《用计算的观点看世界》把哲学问题置于当前科学前言领域的成果和思想的大视野中来讲述,带领读者浏览并欣赏科学前沿园地中正在盛开的"计算主义"之花,一种新的认识世界的方式——计算机的世界观。我们已经习惯于认为科学地能够解答我们的许多疑惑和问题,但是有些问题依然存在,关于宇宙、世界、时空、信息、进化、生命、心智……的问题。 -
Why Does the World Exist?
In this astonishing and profound work, an irreverent sleuth traces the riddle of existence from the ancient world to modern times. Whether framed philosophically as “Why is there a world rather than nothing at all?” or more colloquially as “But, Mommy, who made God?” the metaphysical mystery about how we came into existence remains the most fractious and fascinating question of all time. Following in the footsteps of Christopher Hitchens, Roger Penrose, and even Stephen Hawking, Jim Holt emerges with an engrossing narrative that traces our latest efforts to grasp the origins of the universe. As he takes on the role of cosmological detective, the brilliant yet slyly humorous Holt contends that we might have been too narrow in limiting our suspects to God vs. the Big Bang. Whether interviewing a cranky Oxford philosopher, a Physics Nobel Laureate, or a French Buddhist monk, Holt pursues unexplored and often bizarre angles to this cosmic puzzle. The result is a brilliant synthesis of cosmology, mathematics, and physics—one that propels his own work to the level of philosophy itself. -
《世界观的革命》是一部观点犀利的论文集,作者都是顶尖的学者,他们认识到世界观概念在理智与实践上的巨大重要性及其对人不可忽略的意义,于是对西方思想中自希腊希伯来时代,历经中世纪、文艺复兴、启蒙运动,直到现代乃至后现代的世界观进行了追踪探索,分析了西方文明历史的、哲学的及文化的根源,考察了直到今天还在挑战的那些观念与运动。这部书包含了世界观入门思维所需的一切,博学而透彻,必将使有志学者获益匪浅。 -
A History of the World in 100 Objects
'In this book, we travel back in time and across the globe, to see how we humans have shaped our world and been shaped by it over the past two million years. The story is told exclusively through the things that humans have made - all sorts of things, carefully designed and then either admired and preserved or used, broken and thrown away. I've chosen just a hundred objects from different points on our journey - from a cooking pot to a golden galleon, from a Stone Age tool to a credit card, and each object comes from the collection of the British Museum' - [from the introduction]. This book takes a dramatically original approach to the history of humanity, using objects which previous civilisations have left behind them, often accidentally, as prisms through which we can explore past worlds and the lives of the men and women who lived in them. The book's range is enormous. It begins with one of the earliest surviving objects made by human hands, a chopping tool from the Olduvai gorge in Africa, and ends with an object from the 21st century which represents the world we live in today. Neil MacGregor's aim is not simply to describe these remarkable things, but to show us their significance - how a stone pillar tells us about a great Indian emperor preaching tolerance to his people, how Spanish pieces of eight tell us about the beginning of a global currency or how an early Victorian tea-set tells us about the impact of empire. Each chapter immerses the reader in a past civilisation accompanied by an exceptionally well-informed guide. Seen through this lens, history is a kaleidoscope - shifting, interconnected, constantly surprising, and shaping our world today in ways that most of us have never imagined. An intellectual and visual feast, it is one of the most engrossing and unusual history books published in years. -
《坏世界研究:作为第一哲学的政治哲学》讨论了决定人们命运的制度、自由、权利和权力,这《坏世界研究:作为第一哲学的政治哲学》揭示了治国、治人、治事的秘密、策略和智慧!《坏世界研究:作为第一哲学的政治哲学》最适合读者:学者、政治家、政府官员、企业管理者、传媒工作者、学生以及关心政治的各界人士。每个人的命运都掌握在他人手里,每个人都欠着别人的幸福和自由。人的命运是最大的哲学问题,而政治是命运的最大问题。虽然世界是个坏世界。但我们渴望一个好世界。马基雅维利教人制造坏世界,赵汀阳试图指出如何对付坏世界。 -
“世界观”是《新周刊》2007年开的栏目,内容为各路高人的人生口述。 著名漫画家朱德庸说:我只想做个老鼠。 著名收藏家马未都说:美好人生是用来浪费的。 香港文化学者梁文道说:我拒绝做一个英雄。 新锐专栏作家连岳说:爱情是一门科学。 著名小说家韩少功说:人生“杂食比较好。 美学大师李泽厚说:每一个女人都需要生一个孩子。 青少年安全教育专家王大伟说:弱者没有微笑的权利。 著名导演关锦鹏说:每个人都是我们面对的镜子。