Linux Shell脚本攻略
《Linux Shell脚本攻略》通过细致剖析实际应用中的110多个案例,使许多看似复杂的Linux shell脚本任务迎刃而解。《Linux Shell脚本攻略》会帮助读者利用少量命令的组合完成诸如文本处理、文件管理、备份等复杂的数据管理工作。它将告诉你如何利用shell命令快速开发常规任务,综合应用grep、find、sed和awk等常用命令,凭借短短几个命令行从Web挖掘数据的shell脚本,利用归档工具运行并自动化各种任务,诸如自动备份和存储;帮助你理解文件系统、文件类型以及文件管理;用shell创建以及维护文件或目录归档、压缩格式和加密技术;通过srlell脚本设置以太网和无线LAN;使用登录技术监控网络上的各种动态。 -
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition
The book is a programmer's guide and comprehensive reference to the core JavaScript language and to the client-side JavaScript APIs defined by web browsers. The sixth edition covers HTML 5 and ECMAScript 5. Many chapters have been completely rewritten to bring them in line with today's best web development practices. New chapters in this edition document jQuery and server-side JavaScript. Recommended for experienced programmers who want to learn the programming language of the Web, and for current JavaScript programmers who want to master it. -
Hacking Vim 7.2
Product Description Ready-to-use hacks with solutions for common situations encountered by users of the Vim editor * Create, install, and use Vim scripts to extend Vim's functionality * Personalize your work-area to fit your workflow * Optimize your Vim editor to be faster and more responsive * Packed with tips and tricks based on the author's practical experience In Detail Vim is one of the most powerful open-source editors used by programmers and system administrators around the world. While Vim itself is inherently a powerful editor, personalizing it to suit your needs can be a daunting task. However, it is possible to do so with the help of this book. This book contains examples that cover everything from personalizing Vim according to the your work cycle to optimizations that will boost the your productivity. The main focus of this book is to make your life, as a Vim user, easier. Each chapter deals with a different aspect, and provides recipes for easy-to-use hacks to customize and simplify your Vim experience. After an introduction covering the derivation of Vim and its relatives from the vi editor, the author explains basic changes that you can make to the appearance of the Vim editor. Further chapters cover improved navigation through files and buffers in Vim; speeding up your work with templates, auto-completion, folding, sessions, and registers; and formatting text and code, including using external formatting scripts. The final comprehensive chapter covers everything about using Vim scripts and scripting to extend functionality. This book is written for Vim 7.2, the latest stable version. This latest version of Vim includes many new features like spell-checking, code completion, document tabs, current line and column highlighting, undo branches, and much more. Getting the most out of the Vim editor What you will learn from this book * Gain a deep understanding of Vim to master the editor * Personalize Vim to suit your needs * Navigate through files faster while editing multiple files * Boost your productivity by using templates, auto-completion, folding, sessions, and registers * Improve the formatting of your text and code by mastering simple tricks * Extend Vim with script * Retain your Vim configuration across computers by storing an online copy Approach This book is a tutorial packed with ready-to-use hacks that give solutions for common problems faced by Vim users in their everyday life. Every chapter covers a set of recipes, each of which follows a systematic approach with a self-contained description of the task it covers, how to use it, and what you gain by using it. The minimum version of Vim required for each hack is clearly indicated. Who this book is written for If you are a Vim user who wants to get more out of this legendary text editor, this book is for you. It focuses on making life easier for intermediate to experienced Vim users. -
时至今日,Linux系统已经从一个个人作品发展为可以用于各种关键任务的成熟、高效和稳定的操作系统,因为具备跨平台、开源、支持众多应用软件和网络协议等优点,它得到了各大主流软硬件厂商的支持,也成为广大程序设计人员理想的开发平台。 本书是Linux程序设计领域的经典名著,以简单易懂、内容全面和示例丰富而受到广泛好评。中文版前两版出版后,在国内的Linux爱好者和程序员中也引起了强烈反响,这一热潮一直持续至今。本书是国内读者翘首以待的第4版,此次新版内容组织更加严谨,译者更是细心雕琢,保留了这部权威著作的原汁原味。 对Linux所提供的功能全面而准确的阐述,以及贯穿全书的示例程序体验,使本书不仅成为初学者的最佳Linux程序设计指南,而且是中高级程序员不可或缺的参考书。 -
Python Cookbook
本书介绍了Python应用在各个领域中的一些使用技巧和方法,从最基本的字符、文件序列、字典和排序,到进阶的面向对象编程、数据库和数据持久化、 XML处理和Web编程,再到比较高级和抽象的描述符、装饰器、元类、迭代器和生成器,均有涉及。书中还介绍了一些第三方包和库的使用,包括 Twisted、GIL、PyWin32等。本书覆盖了Python应用中的很多常见问题,并提出了通用的解决方案。书中的代码和方法具有很强的实用性,可以方便地应用到实际的项目中,并产生立竿见影的效果。尤为难得的是,本书的各位作者都具有丰富的业界实践经验,因此,本书不仅给出了对各种问题的解决方案,同时还体现了很多专家的思维方式和良好的编程习惯,与具体的细节性知识相比,这部分内容无疑是本书的精华。 本书适合具有一定Python基础的读者阅读参考。 -
Agile Web Development with Rails (4th edition)
Ruby on Rails helps you produce high-quality, beautiful-looking web applications quickly. You concentrate on creating the application, and Rails takes care of the details. Tens of thousands of developers have used this award-winning book to learn Rails. It's a broad, far-reaching tutorial and reference that's recommended by the Rails core team. If you're new to Rails, you'll get step-by-step guidance. If you're an experienced developer, this book will give you the comprehensive, insider information you need. Rails has evolved over the years, and this book has evolved along with it. We still start with a step-by-step walkthrough of building a real application, and in-depth chapters look at the built-in Rails features. This edition now gives new Ruby and Rails users more information on the Ruby language and takes more time to explain key concepts throughout. Best practices on how to apply Rails continue to change, and this edition keeps up. Examples use cookie backed sessions, HTTP authentication, and Active Record-based forms, and the book focuses throughout on the right way to use Rails. Additionally, this edition now reflects Ruby 1.9, a new release of Ruby with substantial functional and performance improvements.