人非圣贤孰能无过。在问题检测与排除方面现行的各种方法之中,技术复核被证明是成本效益最高的。这本备受赞誉和推崇的佳作,可以让你学会如何将技术复核的方法应用于各种产品与软件的开发过程。本书详细地解释了开展走查(或者同级团体复审)、审查和技术复审的流程,同时还为每一种接受复审的材料(包括规格、设计和代码复审)配备了详实的检查表。 作者在创作本书时采用了一问一答这种活泼的形式,介绍了如何才能在复核过程中避开时常遇到的那些问题。如果你实现了复审技术,你可以在原始资料中找出缺陷,并予以消除--而不至于在客户那里暴露出来。 本书的内容结构如下:在第1章中,作者简要介绍了本书的情况,并解释了什么是正式技术复审;接下来的第2章详细描述了复审活动的环境。作者在第3章中主要介绍了复审活动的实施过程。第4章告诉读者该如何汇报复审活动的成果。第5章介绍了各种复审技术。在本书的最后一章,作者介绍了可以接受复审的材料。 -
本书不是一本关于方法论的理论性书籍(尽管已经尝试在大量的思考上进行一些理论归纳),也不是一本关于具体技术的操作手册。本书为读者呈现的是作者在软件开发实践中的思考和体验,目的在于探究实践中的问题的根源,并给出思想上的解决之道。 本书以软件开发的基本顺序为主线,以简单、想象和文化的开发思想为线索,以为软件开发实践提供指导价值为目标。本书力图做到传递经过组织的、可操作的软件开发经验,使软件开发领域的新手在知识(软件开发思想)积累过程中少走弯路,也使软件开发领域的老手可以对照自己的经验把可能的困惑降到最低。有一些有趣例子为那些有价值的思考提供支持。 本书中,作者尝试对简单、想象和文化做一些形而上的思考。这些思考会比较抽象,但却是很多话题的基础。 -
The Art of Readable Code
As programmers, we've all seen source code that's so ugly and buggy it makes our brain ache. And let's be honest, we've all written code like that. With this book, you'll learn to write code that's easy to read and understand. You'll have more fun and your coworkers will love you. The Art of Coding focuses on the nuts and bolts of programming, with simple and practical techniques you can use every time you sit down to write code. You'll find tips throughout the book, with easy-to-digest code examples, helpful illustrations, and cartoons for fun. * Learn to pick variable names that are "dense with information" * Organize your loops and conditionals so they're easy to understand * Make your comments short and sweet * Recognize when your code is doing too many things at once * Write tests that are concise, but thorough * Master the art of breaking hard problems into many smaller ones -
The Architecture of Open Source Applications
Architects look at thousands of buildings during their training, and study critiques of those buildings written by masters. In contrast, most software developers only ever get to know a handful of large programs well—usually programs they wrote themselves—and never study the great programs of history. As a result, they repeat one another's mistakes rather than building on one another's successes. This book's goal is to change that. In it, the authors of twenty-five open source applications explain how their software is structured, and why. What are each program's major components? How do they interact? And what did their builders learn during their development? In answering these questions, the contributors to this book provide unique insights into how they think. If you are a junior developer, and want to learn how your more experienced colleagues think, this book is the place to start. If you are an intermediate or senior developer, and want to see how your peers have solved hard design problems, this book can help you too. -
《死亡之旅(原书第2版)》对各种“死亡之旅”项目进行了全面而系统的剖析,涵盖整个项目的生命周期,深刻分析了这种现象的本质,并讨论项目参与者所面临的所有关键问题:政治、谈判、人员、过程、项目管理,以及工具,提供了行之有效的解决方法和行动指南。本书不但有助于快速识别死亡之旅项目,而且能够大大提高从死亡之旅中生还的概率。 无论是软件开发人员、管理人员,乃至各行各业的项目经理、cxo,都能从本书受到启发,并找到现实而适用的解决方案。 -
在本书中,作者回归技术层面。从Apache web server、BSD版本的Unix system、ArgoUMl、ACE网络编程库等著名开源软件中选取了大量真实C、C++和java语言源代码,直观而深刻的阐述了代码中可能存在的各种质量问题,涉及可靠性、安全性、时间性和空间性、可移植性、可维护性以及浮点运算等方面,很多内容都市独辟蹊径,发前人所未发。正因如此,本书继作者的《代码阅读》之后在获JoIt生产效率大奖