British Culture
Provides a comprehensive introduction to central aspects of culture and the arts in Britain today, and uses a factual approach to place them within a clear, historical context. Topics include: --the social and cultural setting: politics and society 1950-1999, including immigration, feminism, Thatcherism and the arts and the Blair revolution --language and culture: accents and minority languages, broadcasting and public life --the novel, poetry and theatre --cinema: Hammer Horror, James Bond, Ealing comedies, black British film, Trainspotting, The Full Monty and historical epics --television and radio: soap opera, crime series and sitcoms --popular music and fashion: The Beatles, punk, Britpop, subculture and style --art and sculpture: Bacon, Hockney, Gilbert and George and Hirst --architecture and interiors Each chapter focuses on key themes of recent years, and gives special emphasis to outstanding artists within each area. -
Sorry, I'm British!
Explore the oddities of the British psyche with this informative and witty illustrated guide. For a nation that loves to laugh at themselves, this is the perfect companion when wandering lonely through the clouds of British behaviour. From small-talk to superiority, from the famous stiff upper lip to hooliganism, from cricket to condiments, and curry to class, this book will take you through the sometimes sarcastic, often poetic, generally polite, never boastful but universally proud realm of all that's British - its culture, its institutions and its people. -
本书是研究中世纪庄园农民的经典之作,它以1150-1400年为单位,生动地描绘了中世纪乡村生活的模式,季节的影响,田间劳动的知识,地租和劳役,庄园管理、民间娱乐、宗教影响、法庭近作等,从而全方位地勾画了英国庄园农民物质生活与精神生活的图景。 本书作者是英国著名的历史学者,他的这本著作不仅回答了英国封建社会的起因问题,同时也让读者认识到资本主义所脱胎的土壤。 -
本书是《三联生活周刊》特派海外记者李孟苏撰写的英国专题报导“海外特稿”三年来的精选结集。65篇捕捉重大新闻事件、热点人物和公众话题的文章,涉及王室、媒体、社会、法律、体育、文化、时尚等领域,既有对事件过程与真相的追踪与剖析,现场感强,信息丰溢;又有轻松的笔墨、风趣的调侃和引人入胜的叙事,写来如话家常,读来如围炉夜话。周刊主编朱伟说,李孟苏这些专栏特稿的成功,是她深入研究现代传播关系的产物,“她从八卦故事的津津乐道入手去剥传媒关系与这种关系的因果,在故事叙述中寄附其文化分析,所以好看又不轻薄。 -
伏尔泰、歌德、马志尼、赫尔岑、马克思、顾拜旦、德工威廉二世,哈耶克、以赛亚·伯林……这些欧陆不同时期在政治、思想和文化领域的标志性人物,因为一个共同的特征而被伊恩·布鲁玛组织到一起;他们或是深切的“崇英者”,或是“仇英的崇英者”。光荣革命后的英国有着令人歆羡的自由贸易、远征探险、自由和理性的政治理念和社会制度,还有教育“特产”公学及其培养的“英国绅士”。三百多年来,崇英风尚吸引了包括俄罗斯在内的欧洲个国的自由主义者,“英国性”成了一个说不尽的话题。然而作者也指出,英国迷心目中的英国往往只是想象的产物,因而,“他们中的大多数,尤其是那些充满幻想的,最终都会发现自己的梦想因幻灭而暗淡了光彩。 -