Programming with Mathematica®
Starting from first principles, this book covers all of the foundational material needed to develop a clear understanding of the Mathematica language, with a practical emphasis on solving problems. Concrete examples throughout the text demonstrate how Mathematica can be used to solve problems in science, engineering, economics/finance, computational linguistics, geoscience, bioinformatics, and a range of other fields. The book will appeal to students, researchers and programmers wishing to further their understanding of Mathematica. Designed to suit users of any ability, it assumes no formal knowledge of programming so it is ideal for self-study. Over 290 exercises are provided to challenge the reader's understanding of the material covered and these provide ample opportunity to practice using the language. Mathematica notebooks containing examples, programs and solutions to exercises are available from www.cambridge.org/wellin. -
The Art of R Programming
R in a Nutshell
R is rapidly becoming the standard for developing statistical software, and R in a Nutshell provides a quick and practical way to learn this increasingly popular open source language and environment. You'll not only learn how to program in R, but also how to find the right user-contributed R packages for statistical modeling, visualization, and bioinformatics. -
《大学计算机教育国外著名教材系列:算法设计(影印版)》是近年来关于算法设计和分析的不可多得的优秀教材。《大学计算机教育国外著名教材系列:算法设计(影印版)》围绕算法设计技术组织素材,对每种算法技术选择了多个典型范例进行分析。《大学计算机教育国外著名教材系列:算法设计(影印版)》将直观性与严谨性完美地结合起来。每章从实际问题出发,经过具体、深入、细致的分析,自然且富有启发性地引出相应的算法设计思想,并对算法的正确性、复杂性进行恰当的分析、论证。《大学计算机教育国外著名教材系列:算法设计(影印版)》覆盖的面较宽,凡属串行算法的经典论题都有涉及,并且论述深入有新意。全书共200多道丰富而精彩的习题是《大学计算机教育国外著名教材系列:算法设计(影印版)》的重要组成部分,也是《大学计算机教育国外著名教材系列:算法设计(影印版)》的突出特色之一。 -
本书适合程序库、编译器开发者及追求优美程序设计的人员阅读,适合用作计算机专业高年级学生及研究生的参考用书。 本书直观明了地讲述了计算机算术的更深层次的、更隐秘的技术,汇集了各种编辑的小技巧,包括常购的任务的小算法,2的幂边界和边界检测、位和字节的重排列、整数除法和常量除法、针对整数的基涵义,空间填充曲线、素数公式等。 -
Numerical Recipes in C