The Shipping News
In this touching and atmospheric novel set among the fishermen of Newfoundland, Proulx tells the story of Quoyle. From all outward appearances, Quoyle has gone through his first 36 years on earth as a big schlump of a loser. He's not attractive, he's not brilliant or witty or talented, and he's not the kind of person who typically assumes the central position in a novel. But Proulx creates a simple and compelling tale of Quoyle's psychological and spiritual growth. Along the way, we get to look in on the maritime beauty of what is probably a disappearing way of life. (from Amazon.com) -
本书可以说是一部”手风琴见证录”,或“移民血泪史”。它以一台绿色键钮手风琴为主要媒介,讲述了从十九世纪末到二十世纪末一百多年问,拥有这台手风琴的八个移民美国的家庭在不同历史时期遭遇的变故——手风琴的主人几乎无一例外地死于非命;这台手风琴将原籍不一、背景各异的人——意大利人、德国人、墨西哥人、法国人、波兰人、爱尔兰人以及挪威人——联系在一起.串成了一部以多个普通人为主角的美国多民族融合史,也记载了美国社会的百年变迁.颇有戏剧性和传奇色彩。作者手法新颖,笔下的故事读来令人惊骇。 一位具有卓越叙述才华的作家……普鲁夫人的非凡新作《手风琴罪案》……会给所有的粉丝带来愉悦,并将产生很多新的粉丝……她以令人惊叹的生动和幽默描写下层社会的生活,以令人兴奋的才情调动起读者的各种感官。 ——布鲁克·艾伦《华尔街日报》 《手风琴罪案》既叫人感到惊惧不安,又惊人地丰富、深刻,书里充满了出人意料之笔。 ——罗伯特·富尔福德《环球邮报》 这是一本好书,不过如果你不害怕迈入一个令人心痛不已的世界,那就读吧。 ——琳达·林谷维克 -
Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain
Annie Proulx has written some of the most original and brilliant short stories in contemporary literature, and for many readers and reviewers, "Brokeback Mountain" is her masterpiece.Ennis del Mar and Jack Twist, two ranch hands, come together when they re working as sheepherder and camp tender one summer on a range above the tree line. At first, sharing an isolated tent, the attraction is casual, inevitable, but something deeper catches them that summer.Both men work hard, marry, and have kids because that s what cowboys do. But over the course of many years and frequent separations this relationship becomes the most important thing in their lives, and they do anything they can to preserve it.The New Yorker won the National Magazine Award for Fiction for its publication of "Brokeback Mountain," and the story was included in Prize Stories 1998: The O. Henry Awards. In gorgeous and haunting prose, Proulx limns the difficult, dangerous affair between two cowboys that survives everything but the world s violent intolerance. -
以Postcards和《真情快遞》拿下美國筆會/福克納小說獎、美國國家書卷獎以及普立茲獎等多項文學獎的作家安妮‧普露,大概是近十年來美國最受推崇的女作家。她的作品文字奇特,故事動人,是電影最喜歡的改編材料。 本書收錄以懷俄明州為背景的11則短篇,其中三篇獲選入《年度最佳美國短篇小說集》,兩篇獲得歐‧亨利短篇小說獎。 安妮.普露在這本描寫孤寂、火爆性格和錯愛的小說集中顯現了熟練出色的文字和對懷俄明狂烈的摯愛。〈腳下泥巴〉描寫一個套牛牧人深陷在家庭和自我獨立間的漸深裂痕中,卻無法擺脫出來。〈半剝皮的閹牛〉描寫一位上了年紀的蠢駕駛,為了參加哥哥的喪禮而開車前往出生地牧場,卻在離家一哩處喪生。 〈斷背山〉描寫兩個西部牛仔的同志戀情。本文改編的同名電影,由李安導演,獲2005年義大利影展金獅獎最佳影片。 整本小說集亦獲紐約客最佳小說獎等三項大獎。描寫懷俄明州殘酷艱難的自然環境下,命運多舛的角色,從其人生歷練中淬瀝出令人不寒而慄、倍感神聖莊嚴之美。 本書作者普露熱愛地方歷史,多年來收集了北美多地的在地生活、事件的回憶錄與敘述。她實地在懷俄明州生活旅行經歷,參加牛仔詩會,參考地區史將其中的真人真事取來當作創作起點。源頭故事並從自然保育聯盟保護區獲得靈感。 「現實在這裡絕對派不上太多用場」。非現實、奇思異想與未必成真的元素,為這些故事添上色彩,正如真實人生因這些元素而多彩多姿的道理一樣。在懷俄明,最不奇思異想的狀況,是在這片艱苦的大地靠農場維生的決心。