《精典文库:债与偿》内容简介:曾几何时,从房贷到车贷,从卡债到国债,人们举债度日,即使债台高筑、信用破产也无所惧。曾几何时,勤俭不再是美德,量人为出已成消失的生活艺术,世界陷入万劫不复的无底钱坑中。连动债引发金融体系崩解、金融海啸席卷全球之际,加拿大国宝作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德以其先见之明,抛出她对人类债务问题的真知灼见。阿特伍德谈古论今,从宗教、文学以及社会结构等层面探究此主题,下笔风趣,充满想象力,一语道破债就像空气——我们视为理所当然,直到事情发生问题。甚且提醒世人,连身躯都是借来的我们,享尽资源后该如何还报自然。 -
The Edible Woman
Ever since her engagement, the strangest thing has been happening to Marian McAlpin: she can't eat. First meat. Then eggs, vegetables, cake, pumpkin seeds--everything! Worse yet, she has the crazy feeling that she's being eaten. Marian ought to feel consumed with passion, but she really just feels...consumed. A brilliant and powerful work rich in irony and metaphor, The Edible Woman is an unforgettable masterpiece by a true master of contemporary literary fiction. -
基列共和國裡,男女階級分明,父權主宰了這個社會的一切。女人被嚴苛的控制著,無法有自主的工作,不能擁有財產,依照剩餘價值被分配擔任不同職務。 「使女」是其一,她們沒有名字,不能閱讀、與人交談,被剝奪情與慾,絕不容許隱密的慾望之花有盛開之機;只是長著兩條腿的子宮,職司和社會領導者大主教交合,以便繁衍下一代。 本書記錄了一名在基列共和國時期擔任「使女」的心情故事。她馴服在權威體制裡,心靈卻自有主張,一步步挑戰禁忌......記錄的年代久遠不可考,但情節之荒誕駭人,卻熟悉莫名地叫人心驚。 這本題材及技巧上都十分「後現代」的作品,作者發揮想像力之極致,掌握時間的線性流動,是過去也是未來。細膩、深刻,在迷人的敘述中反覆辯證人與女人的價值,真實與虛構拉扯,挑戰讀者的閱讀神經。極具藝術性、思想性及可讀性。 《使女的故事》是歐美文學界推崇不已的作品,也是瑪格麗特最廣受討論之書,已被列入重要經典作品中。各大學也都有專門學者及課程研討此書。 -
Bluebeard's Egg
By turns humorous and warm, stark and frightening, Bluebeard'S Egg glows with childhood memories, the reality of parents growing old, and the casual cruelty men and women inflict on each other. Here is the familiar outer world of family summers at remote lakes, winters of political activism, and seasons of exotic friends, mundane lives, and unexpected loves. But here too is the inner world of hidden places and all that emerges from them-the intimately personal, the fantastic, the shockingly real...whether it's what lives in a mysterious locked room or the secret feelings we all conceal. In this dramatic and far-ranging collection, Margaret Atwood proves why she is a true master of the genre. -
Oryx and Crake
Oryx and Crake is at once an unforgettable love story and a compelling vision of the future. Snowman, known as Jimmy before mankind was overwhelmed by a plague, is struggling to survive in a world where he may be the last human, and mourning the loss of his best friend, Crake, and the beautiful and elusive Oryx whom they both loved. In search of answers, Snowman embarks on a journey–with the help of the green-eyed Children of Crake–through the lush wilderness that was so recently a great city, until powerful corporations took mankind on an uncontrolled genetic engineering ride. Margaret Atwood projects us into a near future that is both all too familiar and beyond our imagining.