上个世纪的英国作家中,毛姆也许不是最伟大的,却无疑是最雅俗共赏、最令读者喜爱的一位。本书是他的得意之作。他一改以往作品中对女性的偏见,以爱慕者的身份来追忆一个美丽女人的一生,点缀以许多文艺圈中的韵事逸闻。大作家德里菲尔德去世后,他妻子请人为他立传。小说的叙述者阿申登被传记作者请来回忆当年和作家的交往,故事由此展开,在阿申登的记忆深处,我们发现了作家的前妻,迷人的罗西,她生性风流,处处留情,却不失善良坦诚与可爱…… 擅讲故事的毛姆将不少真人实事拼帖裁剪,虚实相掺。阅读本书的一大乐趣在于,你在紧盯故事不舍的同时,会冷不丁瞥见某个熟悉的侧影,或是哈代,或是毛姆本人。可凝神一看,又不是。像是走在路上认错了人。这种蓄意制造的愉快的小误会,配上作者冷淡讥诮,优雅细腻的文风,使小说别有意趣。 -
The Gentleman In The Parlour
Best known for his novels and plays, Somerset Maugham also produced delightfully engaging and absorbing non-fiction, of which The Gentleman in the Parlour is a prime example. First published in 1935 it describes a journey the author took from Rangoon to Haipong. Whether by river to Mandalay, on horse through the mountains and forests of the Shan States to Bangkok, or onwards by sea, Maugham’s muse is in the spirit of Hazlitt, who wrote: “It is great to shake off the trammels of the world and public opinion...and to be known by no other title than The Gentleman in the Parlour . -
The Razor's Edge
On A Chinese Screen
Maugham spent the winter months of 1919-20 travelling 1500 miles up the Yangtze River. Always more interested in people than places, he gave full rein to a sensitive and philosophical nature. On a Chinese Screen is the refined accumulation of the countless scraps of paper on which he had taken notes. Within the narrow confines of their colonial milieu, missionaries, consuls, army officers and company managers are all gently ridiculed as they persist obliviously with the life they know. -
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
Based on the life of Paul Gauguin, The Moon and Sixpence is W. Somerset Maugham's ode to the powerful forces behind creative genius. Charles Strickland is a staid banker, a man of wealth and privilege. He is also a man possessed of an unquenchable desire to create art. As Strickland pursues his artistic vision, he leaves London for Paris and Tahiti, and in his quest makes sacrifices that leaves the lives of those closest to him in tatters. Through Maugham's sympathetic eye Strickland's tortured and cruel soul becomes a symbol of the blessing and the curse of transcendent artistic genius, and the cost in humans lives it sometimes demands.