《中国现代文学史(第2版)》是一部吸收最新研究成果,采用崭新教学理念编写而成的中国现代文学史教材。它清晰而详细地叙述了中国现代文学从1917年前后到1949年30多年的发展历程,介绍了其间各种文学运动、文学思潮、文学创作的基本情况及其主要成就,深入阐发了现代文学的思想文化含蕴。《中国现代文学史(第2版)》致力于培养和提高广大学生阅读、鉴赏、分析和评价现代文学作家作品及文艺现象的能力,使他们能够继承五四新文学的优秀传统,服务于当代的文化事业。 《中国现代文学史(第2版)》的撰写者都长期从事现代文学的研究与教学,既有在现代文学研究领域的专长,又具有丰富的教学实践经验。全面系统地覆盖了现代文学所有的重要领域。无论是对作家作品、社团流派,还是文学论争,《中国现代文学史(第2版)》都进行了应有的评价。尤其是以往一般现代文学教材忽略的通俗文学创作部分,《中国现代文学史(第2版)》亦给予了客观详细的描述和评价,强调了通俗文学与新文学的并存及其实际影响,这也与最新的学术研究成果保持了应有的沟通和衔接。 结构清晰,层次分明,既突出重点内容,又具有广泛的知识覆盖面,点、线、面结合,追求叙述历史的深度和力度,立体化地展现了现代文学的真实形态。这体现了我们体例编排上的一些新的想法和追求,我们力图在相对简约的篇幅中,尽可能展示中国现代文学丰富而完整的面貌,其中包括对现代文学发生过程的描述以及上述提及的对通俗文学存在价值的关注等,同时又尽可能地对相关内容按照历史时段或文体的分类加以相对集中的介绍和论析。作为教材,这样可能更有利于教学层面的实际操作。 -
A New Literary History of America
America is a nation making itself up as it goes along—a story of discovery and invention unfolding in speeches and images, letters and poetry, unprecedented feats of scholarship and imagination. In these myriad, multiform, endlessly changing expressions of the American experience, the authors and editors of this volume find a new American history. In more than two hundred original essays, A New Literary History of America brings together the nation’s many voices. From the first conception of a New World in the sixteenth century to the latest re-envisioning of that world in cartoons, television, science fiction, and hip hop, the book gives us a new, kaleidoscopic view of what “Made in America” means. Literature, music, film, art, history, science, philosophy, political rhetoric—cultural creations of every kind appear in relation to each other, and to the time and place that give them shape. The meeting of minds is extraordinary as T. J. Clark writes on Jackson Pollock, Paul Muldoon on Carl Sandburg, Camille Paglia on Tennessee Williams, Sarah Vowell on Grant Wood’s American Gothic, Walter Mosley on hard-boiled detective fiction, Jonathan Lethem on Thomas Edison, Gerald Early on Tarzan, Bharati Mukherjee on The Scarlet Letter, Gish Jen on Catcher in the Rye, and Ishmael Reed on Huckleberry Finn. From Anne Bradstreet and John Winthrop to Philip Roth and Toni Morrison, from Alexander Graham Bell and Stephen Foster to Alcoholics Anonymous, Life, Chuck Berry, Alfred Hitchcock, and Ronald Reagan, this is America singing, celebrating itself, and becoming something altogether different, plural, singular, new. Please visit www.newliteraryhistory.com for more information. -
《中国当代新诗史》所评述的,是20世纪50-90年代中国新诗①的状况。对于这一时期的中国文学,在很长一段时间里,人们称之为“当代文学”,以和前此30年(从“五四”前后到40年代末)的“现代文学”相区别。目前,尽管不少文学史研究者对诸如“现代”、“当代”的划分提出质疑,淡化这种时期划分,从整体把握20世纪中国文学、中国新诗的设想,也肯定会成为文学史(新诗史)写作的前景。但是,作为一种“过渡”,也为着更深入彰显“当代”的文学、诗歌问题,把1949年以后中国大陆的文学(新诗)作为相对独立的时期来处理,仍有其合理之处。在。20世纪的四五十年代之交,新诗同整个文学一样,发生了重大转折。“转折”的征象,广泛表现在各个方面;而主要表现则是,40年代新诗多种艺术构成的关系发生重要重组,出现了在诗歌观念和艺术方法上统一规范的强大要求,并由此出现了具有“当代特征”的诗体形态。70年代末“文革”结束之后(当代文学史通常称为“新时期”),诗界出现了反思、重新审视这些观念和规范性要求的潮流,在诗歌写作上出现多种诗歌向度的变革和实验。这种变革、实验的基点和走向,呈现与“当代”前30年诗歌的延伸、悖逆的复杂关系,因而仍与“当代”诗歌已形成的格局发生或隐或明的关联。 -
This is an attempt to write a history of English literature admittedly with an innovative approach. The traditional as well as the more modern views in the West on literary movements, schools, traditions and influences in the field of English literature and on individual English authors and their major and minor works are here given due respect and serious consideration, but with the reservation sometimes to differ and occasionally to introduce new and totally contrary judgments from the viewpoint of historical materialism i.e., the writers and their writings are to be given their proper places in each case in accordance with the roles, healthful or otherwise, that they play in the progress of history, social and literary. Of course,whether or how far have I succeeded in these pages in living up to the theory advanced above awaits judgment from my readers. This history is written primarily for Chinese readers, in particular for Chinese college students majoring in English language and literature, with the aim to give them a historical survey of English literature from its earliest beginnings down to the 20th century. As many college students in China today are being introduced for the first time to English literature in any systematic way, biographical sketches of the major writers and rather detailed resumes of their major works are generally provided in this history, before I enter into any serious discussions on the authors and their writings. A companion-book providing students with selections from representative works of representative English authors, arranged chronologically and accompanied with introductory remarks and notes, is expected to appear at the same time as this history. It is hoped that the two books together, this history and “Selected Readings in English Literature”, will give the students a rudimentary knowledge of English literature in its historical development. In view of the vastly different levels of proficiency in the English language among English majors in Chinese colleges and universities today, a shorter history than this, written in simpler language, seems also necessary for the present. Such a book is now being prepared. -
《中古文学系年(套装上下册)》是陆侃如先生的遗著,全稿八十余万字,是他在一九三十七年至一九四七年花费十年时间写成的。解放以后,他对原稿又不断进行修改、补充,直到一九七八年十二月一日逝世为止,因而,《中古文学系年(套装上下册)》可说是他生前的一部力作。 《中古文学系年(套装上下册)》以年为纲,以人为目,上自公元前五三年扬雄生,下迄公元三五一年卢谌死,共收录中古时期一百五十二位作家,详细考证了他们的生平事迹、著作篇目及著作年代。书中征引书籍数百种,资料极为丰富,对史书记载和旧说不确者,则时有订下,解决了不少疑问题,对中古文学的研究,具有较大的参考价值。 -