V继续着他的旅行。再见面时,他的眼神,会多出一丝温柔。 八年时光,我们一起走过。新的篇章仍在继续,背后的路,感动过你的故事,变成我们共同的时光纪念册。 治愈系畅销绘本《我的路》精装全彩纪念版《深蓝》收录《我的路》《我的路2 时间海洋》绘本内容。 为了纪念成长、纪念一路走 来的温暖,寂地特意花大量心力对作品进行了细腻的润色修饰和重新编排,并新增了10多篇创作手札和多幅精彩插图,整理成《我的路精装辑1•深蓝》。 《深蓝》宣传短片请访问:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA3Nzg4NjAw.html -
Rome Sketchbook
Rome Sketchbook transports the reader to the magnificent centre of ancient Europe, the home of breathtaking cityscapes and inspiring architecture such as those seen at the Trevi Fountain and St. Peter?s Basilica. Inspired by this hub of art and historical heritage, Fabrice Moireau, the artist behind some of the other books in this series of cities such as Paris Sketchbook and Venice Sketchbook, presents a timeless collection of watercolour paintings and sketches that will prove equally delightful to those familiar with the city, or discovering it for the first time. -
Rooftops of Paris
In Rooftops of Paris, Fabrice Moireau - ho has illustrated such titles as Paris Sketchbook, Provence Sketchboo and Gardens of Paris - presents a collection of aerial views over Paris. -
跟随《圣经》中先民们跋涉的路线,走入荒凉而寂静的大漠,重温一个个传说中神迹显示的地方和人类所创造的伟大奇迹,在这片孕育古老文明的神秘之地,时光,仿佛也被施加了魔咒,即使今天看来,那些面孔深邃沧桑、在艰难中度日的人们,壮丽奇美的石头建筑,流溢着东方情调的嘈杂集市以及天工造化、突越想像力的大自然奇景,依旧与19世纪大师罗伯茨笔下的画面毫无二致,带着某些不死的神圣与尊严。 -
Venice Sketchbook
The Watercolor Artist's Handbook
《The Watercolor Artist's Handbook》(《水彩画艺术家手册》)是一本水彩画入门读物,涵盖了该画法的方方面面:从材料、技法、色彩构成、风格直至主题。