本书以机器学习与计算统计为主题背景,专门讲述如何挖掘和分析Web上的数据和资源,如何分析用户体验、市场营销、个人品味等诸多信息,并得出有用的结论,通过复杂的算法来从Web网站获取、收集并分析用户的数据和反馈信息,以便创造新的用户价值和商业价值。全书内容翔实,包括协作过滤技术(实现关联产品推荐功能)、集群数据分析(在大规模数据集中发掘相似的数据子集)、搜索引擎核心技术(爬虫、索引、查询引擎、PageRank算法等)、搜索海量信息并进行分析统计得出结论的优化算法、贝叶斯过滤技术(垃圾邮件过滤、文本过滤)、用决策树技术实现预测和决策建模功能、社交网络的信息匹配技术、机器学习和人工智能应用等。 本书是Web开发者、架构师、应用工程师等的绝佳选择。 -
Thinking in C++
In the first edition of Thinking in C++, Bruce Eckel synthesized years of C++ teaching and programming experience into a beautifully structured course in making the most of the language. It became an instant classic, winning the 1995 Software Development Jolt Cola Award for best book of the year. Now, Eckel has thoroughly rewritten Thinking in C++ to reflect the final ANSI/ISO C++ standard. Every page has been revisited and rethought, with many new examples and exercises -- all designed to help you understand C++ "down to the bare metal," so you can solve virtually any problem. Eckel starts with a detailed look at objects, showing how C++ programs can be constructed from off-the-shelf object libraries. This edition includes a new, chapter-length overview of the C features that are used in C++ -- plus a new CD-ROM containing an outstanding C seminar that covers all the foundations developers need before they can truly take advantage of C++. Eckel then walks through initialization and cleanup; function overloading and default arguments; constants; inline functions; name control; references and the copy constructor; operator overloading; and more. There are chapters on dynamic object creation; inheritance and composition; polymorphism and virtual functions, and templates. (Bonus coverage of string, templates, and the Standard Template Library, can be found at Eckel's web site.) Every chapter contains many modular, to-the-point examples, plus exercises based on Eckel's extensive experience teaching C++ seminars. Put simply, Eckel has made an outstanding book on C++ even better. -
为了彻底理解是什么使得Linux能正常运行以及其为何能在各种不同的系统中运行良好,你需要深入研究内核最本质的部分。内核处理CPU与外界间的所有交互,并且决定哪些程序将以什么顺序共享处理器时间。它如此有效地管理有限的内存,以至成百上千的进程能高效地共享系统。它熟练地统筹数据传输,这样CPU不用为等待速度相对较慢的硬盘而消耗比正常耗时更长的时间。 《深入理解Linux内核,第三版》指导你对内核中使用的最重要的数据结构、算法和程序设计诀窍进行一次遍历。通过对表面特性的探究,作者给那些想知道自己机器工作原理的人提供了颇有价值的见解。书中讨论了Intel特有的重要性质。相关的代码片段被逐行剖析。然而,本书涵盖的不仅仅是代码的功能,它解释了Linux以自己的方式工作的理论基础。 本书将使你了解Linux的所有内部工作,它不仅仅是一个理论上的练习。你将学习到哪些情况下Linux性能最佳,并且你将看到,在大量的不同环境里进行进程调度、文件存取和内存管理时,它如何满足提供良好的系统响应的需要。这本书将帮助你充分利用Linux系统。 -
可重用的软件模块是构建大规模可靠应用程序的基石,创建可重用的软件模块是每个程序员和项目经理必须掌握的技能。C语言对创建可重用的API提供的语言和功能支持非常少,虽然C程序员写应用时都会用到API和库,但却很少有人去创建和发布新的能广泛应用的API。本书介绍用一种基于接口的设计方法创建可重用的API,这一方法将接口与实现分离开来,且与语言无关。书中详细描述了24个接口及其实现,便于读者深入了解此方法。这些接口涉及很多计算机领域的知识,包括数据结构、算法、字符串处理和并发程序。 本书是C语言领域的的经典名著,出版十余年仍畅销不衰,是几代程序员倍加推崇的力作。 -
Expert C Programming
For software engineers and computer programmers who are writing, developing, testing, debugging software on either IBM PCs or Unix systems. Written for experienced C programmers who want to quickly pick up some of the insights and techniques of experts and master the fine arts of ANSI C, this volume passes on the wisdom of a highly experienced C compiler writer and his colleagues to help programmers reach new heights, and avoid common software pitfalls along the way. Using an original approach and a humorous style that makes deep knowledge both easy and accessible, it gathers into one place, tips, hints, shortcuts, guidelines, ideas, idioms, heuristics, tools, anecdotes, C folklore, and techniques that are often penciled in margins and on backs of papers by those working in the programming trenches-working on many different kinds of projects, over many, many years. -
Expert C Programming
For software engineers and computer programmers who are writing, developing, testing, debugging software on either IBM PCs or Unix systems. Written for experienced C programmers who want to quickly pick up some of the insights and techniques of experts and master the fine arts of ANSI C, this volume passes on the wisdom of a highly experienced C compiler writer and his colleagues to help programmers reach new heights, and avoid common software pitfalls along the way. Using an original approach and a humorous style that makes deep knowledge both easy and accessible, it gathers into one place, tips, hints, shortcuts, guidelines, ideas, idioms, heuristics, tools, anecdotes, C folklore, and techniques that are often penciled in margins and on backs of papers by those working in the programming trenches-working on many different kinds of projects, over many, many years.