编码:隐匿在计算机软硬件背后的语言,ISBN:9787121181184,作者:(美)佩措尔德(Petzold,C.)著 左飞,薛佟佟译 -
《算法竞赛入门经典:训练指南》是《算法竞赛入门经典》的重要补充,旨在补充原书中没有涉及或者讲解得不够详细的内容,从而构建一个较完整的知识体系,并且用大量有针对性的题目,让抽象复杂的算法和数学具体化、实用化。《算法竞赛入门经典:训练指南》共6章,分别为算法设计基础、数学基础、实用数据结构、几何问题、图论算法与模型和更多算法专题,全书通过近200道例题深入浅出地介绍了上述领域的各个知识点、经典思维方式以及程序实现的常见方法和技巧,并在章末和附录中给出了丰富的分类习题,供读者查漏补缺和强化学习效果。 -
别怕,Excel VBA其实很简单
《别怕,excel vba其实很简单》考虑到大多数读者没有编程基础的实际情况,用浅显易懂的语言和生动形象的比喻,并配合大量插画,介绍excel中看似复杂的概念和代码、从简单的宏录制、vba编程环境和基础语法的介绍,到常用对象的操作与控制、excel事件的调用与控制、用户界面设计、代码调试与优化、都进行了形象的介绍。 《别怕,excel vba其实很简单》适合想提高工作效率的办公人员,特别是经常需要处理、分析大量数据的相关人员,以及财经专业的高校师生阅读。 -
自己编写一个操作系统,是许多程序员的梦想。也许有人曾经挑战过,但因为太难而放弃了。其实你错了,你的失败并不是因为编写操作系统太难,而是因为没有人告诉你那其实是一件很简单的事。那么,你想不想再挑战一次呢? 这是一本兼具趣味性、实用性与学习性的书籍。作者从计算机的构造、汇编语言、C语言开始解说,让你在实践中掌握算法。在这本书的指导下,从零编写所有代码,30天后就可以制作出一个具有窗口系统的32位多任务操作系统。 本书以课题为主导,边做边玩,抛开晦涩难懂的语言,行文风格十分随性,还充满了各种欢乐的吐槽,适合操作系统爱好者和程序设计人员阅读。 -
Hacker's Delight
In Hacker's Delight, Second Edition, Hank Warren once again compiles an irresistible collection of programming hacks: timesaving techniques, algorithms, and tricks that help programmers build more elegant and efficient software, while also gaining deeper insights into their craft. Warren's hacks are eminently practical, but they're also intrinsically interesting, and sometimes unexpected, much like the solution to a great puzzle. They are, in a word, a delight to any programmer who is excited by the opportunity to improve. Extensive additions in this edition include * A new chapter on cyclic redundancy checking (CRC), including routines for the commonly used CRC-32 code * A new chapter on error correcting codes (ECC), including routines for the Hamming code * More coverage of integer division by constants, including methods using only shifts and adds * Computing remainders without computing a quotient * More coverage of population count and counting leading zeros * Array population count * New algorithms for compress and expand * An LRU algorithm * Floating-point to/from integer conversions * Approximate floating-point reciprocal square root routine * A gallery of graphs of discrete functions * Now with exercises and answers -
Professional Android 4 Application Development
Developers, build mobile Android apps using Android 4 The fast-growing popularity of Android smartphones and tablets creates a huge opportunities for developers. If you're an experienced developer, you can start creating robust mobile Android apps right away with this professional guide to Android 4 application development. Written by one of Google's lead Android developer advocates, this practical book walks you through a series of hands-on projects that illustrate the features of the Android SDK. That includes all the new APIs introduced in Android 3 and 4, including building for tablets, using the Action Bar, Wi-Fi Direct, NFC Beam, and more. Shows experienced developers how to create mobile applications for Android smartphones and tablets Revised and expanded to cover all the Android SDK releases including Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), including all updated APIs, and the latest changes to the Android platform. Explains new and enhanced features such as drag and drop, fragments, the action bar, enhanced multitouch support, new environmental sensor support, major improvements to the animation framework, and a range of new communications techniques including NFC and Wi-Fi direct. Provides practical guidance on publishing and marketing your applications, best practices for user experience, and more This book helps you learn to master the design, lifecycle, and UI of an Android app through practical exercises, which you can then use as a basis for developing your own Android apps.