是,沒有人知道這個「東西」的由來。男孩的朋友Pete認為,有些東西「只是單純地迷路(失)」而已(just plain lost);男孩的父母希望他將這個「東西」帶回原來的地方,因為「它」可能帶有奇怪的傳染病。每個人似乎都專注在自己的事情上面。就在男孩思索解決方法時,瞥見報紙的分類廣告上寫著:「你是不是覺得日復一日、規律的生活,常常被突如其來的事物所干擾呢?像是:沒有名稱的物體、物主不明的所有物、不屬於你的東西、檔案櫃的殘留物、討厭的不明來由的手工藝品等。別猶豫了!讓我們為你處理。」於是,男孩帶著「東西」往城裡出發,尋找這棟灰色的大樓。 原以為「東西」就這樣找到了合適的歸宿,一個看似章魚、背上有錄音帶的清潔員,把一張畫有箭頭的名片交給男孩,「如果你真的關心這個『東西』,就帶它到這裡。」就這樣,男孩按圖(箭頭)索驥,找到了這個適合「忽視、遺忘和掩飾」的地方。 故事的結尾以平鋪直敘的語氣,帶有淡淡的感傷:「這些日子我越來越不常見到「這樣的東西」,也許它們不再存在,或者,是我不再去注意它們。忙著其他的事,我想。」