最知名、最优秀、最真实、最动人的丰臣秀吉传记,日本人读丰臣秀吉,首选吉川英治的《丰臣秀吉吉(共6册)》。吉川英治以温婉知性的传奇之笔,再现了丰臣秀吉谋略超群、胆识过人、狂妄不羁、豁达真挚、善揽人心的个性;记叙了他从无名小卒到终结乱世成为天下霸主的奋斗过程;鲜活再现了在乱世中崛起,历经坎坷迈向权力巅峰的至情至性的丰臣秀吉。 读日本历史,不可错过战国时代;读战国时代,不可错过吉川英治笔下的这套书。 -
Splendid Monarchy
Using ceremonials such as imperial weddings and funerals as models, T. Fujitani illustrates what visual symbols and rituals reveal about monarchy, nationalism, city planning, discipline, gender, memory, and modernity. Focusing on the Meiji Period (1868-1912), Fujitani brings recent methods of cultural history to a study of modern Japanese nationalism for the first time. -
織田信長作風偏激獨斷,上洛後保守勢力一致團結以與他抗衡,結果便是姊川會戰(請參見《日本戰國風雲錄──天下大勢》。)信長以姊川會戰突破了包圍網,而本書所介紹的兩三方原之戰、長篠?設樂原之戰,便是包圍網的反撲。 三方原之戰中,信長的盟友德川家康全力抵抗,雖然慘敗,卻也擋住武田信玄,讓他無法取道三河上洛,等於挽救了在畿內孤立無援的信長,免於兩面作戰的困境。 一五七五年五月,信長應家康之請,與繼承信玄遺志的勝賴一較高下,即是有名的長篠.設樂原之戰。信長在這一役充分展現軍事天賦,以前所未見的戰術佈陣摧毀戰國最強的武田騎兵團。 九州是古來大陸文化傳入日本的橋樑之地,自古便很少納入中央統治。在紛擾的戰國時代,除了和本州交界的大內、毛利有所衝突外,幾乎和本州不相往來。 本書所介紹的沖田畷之戰,是九州南方的強權——島津氏在北上途中,和新起之秀龍造寺隆信的衝突。十六世紀中葉傳入日本的鐵砲再度扮演關鍵角色,讓島津聯軍以少數兵力一舉將九州西北部納入版圖。 孤懸於九州東北的大友氏岌岌可危,透過茶人豪商向信長的繼承人——身兼關白與太政大臣的豐臣秀吉求救。島津氏加緊腳步進攻北九州的大港博多,主戰場在博多的屏障——岩屋城。島津氏派出四萬多軍隊包圍只有七百六十三名守軍的岩屋城,沒想到守將高橋紹運卻硬撐到援軍前來,島津氏失去稱霸九州的機會,只得向秀吉大軍俯首稱臣…… ************************************************************ 台灣受到日本的影響,自不待言;年輕一輩對日本文化的喜愛,顯而易見,來自於消費娛樂、影視文化的吸引。 日本戰國時代的題目,可以說是台灣跨世代的興趣主題。年長一輩看德川家康等歷史小說、經營策略叢書,欣賞NHK大河劇的精緻,但在年輕一輩之間,【信長的野望】等電玩遊戲的影響不可忽略。許多人正是因為沈迷電玩遊戲而引起對日本戰國時代的好奇與興趣。 本書作者以近十年的電玩經驗為起點,結合了日本文化研究的學術訓練,廣泛閱讀中日文相關資料,彙整出戰國時代的十大戰役,以此為主軸,穿插人物介紹,社會政治地理歷史背景,軼聞掌故,介紹給台灣讀者。無論是對歷史感興趣,或補充養分更進一步增加遊戲樂趣,都能從【日本戰國】三部曲得到滿足。 以往的日本戰國相關書籍,以小說居多,經營謀略居次,但皆是由人物出發,較缺乏事件的貫穿與全面關照。若是由日本書籍直接翻譯,對台灣讀者又顯得過於細節與艱深。《日本戰國風雲錄》以參戰主將介紹開端,進而介紹戰役過程,穿插地理,人物,制度的註解,後以專文介紹重要的觀念與制度,在閱讀過十大戰役之後,相信必能對日本戰國時代有一梗要瞭解。 -
公元四世纪,天皇统一日本后,从中国大陆引进文字、典章、儒家演说、佛教及各种工艺技术,为日本立国奠定了基础。七世纪,又仿照唐朝文化体制,完善了中央集权制度。 本书以历代日本天皇作为线索,简单叙述了日本历史,尤其是近代日本如何走上富强之强。相信读者对比一下明治维新以后的中日发展道路,都会从中汲取许多有益的借鉴。 -
The Making of Modern Japan
Magisterial in vision, sweeping in scope, this monumental work presents a seamless account of Japanese society during the modern era, from 1600 to the present. A distillation of more than 50 years' engagement with Japan and its history, it is the crowning work of our leading interpreter of the modern Japanese experience. Since 1600 Japan has undergone three periods of wrenching social and institutional change, following the imposition of hegemonic order on feudal society by the Tokugawa shogun; the opening of Japan's ports by Commodore Perry; and defeat in World War II. "The Making of Modern Japan" charts these changes: the social engineering begun with the founding of the shogunate in 1600, the emergence of village and castle towns with consumer populations, and the diffusion of samurai values in the culture. Jansen covers the making of the modern state, the adaptation of Western models, growing international trade, the broadening opportunity in Japanese society with industrialization, and the postwar occupation reforms imposed by General MacArthur. Throughout, the book gives voice to the individuals and views that have shaped the actions and beliefs of the Japanese, with writers, artists and thinkers as well as political leaders given their due. The story this book tells, though marked by profound changes, is also one of remarkable consistency, in which continuities outweigh upheavals in the development of society, and successive waves of outside influence have only served to strengthen a sense of what is unique and native to Japanese experience. "The Making of Modern Japan" takes us to the core of this experience as it illuminates one of the contemporary world's most compelling transformations. -