Guide to Getting It On!
There is no better how-to book on sex. Anywhere. We can say this with pride, because the book is that good. With six new chapters, 24 new illustrations and more than 4,500 updates and changes, this 7th edition of the category-leading Guide to Getting It On continues to earn its place as America's most up-to-date and informative book about sex. CHANGES WITH THIS EDITION INCLUDE: 24 new illustrations 192 new pages (1,184 pages total vs 992 for the prior edition) -
She Comes First
As women everywhere will attest, when it comes to understanding female sexuality, most guys know more about what's under the hood of a car than under the hood of a clitoris. And while it seems that men have struggled valiantly since the dawn of time to find ways to reliably elicit the female orgasm, rare is the guy who has the modesty to ask: "What do I do?" Ironically, the answer has always been right there on the tip of his tongue. Welcome to the world of SHE COMES FIRST, where the mystery of female satisfaction is solved and the tongue is proven mightier than the sword. According to Ian Kerner, clinical sexologist and evangelist of the female orgasm, oral sex has long been deemed an optional aspect of foreplay, but, in fact, it's coreplay -- simply the best way for leading a woman through the entire process of sexual response. Fun, informative, and easy to read, SHE COMES FIRST is a virtual encyclopedia of female pleasure, detailing dozens of tried-and-true techniques for consistently satisfying a woman and illustrated step-by-step instructions to ensure success. These simple methods represent a new era in sexual intimacy, one in which the exchange of pleasure occurs on a level playing field and fulfillment is mutual. SHE COMES FIRST exuberantly offers a fresh new sexual philosophy that inspires every man to make a mantra of Rhett Butler's infamous line to Scarlett O'Hara, "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how." -
這本書正在撼動全世界的性愛觀! 最激情!最赤裸!最活生生! 千萬網友狂力相「頂」, Sally Q的情趣體驗處女秀 「從小我就很清楚自己性慾很強!」 DON'T SHY~~~!! 就讓閱情趣用品無數的Sally Q老師帶你開發自己的敏感帶! 眼界大開!史上最完整的情趣用品蒐藏‧親身體驗報告 大家都需要情趣玩具!? 『我已經很強了,不需要這種東西。』『冷冰冰的東西,沒有溫度,太虛假了!』『我男朋友有大鵰(笑)、號稱一夜N次郎呢~』『我不能對不起我老婆!』『我提不起性慾…..』『我是出家人…..』食色性也!這些都不是理由! 透過情趣用品‧重新認識你的性感帶大聲面對自己的慾望吧! -
Position Of The Day Playbook
最受歡迎的專欄集結,不僅有趣,它更是一本最實用的工具書。 本書的作者Lorelei Sharkey說:「當我們決定把Nerve.com上面的每日一姿勢專欄〈Position of the Day〉集結的時候,我沒有想到兩人之間可以有那麼多種性愛的姿勢」。在每日一姿勢的專欄開始的時候,因為搭配了相當有趣的插圖讓這個專欄受到相當多人的閱讀與迴響,因此在這專欄告一段落後,Chronicle Books出版這本對男女之間性愛姿勢的生活趣味書。 當中不管你是性愛新手,或是識途老馬,當中都有相當多的建議姿勢提供,並且還有許多輔助工具的使用相關介紹與性愛小技巧。如果你覺得和你的另外一半的「性姿勢」枯燥乏味,那就趕快買一本吧! -
本書精采圖文試閱→【第二章:開胃菜】 性愛聖經,書中的所有姿勢,作者都親身驗證 這本書共分為六章,從性愛的原料、開胃菜、主餐、調味、場地、健康等章節逐一探索。作者強調性愛就像一場好玩的遊戲,要有淘氣的態度跟勇於嘗試的心情。作者大概就是最調皮的頑童,已經親身實驗過每一種遊戲,所以只要讀者肯放心下場玩,本書中所有招式全部行得通。 性愛聖經,是紐約圖書館失竊率第二高的書 美國《Library Journal》圖書雜誌調查,什麼樣的書在圖書館最容易失竊,在紐約市立圖書館,它的失竊率僅低於聖經。而根據全美74間市立圖書館統計,《性愛聖經》的失竊率始終高居榜上。的確,性愛書籍自有一定的吸引力,但是沒有一本比得過《性愛聖經》。 性愛聖經,在全球已經銷售八百萬本 1972年這本書出版後,引起社會轟動,在那保守的年代,作者不僅開風氣之先,在書中宣揚性愛的美好,還提供了詳細的圖文解說。在這30多年間,內容陸續更新,在全球已經銷售超過八百萬本,這項輝煌紀錄還沒有任何一本性書可以比擬。★16K,304頁,硬殼精裝,部分彩頁 作者簡介 Alex Comfort 是位人類學家兼醫學博士,除了在性學研究是先驅者之一,也發表過小說、詩集,還是醫學界抗老化領域的先鋒,出版了50多本著作以及多項科學論文。但是因為《性愛聖經》實在太紅了,以至於大家都忘了他其實還是位貨真價實的學者。 -
史上最杀性林秘籍 最fun的体位 最野的挑逗 最激的高潮 100种招式+1种独门自创 =101爱爱大图解! 内容简介 你是否有十八般武艺和无限的精力无处发泄…还是觉得和另一半之间少了些情趣,本书集结了中国老祖宗的闺房秘籍素女经、传说中由印度神明流传下来的性爱宝典爱经和从古至今坊间口耳相传各种的男女爱爱招术…等等,如传教士式、因陀罗妻子式、取悦式、清喉式……等爱爱招术,招招爆笑、式式咸湿,同时搭配画风独树一格的BO2插画,图解各种精采体位,一看就懂,书中还有附上作者亲身解说的「爱的小天使」与「爱的小恶魔」,让你爱到深处无怨尤。